Infraction for rachelwhatlley: Rule Infraction

chippychippy <b style="color:pink;">Global Moderator</b>
edited November 2011 in Infractions
Post: i got eczema & neurological damage
User: rachelwhatlley
Infraction: Rule Infraction
Points: 12

Administrative Note:
Drama spamming troll

Message to User:
Kidiot spamming the boards with drama trolling. Take a days break.

Original Post:
This guy really is a Nazi.

This site is supposed to be about free speech and opinion but say something he doesn't like and he'll press the big bad BANNED button and delete your messages.

What a sad, pathetic loser.

Jeez, he should fuck off to Iran or North Korea if he wants to gag free speech. What a prick!
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