As you may or may not be aware, is down and so is the IRC where they had all these wonderful lessons. I was looking around and came across this massive PDF file containing a whole shit load of goodies. Inside the PDF file you will find all the lessons which could previously be found on the lulzco IRC and at There's a lot of good stuff in there, some of which uses real examples of website hacking in order to demonstrate things, which is cool. Enjoy.
edit: holy shit :eek:
can someone please re-upload the file.
were you using stumbleupon when you found that?
BTW, Link is dead. please fix. I'm interested.
Who are "they"? As for uploading the file once again, I don't even have the copy anymore. I lost it when I formatted my computer :facepalm:
I guess there must be some Law Authority organization responsible for the deletion of the file from every location, I'm just guessing but sure it is logic that Law Authorities doesn't want it to fall in the wrong hands.
anyway, thanks for replying
You assume correct sir.