right now I have Hurricane Herpes i hate the shit but it gets me buzzed and i call it hurricane herpes because of my grandmother who is hitting her 90's still drinking and smoking on the reservation. She was at the liquor store and some other low life Indians were drinking a hurricane and offered her some. She noticed one of 'em had a cold sore so she declined and came home spouting about that hurricane herpes going around. lol I love her....
I would drink pretty much anything other than this but its convenient and cheap id even drink a 211
With the exception of Fat Tire, thoroughly enjoy all the beers I've reviewed on there. I've had many more, but I haven't actually sat down and given my thoughts on 'em. BA is a great reference for craft brews, btw.
Belgian style wheat ale beer that usually goes for around $8 a 6-pack. Has kind of a citrus taste in a way as I think one of the main ingredients is citrus peel. It's a lot better served in a glass with a slice of orange.
Grinch, one of my favorite ales. Great wintry brew. Ska's Euphoria is up there with it, despite how sub-par their other beers are.
One can not really go wrong with Sierra Nevada. I would be interested in trying Ska's Euphoria, have not heard reference to it prior to your post, although am personally more oriented towards an ale.
This eventing I had Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale
6.8% ABV
(backed by Pacifico)
A bitter, yet pleasantly hoppy taste, on the heavy side, although quite enjoyable.
BA is a good site, referenced it many times in the past, although have never personally written any reviews.
I started drinking it and realized it had a somewhat tart aftertaste. Come to find out the recommended drink by date on the bottle was January 2010, lol.
Belgian style wheat ale beer that usually goes for around $8 a 6-pack. Has kind of a citrus taste in a way as I think one of the main ingredients is citrus peel. It's a lot better served in a glass with a slice of orange.
drank that yesterday was pretty good :thumbsup: drank it w. out the orange slice though.
I started drinking it and realized it had a somewhat tart aftertaste. Come to find out the recommended drink by date on the bottle was January 2010, lol.
Now THAT'S a quality lager.
I have gained a newfound respect for Samuel Adams beer in the last couple weeks.
Especially the Boston Lager.
EDIT: Also, Spaten makes a beer called "Optimator" with 7.6%ABV and a heavy flavor that is quite tasty and Innis and Gunn makes a beer aged for about 60 days in rum-casks that received favorable reviews from people I know.
Enjoyed IPA Nectar a few times recently. Not the most common, although has been a pleasant drink when found.
Rather sweet, tastes of hop, good finish. Easy to drink, remains crisp throughout, worthwhile purchase.
For those who love a good IPA, check out the DogFish Head 90-minute IPA (They market a number of IPAs, and also many other types, and most of them are great.). 9%, very hoppy and also fairly malty. A delicious brew.
Also, have you tried GD's Chocolate Oak Aged Yetti? Little stronger than the regular, but still damn good. As usual for a russian imp., it does sit like a fucking brick in your stomach.
Also, have you tried GD's Chocolate Oak Aged Yetti? Little stronger than the regular, but still damn good. As usual for a russian imp., it does sit like a fucking brick in your stomach.
Excellent APA. Solid amount of hops with some good malty back end (more caramel than coffee/chocolate).
Samuel Smith is hands down my favorite import brewery I have tried. Everything that I have tried from them is great. I haven't seen any of the Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti at the beer store, but if I do I will definitely give it a try. Russian Imperial Stouts are my favorite.
I just picked up an interesting double pale ale. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/68/35754 11.5 percent alcohol and very well disguised. 85 ibu's so don't get it unless you really like hops.
Samuel Smith is hands down my favorite import brewery I have tried. Everything that I have tried from them is great. I haven't seen any of the Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti at the beer store, but if I do I will definitely give it a try. Russian Imperial Stouts are my favorite.
I just picked up an interesting double pale ale. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/68/35754 11.5 percent alcohol and very well disguised. 85 ibu's so don't get it unless you really like hops.
Had it. Very good stuff. Just got it in at the place I was working.
For those who love a good IPA, check out the DogFish Head 90-minute IPA (They market a number of IPAs, and also many other types, and most of them are great.). 9%, very hoppy and also fairly malty. A delicious brew.
Sounds quite good, will have to look for it. Thanks.
Edit: Jesus, 9.0%
Stone Ruination IPA ABV: 7.7%
First time trying this IPA out, the smell itself was quite enjoyable, primarily hops, slightly citrusy.
Overall tastes of hops, although a rather balanced, easy to drink beverage.
Just picked that up a few days ago, and was pretty impressed. I'm not a huge guinness fan, but they made this one right. I decided to buy one of my go-to beers sierra nevada pale ale. It's one of the better pale ales I like. Happy drinking.:D
The stuff's called Gulden Draak. It's a dark, belgian triple fermented ale with more than 10% ABV. The folks who brewed this do a good job of covering up the alcohol flavor and scent, and it tastes great. Complex, like most good Belgian triples.
EDIT: One thing that I've noticed after trying several Belgian triples is that the yeast that they use tends to give the beer a slight hint of banana, cotton-candy and/or bubble-gum, among other flavors.
The stuff's called Gulden Draak. It's a dark, belgian triple fermented ale with more than 10% ABV. The folks who brewed this do a good job of covering up the alcohol flavor and scent, and it tastes great. Complex, like most good Belgian triples.
EDIT: One thing that I've noticed after trying several Belgian triples is that the yeast that they use tends to give the beer a slight hint of banana, cotton-candy and/or bubble-gum, among other flavors.
had it on tap at the bar i was working at. Highly recommended. Can be a bit pricey.
had it on tap at the bar i was working at. Highly recommended. Can be a bit pricey.
Fuckin' ay, it's a bit pricey.
All of this imported shit is way expensive.
Nice thing about Belgian Triples though, is that they don't have to be brewed in Belgium.
There's a brewery that goes by the name of Defiant, situated in Pearl River, NY, and they brew a very satisfactory 9% ABV triple. As long as they use the right ingredients and follow the right technique, all they need is some Belgian yeast to make it perfect.
I just picked up a twelve pack of new Belgium's seasonal, snow day. Not a bad bee at all and when I picked it up at public it was just over 13 bucks. A great price considering fat tire is usually 17 after tax. Beer pours dark with a light tan head. Aroma smells malty with a hint of chocolate and other spices. Enjoyable beer and if I can get it at that price, it will be my go to this winter. BA had it defined as a winter warmer style beer but that seems like its up for debate.
Usually hate beer (Im a cider man myself), but when I went to Austria I couldnt not have one so this is the only one I enjoyed:
Oh, and when I went up a friends house I had this (which was another one I sort of liked) Beer and Tequila are a great mix:
I view beer as fine to drink as long as Im sort of drunk, because when Im like that I'll drink anything.
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
5.6% ABV
Somewhat of a classic ale, which many base their taste around.
Rich, very smooth, recognizable earthy taste.
Nice to enjoy alongside a hearty meal.
I think much more highly of you now, and doubt you are as much of a douche as I had previously thought.
right now I have Hurricane Herpes i hate the shit but it gets me buzzed and i call it hurricane herpes because of my grandmother who is hitting her 90's still drinking and smoking on the reservation. She was at the liquor store and some other low life Indians were drinking a hurricane and offered her some. She noticed one of 'em had a cold sore so she declined and came home spouting about that hurricane herpes going around. lol I love her....
I would drink pretty much anything other than this but its convenient and cheap id even drink a 211
but if im feeling fancy
my ultimate
Could go for some of this
Correct pour.
Incorrect pour.
Tell google, I drink beer from the bottle.
My thoughts on some beers.
With the exception of Fat Tire, thoroughly enjoy all the beers I've reviewed on there. I've had many more, but I haven't actually sat down and given my thoughts on 'em. BA is a great reference for craft brews, btw.
Belgian style wheat ale beer that usually goes for around $8 a 6-pack. Has kind of a citrus taste in a way as I think one of the main ingredients is citrus peel. It's a lot better served in a glass with a slice of orange.
All I remember was strong taste and very satisfying :hai:
Stella Artois
St. Pauli Girl Special Dark
One can not really go wrong with Sierra Nevada. I would be interested in trying Ska's Euphoria, have not heard reference to it prior to your post, although am personally more oriented towards an ale.
This eventing I had Sierra Nevada's Celebration Ale
6.8% ABV
(backed by Pacifico)
A bitter, yet pleasantly hoppy taste, on the heavy side, although quite enjoyable.
BA is a good site, referenced it many times in the past, although have never personally written any reviews.
Men only drink...
Lol QFT:p
Both beers that I have had recently.
5.1% ABV
A bitter/hops taste, good flavor, rather easy to drink, although has a decent amount of carbonation.
While Firestone isn't the most prolific ale, it has proved as a consistent fallback without complaints.
I started drinking it and realized it had a somewhat tart aftertaste. Come to find out the recommended drink by date on the bottle was January 2010, lol.
Now THAT'S a quality lager.
You clearly have never had the Miller Lite with Lime. Smelled, looked, and tasted like urine. Plain and simple.
My favorite tasting beer so far.
EDIT: Fuck that, Samuel Adams Noble Pils is my favorite. Tastes awesome.
drank that yesterday was pretty good :thumbsup: drank it w. out the orange slice though.
I have gained a newfound respect for Samuel Adams beer in the last couple weeks.
Especially the Boston Lager.
EDIT: Also, Spaten makes a beer called "Optimator" with 7.6%ABV and a heavy flavor that is quite tasty and Innis and Gunn makes a beer aged for about 60 days in rum-casks that received favorable reviews from people I know.
Someone plans on getting shitty, eh? Extra points for shots of spirits in between the beers.
Brewed in western samoa
What i normally drink
My favourite ever. Seriously, who ever thought the french would make a good beer? Definitely not cheap though....
I had some Heineken since yesterday... but at the moment I'm bum out of beer : /
But around here, it's basically the rule.
ABV: 6.8%
Enjoyed IPA Nectar a few times recently. Not the most common, although has been a pleasant drink when found.
Rather sweet, tastes of hop, good finish. Easy to drink, remains crisp throughout, worthwhile purchase.
Russian Imperial Stout: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/158/12013
IPA: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/273/1493
Brown IPA: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/64/1161
Strong ale: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/147/92
Lager: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/35/104
Amber/Red Ale: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/192/607
Oatmeal Stout: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/132/56973
Nut Brown Ale: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/113/576
I'm a little bit of a beer nerd...
Everything you need to know about every beer you'll ever encounter is up on that site.
For those who love a good IPA, check out the DogFish Head 90-minute IPA (They market a number of IPAs, and also many other types, and most of them are great.). 9%, very hoppy and also fairly malty. A delicious brew.
Since you brought up Sam Smith, I will counter your oatmeal stout with theirs.
Damn good stuff.
Also, have you tried GD's Chocolate Oak Aged Yetti? Little stronger than the regular, but still damn good. As usual for a russian imp., it does sit like a fucking brick in your stomach.
Also, just had this the other night:
Excellent APA. Solid amount of hops with some good malty back end (more caramel than coffee/chocolate).
Samuel Smith is hands down my favorite import brewery I have tried. Everything that I have tried from them is great. I haven't seen any of the Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti at the beer store, but if I do I will definitely give it a try. Russian Imperial Stouts are my favorite.
I just picked up an interesting double pale ale. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/68/35754 11.5 percent alcohol and very well disguised. 85 ibu's so don't get it unless you really like hops.
Had it. Very good stuff. Just got it in at the place I was working.
for weeknights.
for every other conceivable occasion.
Sounds quite good, will have to look for it. Thanks.
Edit: Jesus, 9.0%
Stone Ruination IPA
ABV: 7.7%
First time trying this IPA out, the smell itself was quite enjoyable, primarily hops, slightly citrusy.
Overall tastes of hops, although a rather balanced, easy to drink beverage.
Am interested in trying the original Stone IPA.
7.5% ABV
Extremely dense Guinness flavor.
This shit is Guinness^2
Just picked that up a few days ago, and was pretty impressed. I'm not a huge guinness fan, but they made this one right. I decided to buy one of my go-to beers sierra nevada pale ale. It's one of the better pale ales I like. Happy drinking.:D
The stuff's called Gulden Draak. It's a dark, belgian triple fermented ale with more than 10% ABV. The folks who brewed this do a good job of covering up the alcohol flavor and scent, and it tastes great. Complex, like most good Belgian triples.
EDIT: One thing that I've noticed after trying several Belgian triples is that the yeast that they use tends to give the beer a slight hint of banana, cotton-candy and/or bubble-gum, among other flavors.
had it on tap at the bar i was working at. Highly recommended. Can be a bit pricey.
Fuckin' ay, it's a bit pricey.
All of this imported shit is way expensive.
Nice thing about Belgian Triples though, is that they don't have to be brewed in Belgium.
There's a brewery that goes by the name of Defiant, situated in Pearl River, NY, and they brew a very satisfactory 9% ABV triple. As long as they use the right ingredients and follow the right technique, all they need is some Belgian yeast to make it perfect.
:thumbsup: great beer . pretty good. dont know if any of you tried it.
Oh, and when I went up a friends house I had this (which was another one I sort of liked) Beer and Tequila are a great mix:
I view beer as fine to drink as long as Im sort of drunk, because when Im like that I'll drink anything.