I have made the decision to start a Totse themed broadcast. It will start mid February on 107.9 FM locally and on the shortwave band covering the pacific and part of the US depending on the time of day and weather conditions but shortwave can cover the globe if the conditions are right. At the moment I am looking at a modified Icom 718 HF transceiver (
Link) for a shortwave transmitter and am in the middle of sourcing a FM amplifier for our FM transmitter.
I may start an internet based station to supplement the shortwave and FM broadcasts or otherwise I will upload the shows to dropbox or other such place. I will record the show before transmission as im not keen to transmit from my property in case someone comes looking for the station while I am transmitting plus it makes it harder to be found and any issues can be fixed rather than having a major fuck up on a live broadcast. Chances are I will make it portable and drive out into the middle of nowhere to do the shortwave broadcast and do the FM broadcast in town.
My Ideas for show content is non stop music and discussion of any topic of your choosing which can be arranged on Teamspeak. Basically I would like to use it to attract interesting people to the site and pirate radio is a good place to do so IMO. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the broadcast let me know.
How did you know I was going to do something like that
Unless we have interference issues or whatnot, these will be our primary broadcast frequency's. The broadcast will be on random days which will be announced here before the broadcast begins.
White being the strongest followed by grey,yellow,pink,blue,orange and green being the weakest.
Since you are in Australia, I could easily reach you with say 40 watts AM rather than SSB allowing you to listen in using a regular shortwave radio. Even though I can use the regular AM band, I doubt you could hear me over that sort of distance.
EDIT: AM band is no good, However if you get a cheap shortwave radio from somewhere and connect it to a piece of long wire strung up in a tree you should hear me just fine in the evenings.
For example http://jaycar.com.au/productView.asp?ID=AR1741&keywords=radio&form=KEYWORD will do nicely.
[IMG]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/35447607/Radio Totse/Coverage Maps/Australia field strength.jpg[/IMG]
At the moment i'm just sourcing things like coax cable and connectors for the antenna as well as other bits and pieces. The transmitter will cost me $880 NZD second hand plus $120 shipping. I could get it cheaper but amateur operators won't sell equipment to unlicensed people even though its completely legal to do so. Besides, its not pirate radio if you are licensed to transmit.
Fuck the FCC/RSM/Ofcom/*insert radio police agency here*. Pirate radio FTW
I love Wavepad for it's ease of use and full featured nature.
Any good Dak ?
Fuck its been years since I tried to build a crystal radio. I never had much luck with them, I should get the parts for one and attempt to build one some day. My first shortwave radio antenna consisted of some mains cable strung across the yard which my parents weren't to happy about. I could pick up phone calls on it as a few people in town had the old analogue cordless phones. I will never forget the day when I heard a girl from school talking to her mate about how many guys had fucked her in the past year.
Ah noice
I'v tried with old army methods too. they kinda dont really work. making the coil is the hardest part.
I used one of those kits from dick smith when they still had all of that sort of thing. It had the proper cats whisker diode for it rather than the old blued razor blade diode detector that you can make. Getting the right amount of windings of your coil without an inductance tester to help calculate the frequency range is a bitch to do. Sure its possible but its rather time consuming.
On the topic of the FM transmitter, I tested its output power today with the new SWR/Power meter and found that without an amplifier it only outputs 10 mW of RF. I want 10 watts minimum. Maybe I will just go buy a 10 watt transmitter after I get the shortwave transmitter. At the moment I can transmit at least 3 Km with the piss weak FM TX which is surprising. The helical antenna outperforms itself.
The meter:
[IMG]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/35447607/Radio Totse/Transmission Gear/SAM_1675.JPG[/IMG]
Pic of the transmitter
Most if not all of it will be pre recorded. Saves any fuck ups on air.
Sounds like a plan. Any material made by the members here will be good.
. You must really know ur shit kudos Dak, kudos
Would be awsome to get shout outs to people! "
"Dfg would like dedicate this song to , Carmel, they are on their 2nd date and dfg would like to sodomize her tonight" ( in a Richard mursa tone lol
Shortwave was the main long distance communication's link before satellites and the internet. Pirate radio via shortwave is still very popular today, It was big in the 50's and 60's. Most pirates have moved to FM however.
I'm going to get my radio working again that my dad had when I was little. It's pretty awesome, it also picks up aircraft frequencies and I think picks up police, ambulance and stuff like that (or it did).
Sweet. I have an antenna that will cover between 7 to 7.3 MHz which your radio should have no problems receiving. I was going to start broadcasting tonight but I got home after dark and I need to put the antenna up somewhere, I'll try tomorrow. What sort of weird shit have you been hearing?
EDIT: Was just heard by a guy in northern Spain
[IMG]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/35447607/Radio Totse/Transmission Gear/SAM_1894.JPG[/IMG]
Power supply
[IMG]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/35447607/Radio Totse/Transmission Gear/SAM_1901.JPG[/IMG]
Antenna switch
[IMG]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/35447607/Radio Totse/Transmission Gear/SAM_1890.JPG[/IMG]
Transmitter powering a 100 watt light bulb (shows why you shouldn't touch a transmitting antenna)
[IMG]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/35447607/Radio Totse/Transmission Gear/SAM_1884.JPG[/IMG]
Antenna layout
[img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/35447607/Radio Totse/Transmission Gear/antennas.jpg[/img]