Did you give it a few swirls to try and kick it off? Did you peel your lie it the solvent to avoid depletion?
Is your sodium hydroxide crystals?
I would add a half a cap of water and if that doesn't do the trick i really don't know what's up. Is shellite a type of np solvent? We don't have that here.
Please try to refrain from making multiple posts in a row in my thread it just makes things look messy as shit.
If you think of something after posting use the edit function.
What would one use if theyve run out of ether? Hexane is still available, I'm just wondering what the best and easiest to obtain substitute would be?
Alright so after doing some research on non polar solvents I answered one of my own questions.
Onwe lingering question is about NPs. Kcind75's story towards the top of this page will be my example. He replaced the hexane with crown camp fuel. Would the ether still be needed in this scenario, or to be more specific there, does there have to be 2 different solvents? What is the reason behind using both hexane and the washed dyethel ether if each solvent can be used to store the lithium? And if just one can be used, would the amount have to be more to make up for the one not being used?
Sorry for the probably easy and stupid question but I just want to understand why and what the chemical is doing for the reaction or what 2 are doing vs. 1 etc. Thanks to anyone who can answer my question!
You can use any NP solvent you want at any percentage I just recommend these as these have what I have found best at after A LOT of research.
However I do suggest keeping to the same amount of solvent
Diethyl ether is easy to source.
Sold as starter fluid ((you can get this at most hardware or shops like Kmart super cheap ECT (I know you might not have these stores but do some looking around for starter fluid...))
Make sure you wash this as they are known to have lube in it (wait for it...:)
I have no problem waiting my turn so if possible get back to me when you answer the other ones ahead of me guys. Curious , Other than an issue of heat and availability is there any benefit to using Ammonium Sulphate (AS) versus NH4NO3(AN) Thanks
A couple questions if anyone would not mind answering but one is to Enso or anyone that has experience with the story. (#1)
1. Fire Ext. method versus the SS , Which is better and why ?
2. Is there any real difference between Ms Suzi and her step sister Ms. Ephedra in terms of quality of the story and the feeling you get from reading the story ?
Fire extinguishers have been left an entire RXN without venting"burping".
And they can be used multiple times.
Mind you there are negatives to the extinguisher.
The worst things I've noticed is that you cannot see the reaction making it harder to tell when the reaction is finished,
Only leaving the judgment on only time which isn't always as accurate.
They are also a pain in the ass to clean.
Hey snowberrez, welcome! I'm pretty new too and can agree with everything you said, awesome thread, awesome community, awesome stories.
As for your questions I will answer them as best I can seeing as I'm the only other person in this thread at this hour.
1) The chapter your talking about would be when the ammonia nitrate or sulphate is added into your RV and the reaction gets started. Since you will have to relieve pressure build up in the bottle as needed, the smell emitted is a strong smell of ammonia. Very strong, nasty, distinct smell. This is why Darwin award winners actually write their stories while driving their vehicle around/with the windows cracked to get the fumes lost in traffic smog, oil and gas smells on the road etc. But anyway, may I ask you what your area being used to write is like? House, apartment, garage, woods etc. 2) as for masking the odor I don't know of anything to totally eliminate it but depending on what your area of work is like you can definitely decrease the smell. An open window or door and a oscillating fan moving air around and maybe out would help quite a bit.
3) and 4) Ive never heard of the bottle you found in place of the sodastream but I would highly implore you to use one of the SS. They actually are quite a remarkable product and can hold 250psi and your story will need around 100psi(so I've read in the thread) to complete the reaction so for me it's got the added bonus of making me feel safer. Do you have access to Amazon? Tons of them on there from various distributors. Mine arrived 3 days after placing the order and including shipping it totaled a little less then then 16$ for a 2 pack and the 1 liter size. Hope this helped you somehow and keep questions coming as well as your own personal knowledge about writing stories, tips hacks tricks etc. Good luck!
Fire ext. Is better by far. Its safer ,if some happens to show up u don't need to worry about it it won't blow up if u have to hide it for a bit. Use less cold pack less lye and less battery's. It breaks down us battery's faster and all the way. And u hold a more even psi which make better dope
Cooling the RXN also speeds breaking down if the battery as well.
Heating helps with reducing.
If you have access or found another way to decrease air pressure the speed of reaction will also increase.
A couple questions if anyone would not mind answering but one is to Enso or anyone that has experience with the story. (#1)
1. Fire Ext. method versus the SS , Which is better and why ?
2. Is there any real difference between Ms Suzi and her step sister Ms. Ephedra in terms of quality of the story and the feeling you get from reading the story ?
Here is a few pros and cons.
#Fire extinguishers have been left an entire RXN without venting"burping".
#And they can be used multiple times.
#You cannot see the reaction making it harder to judge when the reaction is finished, This only leaves the judgment only on time, which isn't always as accurate.
#They are also a pain in the ass to clean.
I was taught to use camping fuel. What would be a good alternative or way to clean nasty stuff out of it
Try a water wash...
I used to use camp fuel but then I started using Diethyl ether
I noticed the reaction was running a lot better and I started using in my stories since.
And to be completely honest one day I was telling a story in my uni lab after hours and I didn't have enough Diethyl ether but had some Hexane (C6H14) on shelf.
Let's give it a go...
And I tell you now I never went back.
My raps have been more fluent ever since.
Just as long as you use 2 to 1 ratio . 2 parts lye to 1 part amn nitrate I use to use half cup lye and a 1/4 cup amn nitrate. And 1 batt to every box and a half of pills. That's a box of 120s 12hr. If u use same ratios as u would use like say in a pop bottle u end up with way to much lithium bronze when u pour it off and u do not want a lot of that shit left over.
Adding a 2:1 ratio of AN<NaOH meaning more AN creates a stronger reaction as it creates more h2o as a byproduct.
When i first add the water sonetines it rolls too hard and its scary even putting the cap 100% of the way on bc its hard as a rock. Plus im using a 2L pepsi since I cant always have access to SS
Well if you don't have proper equipment don't do it... It can end up fatal if that thin arsed PEPSI BOTTLE splits.
Would you jump out of a plane at high altitude without a parachute?
I didn't think so.
Same applies I suggest using a SS bottle because it has 99.99 percent chance it won't split compared to your shitty arsed PEPSI bottle.
Just like with the parachute it drastically reduced risk.
Please use common sense.
How much water are you adding?
hey, i added wayyyy to much water i think when i was having it rolling, and its tough getting it through a filter.. is there anything i can do? or do i straight go to the water pull?
And you saying
"i added wayyyy to much water i think when i was having it rolling," actually makes me think you shouldn't be doing this you are risking your life and others...
Read carefully and don't do reckless shit like ads copious amounts of water... This is why things like this have a bad reputation.
You do realize what happens if h20 > lithium? (Reacts with)?
Here's a hint... FIRE
No reaction!!!
I have sodium hydroxide, sulfate of ammonia, and Li in my shellite but no reaction! What the fuck is going on!?? No reaction at all!!
You are actually not that far from me...
A few hours...
I have been to bendigo a few times.
You should send me a draft of your finished story for me to proof read
Back on track...
Did you grind you SA and naoh first?
It should be reacting have you shaken it?
And who the Fuck told you to use shellite?
Yes it is "usable" because it's a NP solvent...
BUT you need to keep that shit warm the WHOLE rxn.
Simple just hit that soda stream up with a hairdryer and your writing hand should be good to go.
Did you give it a few swirls to try and kick it off? Did you peel your lie it the solvent to avoid depletion?
Is your sodium hydroxide crystals?
I would add a half a cap of water and if that doesn't do the trick i really don't know what's up. Is shellite a type of np solvent? We don't have that here.
Thanks that's pretty much what I thought...
Hopefully not using draino... Might aswell huff raid.
But I only recommend adding water as a last hope.
Shellite is naptha which is also sold as lighter fluid.
(Quoted From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Shellite may refer to :
° An Australian form of Naphtha.
°Shellite (explosive), British explosive filling for armour-piercing naval shells of the 1920s to 1930s.)
Now his obviously talking about the first meaning
Well let's hope so.
I also don't recommend using it...
I have wrote two story's and both times my ss bottle busted , thankful it was at end of story time , first time it was on seam of bottle where lid screws on , second time was 1/4 way up bottle a split or hole formed right as the story ended
Azzshard the same thing happen to me after a few min I added a half A HALF A CAP I SAID CAP FUL OF WATER AND SCREW MY lid back on and it was a very good story after that
I have wrote two story's and both times my ss bottle busted , thankful it was at end of story time , first time it was on seam of bottle where lid screws on , second time was 1/4 way up bottle a split or hole formed right as the story ended
Ok now this is weird.
What are you using for a solvent?
AN or SA.?
Are you leaving the pressure... "to long"
Are you re using you SS bottles as I only suggest using them a max of 2 times... Preferably one.
You can also gorilla tape that bitch to make it A bit stronger...
Just heat the bottom of the SS till you take if the plastic stand... Now gorilla tape the Fuck out of those seams.
I may also suggest you give my fire extinguisher story.
You can leave that bitch the WHOLE rxn without releasing pressure.
Azzshard the same thing happen to me after a few min I added a half A HALF A CAP I SAID CAP FUL OF WATER AND SCREW MY lid back on and it was a very good story after that
What this doesn't make much sense.
What solvent are you using?
You say you added "a half A HALF A CAP I SAID CAP FULL OF WATER"
I only ever suggest using a few drops of water ONLY as a last resort
Try grinding your AN and NaOH
ALSO try heating with a hairdryer before adding water
I have wrote two story's and both times my ss bottle busted , thankful it was at end of story time , first time it was on seam of bottle where lid screws on , second time was 1/4 way up bottle a split or hole formed right as the story ended
Ok now this is weird.
What are you using for a solvent?
AN or SA.?
Are you leaving the pressure... "to long"
Are you re using you SS bottles as I only suggest using them a max of 2 times... Preferably one.
You can also gorilla tape that bitch to make it A bit stronger...
Just heat the bottom of the SS till you take if the plastic stand... Now gorilla tape the Fuck out of those seams.
I may also suggest you give my fire extinguisher story.
You can leave that bitch the WHOLE rxn without releasing pressure.
Azzshard the same thing happen to me after a few min I added a half A HALF A CAP I SAID CAP FUL OF WATER AND SCREW MY lid back on and it was a very good story after that
What this doesn't make much sense.
What solvent are you using?
You say you added "a half A HALF A CAP I SAID CAP FULL OF WATER"
I only ever suggest using a few drops of water ONLY as a last resort
Try grinding your AN and NaOH
ALSO try heating with a hairdryer before adding water
Azzshard the same thing happen to me after a few min I added a half A HALF A CAP I SAID CAP FUL OF WATER AND SCREW MY lid back on and it was a very good story after that
Well fucking use a fire extinguisher then ......what part of u cant blow up a fire extinguisher dont you all get?
Thank you for your response I feel as if I used everything exactly as I dreamed about reading on the Web. On a site pretty much just this one but I could be wrong I was dreaming all this, I used 100 % Preston starter fluid and I did let it buikdpressure but I could still press tge bottle and both were brand new first time using them and both times I had to add a cap FUL of water I stresses thst maybe I did it wrong I just wanted to be safe in my comment when I repeated myself capful first story I used one pill out of a box of generic it had loris done or something and it stuck to the sides of my bottle bad I have got to wash those pills , question if I may? I had a dream about a man that ordered some efedra tea from china and the guy read about extract ephedrine from this herb will you please comment on this , will it work? And sorry I should have ssid this right off THANK YOU FOR YOUR STORIES AND CAREING ABOUT PEOPLE'S SAFETY AND TGE SECOND TIME AROUND HE DREAMED ABOUT GETTING 1 AND 1/2 PAGES OF GOOD READING WHEN HE USED 2.4 OF PAGES TO START TGE RECIPE GETTING BETTER AND BECAUSE OF YOU STAYING SAFE, ONE MORE? Sorry , I dreamed about a set up a guy made with an aluminum block that is premade where he works and he put a pressure gauge and it has a button to press to vent and I very secure way to fasten to any lid drill hole and it has a safe way to secure it, this man is a maintenance man and he knows quite a bit about air and hydraulic would the stuff react wrong to the metal or would it work he could come off tge vslve with 1/4 inch air line into toilet bucket of what ever and also I noticed the reaction just about stops until you vent it kind of like if you don't vent it itcwill not start rolling agsin.
Azzshard the same thing happen to me after a few min I added a half A HALF A CAP I SAID CAP FUL OF WATER AND SCREW MY lid back on and it was a very good story after that
Well fucking use a fire extinguisher then ......what part of u cant blow up a fire extinguisher dont you all get?
Thats what I am saying. Question Dean and btw I very much appreciate you and Enzo's no bullshit replies because it expresses the seriousness of not following the storyline. What are the chances of making a functional numeric pressure guage for the FE to monitor a proper pressure reading ? What components should be used to withstand the pressure and corrosive exposure ? Also if there is a way and the components can withstand exposure how often should they be replaced ?
Sir,sorry I have problem,Why my meth burn to be residue black stain,not liquefied but just be dry powder,
Whats Wrong or mistake?
This My Setup ::
2.5 g Eph, disolve in Zippo premium lighter fluid in 6 hours first before going to cock
2 cup AN cup top botle
2 cup Lye cup top botle
2 Lithium,,
1 cup top botle water
-Always Add small lye and water every 20mnt till cooked 2hours ,
and let them sit for 5 hours.
-gasing 2 sulfuric acid + drip some Hcl,then bubble inside freebase for 6 hours.
Yeah brother I got it rolin with a fuck load of heat! But the Li to melt to copper, only got 1inch round coz I Waz using Eveready instead of energizer! And wasted my PSE!! Coz I got nothing at all on water pull after cook!!
Yes *shellite* is like camping fuel (nampther)
Hay could u tell me how to gas please brother!!??
Thanks for your help snoz!
Yeah brother I got it rolin with a fuck load of heat! But the Li to melt to copper, only got 1inch round coz I Waz using Eveready instead of energizer! And wasted my PSE!! Coz I got nothing at all on water pull after cook!!
Yes *shellite* is like camping fuel (nampther)
Hay could u tell me how to gas please brother!!??
Thanks for your help snoz!
I can help you over pm if you like but do you mind me asking how you performed said water wash did you follow the tek exactly?
The forthcoming post is a 100% hypothetical scenario that I’ve generated based on the information that I’ve picked up doing research over time… I have never actually done any of the things listed in this thread, they are illegal, and I do not want anyone else to do anything in this thread either as it is illegal. It is simply a fictitious story that I imagined.
So why am I writing this?
• To explain the process, start to finish, in an organized fashion in great enough detail that ANYONE (with at least some common sense) will be able to follow the procedure with successful and amazing results…
• To hopefully show the SnB critics that, if baked and cleaned properly, this meth will stand proud against any meth produced with any technique.
• Can it be recrystallized into clear/transparent glass shards? Yes
• Can it be eaten, snorted, smoked, injected, shelfed (anally administered)? Yes
• Can it Get you tweaking for 8-36 hours depending on tolerance? Yes.
• Can it be produced and cleaned to the point where it runs well on foil or glass pipe, leaves little to no residual black trail on foil or pipe (or none after proper cleaning), and cracks back? Yes.
• Can it produce around a 85% yield with extreme purity without recrystallizing? Yes
• Remember, d-meth (The most wanted isotope of meth which is produced by this METHod) is d-meth. Regardless of how you get the precursors.
The starting materials such as Pseudoephedrine (PSE)] to reduce into meth. I promise you, 1 gram of 100% pure d-meth produced by SnB is exactly the same as 1 gram of 100% pure d-meth produced by a Birch Reduction, a Red Phosphorus Reduction, or any other methods its the impurities that make the meth different, and these impurities vary by the method one would use.
• If you are not familiar with these METHods… You don’t need to be, but I recommend that you do a little more research before you get started.
• BTW Contrary to popular belief, P2P TEK is NOT better than PSE TEK’s… P2P produces Racemic (50% d-meth isotope and 50% l-meth isotope) Meth, so it is LESS desirable assuming that the meth produced from both METHods are the same purity level.
• If I can make this detailed enough that you all can produce unbelievable stuff strait away, and you see how easy and relatively safe it really is when it is properly explained.
Here’s what this write up will do for you:
• Provide a source of information based on experience and chemistry background.
• Organize the good information into a very detailed but simple TEK that, hopefully, just about . anyone can follow and produce amazing meth.
• Painfully focus on the details of everything in hopes that everyone can understand.
• Provide accurate information based most heavily on successful experience integrated with accurate information from my research and studies.
Recommended Materials/Tools:
The tools that I use can obviously be substituted for others… Ex: You do not need baby food jars if you have a better or more convenient airtight container for your acetone/Epsom and Isopropanol/Epsom mixtures when you put them in the freezer if you want to recrystallize, but I highly encourage you to use the chemicals that I list, or something equal or better in quality.
• 1 Box of 12-Hour or 24-Hour (2.4 grams Pseudoephedrine)
(Can be Sudafed or any of the generics)
(Depending on the store and type, costs about $10 - $20)
• 90 grams Lye (Sodium Hydroxide – NaOH)
(Get crystals not liquid)
(Sold as drain cleaner)
• 60 grams Ammonium Nitrate Crystals (NH4NO3 – AN)
(from instant cold packs)
(Most Instant Ice Compresses now are made with UREA… You need to get the AN.)
(You will use about 1 per 2 cooks or so)
!!!!! BIG HINT !!!!! (if you find it hard to find you can use AS((Ammonium sulphate)) just at a different ratio and that is (1.1 = 90 grams in this situation) and is easily bought as fertilizer)
• About 100ml of Dyethel Ether.
(WASHED Starter Fluid)
• About 200ml of Hexane.
(CRC QD Electronics Cleaner)
(I used Naphtha for a while, but it is hard keeping it warm enough.)
(Google it. Or I can for you http://lmgtfy.com/?q=products+with+Hexane+in+it)
• isopropanol alcohol
• 1 Sodastream Plastic Bottle (500ml)
(can get 3 bottles for $15)
(I highly recommend these they can withstand a fuck load of pressure, they normally be used to make soda)
• 2 Energizer Advanced Lithium AA Batteries.
(Energizer Ultimate works as well but they are more expensive and the case is harder to cut through)
• A couple bottles of bottled water
• Usually Around 30-50 drops of Muriatic Acid Solution 20% Muriatic to 80% Water (also called . hydrochloric acid –HCl)
• Some Acetone
(most hardware stores stock it as paint thinner)
• A pair of PVC Pipe Cutters
(Will be using these to cut the casing off of the batteries)
(hardware store)
• A couple pairs of plyers
(One of these will be used to hold the battery while cutting the casing, and the other will be used to pull the center out of the battery)
• A bunch of coffee filters
• A couple of cotton balls
• A blow-dryer
• A grocery bags to use as a trash bag
• A few 1 Quart ziplock baggies (I heard slide seals are great)
• 2 Eye Droppers
• Something to test PH
(Ph strips for a pool work wonders)
• A Mason Jar
• A sewing needle
• A plate to use as an evaporation plate
• A Plastic Funnel
• A blender
• 1/4 Cup measuring cup
• Any safety gear that makes you feel more secure (Kitty Litter, gloves, face mask, whatever)
(I do recommend something to breathe through so that you do not inhale a bunch of Ammonia. IT . SMELLS REALLY BAD.)
• Honestly, use common sense, do not store your lithium in or around any water or go doing this outdoors in the rain that’s just stupid. You will catch fire, Please, safety first.
I know that it looks/sounds like a lot of things to get up front, but don’t get discouraged. It will probably cost around $100-$150 for your first cook and around $20-$30 for each cook after that… You will likely yield between 1.5 – 2 grams of high quality meth that you can cut at least 25% if selling and still keep a very marketable product at $500 a gram where I’m from, so you will have about $750 to $1000 street value worth of product for each cook. This bee thinks that’s is a pretty good Return on Investment.
OK, Now we are going to do an outline or “RECIPE” of the actual procedure. I am doing it this way so that you can just follow a step by step process that’s not "too" wordy. Just make sure you understand what you are doing before you start. This process is EASY with VERY LITTLE DANGER “IF” you understand what you are doing.
Basic Procedure Outline:
1. Place a layer of Epsom salt into a cookie sheet and bake in the oven at 400 degrees for about an Hour or 2.
2. Crush the dry salt into a fine powder, and put about half an inch of the dry salt into each of the baby food jars
3. Add acetone to one jar and isopropanol alcohol to the other jar, each about 3/4 full seal them up with the lid and place them both in the freezer
4. Make sure your Sodawater bottle is completely clean and COMPLETELY dry.
5. Prepare an area to work, clean the area up, and have all the materials and tools easily organized and accessible in the work area.
6. Put your PSE pills into the blender, blend them until they are a fine powder, and put the powder into a small Tupperware container sealed with the lid.
7. Measure out 90 grams of Lye and put the Lye into a small Tupperware container sealed with the lid.
8. Cut open the Instant Ice compress package, throw away the bag of water inside, measure out 60 grams or 90 grams of the AS put it into a Small Tupperware Container sealed with the lid.
9. Pour your Hexane into a plastic baggie and seal, and Put it aside for the next step
12. Removing Lithium Strips from 2 AA Batteries:
a. Hold one end of a battery tightly with a pair of plyers
b. Use PVC Pipe cutters with the other hand to cut through the battery casing
Hints: (Try to prevent cutting past the casing and into the inside of the battery as much as you can.
(You could always use a steak knife or something sharp to cut around the battery then just pull . apart)
c. Once the casing is cut all the way around the battery, set the cutter down and use the other pair of plyers to:
• Tightly hold the second end of the battery.
• Bend the battery back and forth with the plyers in each of your hands to ensure the casing is cut all the way through.
• While holding each end of the battery tightly with the plyers, pull the casing apart, and one side of the casing will come off exposing the “guts” of the battery.
• Discard the 1/2 battery casing that was removed and use the now free plyers to clamp on the exposed battery guts while still holding the casing with the other pair of plyers… now pull apart again and the “guts” will come free of the casing.
• Place the center directly into the Hexane in the Ziploc baggie, and keep them submerged in the fuel as much as possible.
• Repeat this process with the second battery.
• Remove the excess air from the Ziploc baggie and seal it.
13. Add the Tupperware container of AN or AS to the RV using the funnel.
14. Add the Tupperware container of Lye to the RV using the funnel.
15. Add the Dyethel Ether to the RV using the funnel.
16. Remove the Lithium strips from the Battery insides:
• Open the Ziploc baggie containing the solvent and the battery insides.
• Put your clean hands into the fuel and unroll the 1st roll of battery insides while keeping them submerged the entire time
• Locate the strip of Lithium (this will be the dull gray looking strip, not the black and shiny silver strip)
• Remove the Li strip while still submerged in the fuel, and discard the rest of the battery insides into a grocery bag (be sure to also remove and throw away the shiny folded piece of metal that will be attached to the strip of Li at one end or the other)
• Repeat the process for the 2nd roll of insides.
• Now rip off a piece of Li maybe 3 inches long, and begin tearing it into small pieces that can fit through the funnel and into the RV. (Doesn’t matter if they are flat, or balled up, or folded, just keep them relatively small)
• Repeat this process until all of the Li is in the RV.
17. Pour the fuel from the Ziploc bag into the RV using the funnel.
18. Remove the funnel and screw the lid onto the RV.
19. If the reaction is already building (Ammonia (NH3) bubbles emerging from the bottom layer of reactants and traveling to the top of the RV through the NP), by the time the cap is on…cool. If not, give the RV an easy swirl to get some of the reactants in the bottom to mix together and initiate reaction…
20. Blow-dryer can be used at this point, and throughout the remainder of the cook to initiate/increase the reaction in the RV.
21. While holding RV with both hands, use your thumbs to “push In” on the center of the bottle to test internal pressure.
22. Try this push test all the around the bottle to find the spot that is easiest to push in, and remember where this spot is as it is the spot you will use for monitoring pressure throughout the cook.
23. Allow the reaction to continue while monitoring pressure until pressure builds high enough to warrant pressure relief:
• These Sodastream bottles are really strong and can hold an incredible amount of internal pressure without failing (used for carbonation of liquids to make softdrink) , so don’t burp the RV until you are unable to push the bottle in whatsoever with the force of both of your thumbs pushing together.
• The first pressure release will probably be needed about 2-5 minutes after the reaction starts really going but go by pressure, not by time.
• After a few burps during the first 10-15min of good reaction, once everything slows a bit, you really only need to burp the RV a couple of times more prior to adding your PSE.
24. When pressure reaches the threshold, release the pressure in the reaction vessel (soda stream bottle).
• Slowly loosen the cap on the RV just enough to let A VERY LITTLE bit of pressure escape, and to get the reaction rolling strong again, and then close the cap.
• There may be a whistling sound as the high pressure gasses are venting out of the RV… this is a Good sign that you are letting the pressure build enough before venting.
• You may even see NH3 gas shoot out of the cap like steam blowing out of the sides of an iron… Scary, but VERY good sign that you are building the kind of pressure that you want.
25. You should see little tiny Bronze beads start forming around the RV floating just on top of the NP mixed around with the Li within the first 10 minutes if everything is going well.
• If the Bronze is not starting to appear within 10 – 15 minutes, it’s a pretty good indication that you are not allowing enough pressure to build in the RV, and you are either releasing the pressure too early, too often, or both. No big deal, Just be observant and learn.
26. Swirl the bottle and/or heat with blow-dryer as needed to keep the reaction continuing strong throughout this process.
27. Continue this process for probably about 25 – 45 minutes, (less burping and stronger ammonia reaction = quicker bronzing of Li = Less time… Kinda hard to give you an accurate time frame here) until approximately 3/4 of the Li in the RV has been converted to Bronze
• The color in the fuel will dissipate over these initial 25-45min, and the clear fuel will get foggy as it becomes saturated with Li Bronze particles.
28. Slowly loosen the RV cap, vent all of the pressure, then remove the cap
29. If the reaction is slowing down at this point, recharge the RV by adding a little bit more lye and AN (or SA) to the RV through the clean funnel. No more AN or Lye need to be added if the reaction is still going strong.
30. Add the PSE to the RV through the funnel slowly and then remove the funnel and screw cap back onto the RV.
31. Shake the hell out of the bottle for about 10 seconds.
32. Continue shaking the fuck out of the bottle as much as possible while continuing to regulate pressure with the blow-dryer and burping for the next 20-30 minutes.
33. The PSE must be based before the reaction can take place between the PSE and the Li, so it will be a bit (maybe 10-15 min. before you see the fuel start really going dark like chocolate milk)
• It is REALLY important to keep the pressure in the RV high, and the temp of the fuel as warm as you can during this time as it aides the reaction taking place between the PSE and the Li.
• You will start seeing the fuel go dark after shaking the fuck out of the RV, and then go back to clear after the bottle settles.
• This color change will likely happen many times.
• Sometimes the fuel doesn’t really go nearly as dark as other times… it’s ok… just keep going…
34. Once you get to the point where you are able to shake the fuck out of the bottle, then set it down… and the fuel settles and goes back to clear in about 30-45 seconds, your cook is complete.
• You will still have some Li floating on top of the fuel, but it should be a very small amount compared to the original amount, and the remaining pieces will be thin and significantly reacted into bronze.
• If you still have a significant amount of Li, don’t worry about it… Under-reacted product is still pretty decent, and you’ll get better next time.
35. Slowly loosen the RV cap and vent all of the pressure.
36. Prepare the funnel with the 2 cotton balls stuffed tightly into the stem, about 7 coffee filters in the funnel, and about a 1/2 inch layer of the dry Epsom in one of the middle coffee filters.
37. Use the prepared funnel to carefully filter the fuel by pouring it from the RV into the Mason Jar.
• Don’t fill the funnel more than about 1/2 way full at any time to prevent Particulates from getting over, around, or through the filters.
• As you are draining the fuel from the RV into the funnel, some of the Li and the reactants will also be poured into the funnel… This is fine.
• As the last of the fuel is in the funnel, agitate the pile of reactants and Li with a small wooden or plastic spoon or something similar that is clean and made of either wood or plastic to get trapped meth to move on with the fuel through the filters.
• Add a little more clean fuel to the filters in the funnel, agitate mixture again, and allow fuel to collect remaining meth to the mason jar.
• Once the filters have no more fuel, remove them from the funnel, squeeze them over the funnel to get as much of the meth/fuel as possible, dump the inner contents that they contain into a plastic Ziploc baggie, and discard the filters.
• Remove the cotton balls from the funnel, squeeze the fuel from them into the mason jar, and discard them.
38. Dump the contents of the reaction vessel into the same baggie with the rest of the reactants from the funnel, add a little clean fuel to this baggie, seal the baggie, and shake it around for 5 or 10 minutes to get as much of the trapped meth out of the reactants as possible.
39. Repeat the filtering process as before filtering the new fuel from the baggie into the original fuel in the Mason Jar, but this time, once the fuel filters through, after squeezing the filters and the cotton balls to get the excess fuel, just throw the filters and cotton balls into the baggie with the rest of the reactants, seal it, and set it aside for disposal.
Water Pull
• If you want to do gas Titration, please do it. Water pull is what I like.
•If you want to gas I will add it to the end of this write up.
40. Add an equal amount of cold water to the fuel in the Mason jar, put the cap on securely, and shake the fuck out of it for about 3-5 minutes to wash the fuel and remove certain impurities.
• Do not do this water cleaning if you are going to bang your dope as the sulfur impurities that you are washing away are the very things that provide that great fucking initial rush that takes your head outta this world when you get ahold of some good Banger’s Dope.
41. Dump the Fuel/water mix into a plastic baggie, seal it, and then hang it from the wall by the corner of the bag with a tack.
42. Allow the layers to separate (Fuel will be on the top, and the dirty waste water on the bottom), poke a hole through the bottom corner of the baggie with the sewing needle and allow the waste water to drain into any container for disposal.
43. When the water is just about gone, switch the waste container for the Mason Jar and collect the fuel.
44. Repeat this washing process 1 more time.
45. After the 2nd water wash, pour the fuel from the Mason Jar into a plastic Ziploc baggie and add 1/4 cup of water.
46. Use an eye dropper to add 1-2 drops of HCl acid to the fuel/water mix, shake it around for a minute.
47. Let the mixture settle and separate and obtain a sample of the water layer to test the PH
• Use a long eye dropper or a needleless syringe to access the water beneath the fuel layer
48. Repeat this process until the PH of the water layer is between 6.8 and 7.2
• Use some kind of PH testing (Meter, strips, drops, whatever)
• When you start getting around 9 PH, just add one drop of HCL at a time, and retest PH after each drop
(It’s very easy to suddenly drop below target 7 PH and have dope that doesn’t smoke well)
(I want you all to do this part well so you can join me in the quest for waterpulling)
49. Let layers settle and separate, use a needle to poke a hole through the bottom corner of the baggie, and drain the meth/water solution onto your evaporation plate.
(Pyrex dish if you like)
50. Pinch the hole in the corner of the baggie when the water is almost completely drained and then drain the fuel back into the Mason Jar.
• Do not let any of the fuel pass through the drain hole onto the evaporation plate.
51. Repeat the water wash of the fuel, the addition of the 1/4 cup of water, the PH neutralizing (This time it will only probably need 2-3 drops of HCL total), and the collection of the water/meth once again to the same evaporation plate.
52. Use a blow-dryer and optionally a hot plate or non-gas stove to evaporate the water on the plate leaving a meth crystal layer on the plate.
53. Use a razor to scrape all of the meth into a pile.
54. You can abuse as you wish at this point (But this is dirty dope, and I advise you clean it up)
• The upcoming Acetone Wash will ensure that it burns cleanly on your foil or pizzle.
• You can continue onto the recrystallization from there if you like,
(not necessary, but I would recommend it)
Acetone Wash
55. Allow meth to completely dry.
56. Crush meth crystals into a fine powder, and then put the powder into a shot glass
57. Use an eye dropper to siphon some acetone from the jar in the freezer and add to the meth in the shot glass until the powder is well covered, swirl mixture for about 30 – 60 seconds, and then dump mixture onto a new clean evaporation plate…
58. Hold the evaporation plate at a slight angle to allow the excess acetone to drain and collect at the bottom of the plate with the dissolved impurities
a. Save these nasty dissolved impurities to use as a cut on the shit you sell, or to smoke later when you’re in a bind as it will still contain some meth
59. Scrape the remaining meth crystals out of the shot glass onto the plate with the rest of the meth using a knife, or razor, or whatever, and then clean the shot glass
60. Scrape together the clean meth crystals that did not dissolve into a pile, allow them to completely dry, and crush them into a fine powder, and add once again to the clean shot glass
61. Use the CLEAN eyedropper once again to transfer the non-salt portion of the Isopropanol Alcohol from the jar in the freezer to a small saucepan and heat on stove until it starts boiling
62. Use eyedropper to slowly add hot Isopropanol Alcohol to the meth in the shot glass
a. Just enough so that the meth will completely dissolve.
b. Stir...MA will dissolve...anything that doesn't is more impurity
c. Siphon ISO/MA into 2nd shot glass carefully leaving solid impurities in first shot glass
63. Heat ISO/MA till you just see first signs of film start to develop on surface.
64. Remove from heat...add a drop or 2 more of ISO, add add a couple drops of Acetone for good measure, and allow to evaporate
a. Freezer takes about 6 hours, produces smallest crystals
b. Fridge = longer & bigger crystals
c. Room temp = longest & biggest shards
65. Carefully remove fragile crystals when they are no longer growing
66. Give crystals, once completely dry, one last quick rinse with dry cold Acetone to remove surface impurities, and let completely dry one last time…
• You now have beautiful crystal clear shards that will get you “NO” higher than the salt you started with, but they are pretty. Smoke them crystals, watch it run (clean as water with little to no trail), watch it crack back, it’s like Magic.
…..That’s all folks…..
Next story: ensos one pot fire extinguisher METHod.
Followed by: RP-I reduction how he did it the proper way.
I used 1.2 grm of pse for training i used 1/3 of lithium strip after 20 minutes i started to see bronze balls started forming around the li after that i poured the pse i gave it alot of pressure the solvent got little cloudy but not black and the lithium strips dissolved but not all of them and they changed color after 2 hours to grren black strips and they got alot smaller compared to the biggining ..then i filtered and gassed it with hcl gas and got a very tiny waxy substancw in bottom and i stopped here
I want help in gassing is there any thing i need to do befor gassing the fuel to extract the salt ?? And plz for 2.4 grams of pse how much i should use li as it is the most most important part of them all as i red too much u will overreact and too little will be undereacted any precise recipe would be great.
Yeah brother I got it rolin with a fuck load of heat! But the Li to melt to copper, only got 1inch round coz I Waz using Eveready instead of energizer! And wasted my PSE!! Coz I got nothing at all on water pull after cook!!
Yes *shellite* is like camping fuel (nampther)
Hay could u tell me how to gas please brother!!??
Thanks for your help snoz!
Yeah something must have gone pretty wrong if you got nothing from a water pull if you got nothing from a water pull there is no chance of getting anything via gassing.
The forthcoming post is a 100% hypothetical scenario that I’ve generated based on the information that I’ve picked up doing research over time… I have never actually done any of the things listed in this thread, they are illegal, and I do not want anyone else to do anything in this thread either as it is illegal. It is simply a fictitious story that I imagined.
So why am I writing this?
• To explain the process, start to finish, in an organized fashion in great enough detail that ANYONE (with at least some common sense) will be able to follow the procedure with successful and amazing results…
• To hopefully show the SnB critics that, if baked and cleaned properly, this meth will stand proud against any meth produced with any technique.
• Can it be recrystallized into clear/transparent glass shards? Yes
• Can it be eaten, snorted, smoked, injected, shelfed (anally administered)? Yes
• Can it Get you tweaking for 8-36 hours depending on tolerance? Yes.
• Can it be produced and cleaned to the point where it runs well on foil or glass pipe, leaves little to no residual black trail on foil or pipe (or none after proper cleaning), and cracks back? Yes.
• Can it produce around a 85% yield with extreme purity without recrystallizing? Yes
• Remember, d-meth (The most wanted isotope of meth which is produced by this METHod) is d-meth. Regardless of how you get the precursors.
The starting materials such as Pseudoephedrine (PSE)] to reduce into meth. I promise you, 1 gram of 100% pure d-meth produced by SnB is exactly the same as 1 gram of 100% pure d-meth produced by a Birch Reduction, a Red Phosphorus Reduction, or any other methods its the impurities that make the meth different, and these impurities vary by the method one would use.
• If you are not familiar with these METHods… You don’t need to be, but I recommend that you do a little more research before you get started.
• BTW Contrary to popular belief, P2P TEK is NOT better than PSE TEK’s… P2P produces Racemic (50% d-meth isotope and 50% l-meth isotope) Meth, so it is LESS desirable assuming that the meth produced from both METHods are the same purity level.
• If I can make this detailed enough that you all can produce unbelievable stuff strait away, and you see how easy and relatively safe it really is when it is properly explained.
Here’s what this write up will do for you:
• Provide a source of information based on experience and chemistry background.
• Organize the good information into a very detailed but simple TEK that, hopefully, just about . anyone can follow and produce amazing meth.
• Painfully focus on the details of everything in hopes that everyone can understand.
• Provide accurate information based most heavily on successful experience integrated with accurate information from my research and studies.
I want help in gassing is there any thing i need to do befor gassing the fuel to extract the salt ?? And plz for 2.4 grams of pse how much i should use li as it is the most most important part of them all as i red too much u will overreact and too little will be undereacted any precise recipe would be great.
So you need help with gassing but you don't know how much li to use...
I think you have the order of things mixed up...
Did you keep a good pressure throughout?
Did you even read op? It says exactly how much li to use.
Did you peel your battery in solvent?
Yep 2x Li strips! I do think I had to much heat! As this little bee done test run with no heat but used 3ml water and almost all Li melted! So the bee's gonna do a full run with it today! Wish me luck on the honey run!
Yeah brother I got it rolin with a fuck load of heat! But the Li to melt to copper, only got 1inch round coz I Waz using Eveready instead of energizer! And wasted my PSE!! Coz I got nothing at all on water pull after cook!!
Yes *shellite* is like camping fuel (nampther)
Hay could u tell me how to gas please brother!!??
Thanks for your help snoz!
Yeah something must have gone pretty wrong if you got nothing from a water pull if you got nothing from a water pull there is no chance of getting anything via gassing.
The forthcoming post is a 100% hypothetical scenario that I’ve generated based on the information that I’ve picked up doing research over time… I have never actually done any of the things listed in this thread, they are illegal, and I do not want anyone else to do anything in this thread either as it is illegal. It is simply a fictitious story that I imagined.
So why am I writing this?
• To explain the process, start to finish, in an organized fashion in great enough detail that ANYONE (with at least some common sense) will be able to follow the procedure with successful and amazing results…
• To hopefully show the SnB critics that, if baked and cleaned properly, this meth will stand proud against any meth produced with any technique.
• Can it be recrystallized into clear/transparent glass shards? Yes
• Can it be eaten, snorted, smoked, injected, shelfed (anally administered)? Yes
• Can it Get you tweaking for 8-36 hours depending on tolerance? Yes.
• Can it be produced and cleaned to the point where it runs well on foil or glass pipe, leaves little to no residual black trail on foil or pipe (or none after proper cleaning), and cracks back? Yes.
• Can it produce around a 85% yield with extreme purity without recrystallizing? Yes
• Remember, d-meth (The most wanted isotope of meth which is produced by this METHod) is d-meth. Regardless of how you get the precursors.
The starting materials such as Pseudoephedrine (PSE)] to reduce into meth. I promise you, 1 gram of 100% pure d-meth produced by SnB is exactly the same as 1 gram of 100% pure d-meth produced by a Birch Reduction, a Red Phosphorus Reduction, or any other methods its the impurities that make the meth different, and these impurities vary by the method one would use.
• If you are not familiar with these METHods… You don’t need to be, but I recommend that you do a little more research before you get started.
• BTW Contrary to popular belief, P2P TEK is NOT better than PSE TEK’s… P2P produces Racemic (50% d-meth isotope and 50% l-meth isotope) Meth, so it is LESS desirable assuming that the meth produced from both METHods are the same purity level.
• If I can make this detailed enough that you all can produce unbelievable stuff strait away, and you see how easy and relatively safe it really is when it is properly explained.
Here’s what this write up will do for you:
• Provide a source of information based on experience and chemistry background.
• Organize the good information into a very detailed but simple TEK that, hopefully, just about . anyone can follow and produce amazing meth.
• Painfully focus on the details of everything in hopes that everyone can understand.
• Provide accurate information based most heavily on successful experience integrated with accurate information from my research and studies.
I want help in gassing is there any thing i need to do befor gassing the fuel to extract the salt ?? And plz for 2.4 grams of pse how much i should use li as it is the most most important part of them all as i red too much u will overreact and too little will be undereacted any precise recipe would be great.
So you need help with gassing but you don't know how much li to use...
I think you have the order of things mixed up...
Did you keep a good pressure throughout?
Did you even read op? It says exactly how much li to use.
Did you peel your battery in solvent?
Yeah brother I got it rolin with a fuck load of heat! But the Li to melt to copper, only got 1inch round coz I Waz using Eveready instead of energizer! And wasted my PSE!! Coz I got nothing at all on water pull after cook!!
Yes *shellite* is like camping fuel (nampther)
Hay could u tell me how to gas please brother!!??
Thanks for your help snoz!
Yeah something must have gone pretty wrong if you got nothing from a water pull if you got nothing from a water pull there is no chance of getting anything via gassing.
The forthcoming post is a 100% hypothetical scenario that I’ve generated based on the information that I’ve picked up doing research over time… I have never actually done any of the things listed in this thread, they are illegal, and I do not want anyone else to do anything in this thread either as it is illegal. It is simply a fictitious story that I imagined.
So why am I writing this?
• To explain the process, start to finish, in an organized fashion in great enough detail that ANYONE (with at least some common sense) will be able to follow the procedure with successful and amazing results…
• To hopefully show the SnB critics that, if baked and cleaned properly, this meth will stand proud against any meth produced with any technique.
• Can it be recrystallized into clear/transparent glass shards? Yes
• Can it be eaten, snorted, smoked, injected, shelfed (anally administered)? Yes
• Can it Get you tweaking for 8-36 hours depending on tolerance? Yes.
• Can it be produced and cleaned to the point where it runs well on foil or glass pipe, leaves little to no residual black trail on foil or pipe (or none after proper cleaning), and cracks back? Yes.
• Can it produce around a 85% yield with extreme purity without recrystallizing? Yes
• Remember, d-meth (The most wanted isotope of meth which is produced by this METHod) is d-meth. Regardless of how you get the precursors.
The starting materials such as Pseudoephedrine (PSE)] to reduce into meth. I promise you, 1 gram of 100% pure d-meth produced by SnB is exactly the same as 1 gram of 100% pure d-meth produced by a Birch Reduction, a Red Phosphorus Reduction, or any other methods its the impurities that make the meth different, and these impurities vary by the method one would use.
• If you are not familiar with these METHods… You don’t need to be, but I recommend that you do a little more research before you get started.
• BTW Contrary to popular belief, P2P TEK is NOT better than PSE TEK’s… P2P produces Racemic (50% d-meth isotope and 50% l-meth isotope) Meth, so it is LESS desirable assuming that the meth produced from both METHods are the same purity level.
• If I can make this detailed enough that you all can produce unbelievable stuff strait away, and you see how easy and relatively safe it really is when it is properly explained.
Here’s what this write up will do for you:
• Provide a source of information based on experience and chemistry background.
• Organize the good information into a very detailed but simple TEK that, hopefully, just about . anyone can follow and produce amazing meth.
• Painfully focus on the details of everything in hopes that everyone can understand.
• Provide accurate information based most heavily on successful experience integrated with accurate information from my research and studies.
I want help in gassing is there any thing i need to do befor gassing the fuel to extract the salt ?? And plz for 2.4 grams of pse how much i should use li as it is the most most important part of them all as i red too much u will overreact and too little will be undereacted any precise recipe would be great.
So you need help with gassing but you don't know how much li to use...
I think you have the order of things mixed up...
Did you keep a good pressure throughout?
Did you even read op? It says exactly how much li to use.
Did you peel your battery in solvent?
They just dont get it..... all of you want to be spoon fed info.....why the fuck dont you google it take the time to fi d answers ln your own.if you look for them everyone of the ?s asked are there.damn when i learned this bullshit it was for the most part on my own me and google.try it out
Yep 2x Li strips! I do think I had to much heat! As this little bee done test run with no heat but used 3ml water and almost all Li melted! So the bee's gonna do a full run with it today! Wish me luck on the honey run!
Good luck with the honey run best wishes with not running into the wolf .
I want help in gassing is there any thing i need to do befor gassing the fuel to extract the salt ?? And plz for 2.4 grams of pse how much i should use li as it is the most most important part of them all as i red too much u will overreact and too little will be undereacted any precise recipe would be great.
They just dont get it..... all of you want to be spoon fed info.....why the fuck dont you google it take the time to fi d answers ln your own.if you look for them everyone of the ?s asked are there.damn when i learned this bullshit it was for the most part on my own me and google.try it out
Sadly true I try the best i can and still don't understand some people...
To be honest I don't think people read the whole op let alone the helpful comments that have come up.
Please read the whole op and comments thereafter before posting any questions as your question may have already been answered.
Yep 2x Li strips! I do think I had to much heat! As this little bee done test run with no heat but used 3ml water and almost all Li melted! So the bee's gonna do a full run with it today! Wish me luck on the honey run!
Good luck with the honey run best wishes with not running into the wolf .
I want help in gassing is there any thing i need to do befor gassing the fuel to extract the salt ?? And plz for 2.4 grams of pse how much i should use li as it is the most most important part of them all as i red too much u will overreact and too little will be undereacted any precise recipe would be great.
They just dont get it..... all of you want to be spoon fed info.....why the fuck dont you google it take the time to fi d answers ln your own.if you look for them everyone of the ?s asked are there.damn when i learned this bullshit it was for the most part on my own me and google.try it out
Sadly true I try the best i can and still don't understand some people...
To be honest I don't think people read the whole op let alone the helpful comments that have come up.
Please read the whole op and comments thereafter before posting any questions as your question may have already been answered.
Shit if you guys would have asked half of the good questions .....hell not even half on wetdreams.ws or the thecollective.com u would have been kicked off the site. It's ok to ask questions if and only if u have really looked. This shot of asking same thing that has been answered 30 time on same thread is bullshit makes me not even want to help some of you
HELP what do u do when you have a dream and it gets like peanut butter sticking in one giant ball wich is super hard to shake? Can hardly see inside the rvKind of looks like mashed potatoes all in one giant sticky ball of ingredients. sorry to be so demanding but im in middle of the dream rxn right now and this is a first for me, im really starting to worry about this DREAM guys
Please help if u can it will be a blessing!
HELP what do u do when you have a dream and it gets like peanut butter sticking in one giant ball wich is super hard to shake? Can hardly see inside the rvKind of looks like mashed potatoes all in one giant sticky ball of ingredients. sorry to be so demanding but im in middle of the dream rxn right now and this is a first for me, im really starting to worry about this DREAM guys
Please help if u can it will be a blessing!
HELP what do u do when you have a dream and it gets like peanut butter sticking in one giant ball wich is super hard to shake? Can hardly see inside the rvKind of looks like mashed potatoes all in one giant sticky ball of ingredients. sorry to be so demanding but im in middle of the dream rxn right now and this is a first for me, im really starting to worry about this DREAM guys
Please help if u can it will be a blessing!
Add more lye
Only reason I didn't say google is because u r in middle of cook when ur done Look it up and then on me with why that worked. U should want to know why it works I mean the whole thing .....if you know what is going on in that bottle u can do it safer that's the main reason..... and u can do it better.
First off, I want to say thank you to enso! After reading your story and loving science, I decided to try writing a story of my own. I have never written before, but I have always been curious about the process. My story had a pretty good ending. Enso, thank you for writing a story with such detail. I must admit, at first I was skeptical but you have earned my trust. Because I have always been fascinated with science and have now found someone I trust in this field, I want to pick your brain on a different story I am thinking of writing. In my new story, I have an abundance of 30 mg and 10 mg Adderall XR capsules and I was thinking about trying a similar extraction method. I must first state that even though I love science, I have no formal training, so I am by no means an expert in the field. I do read allot and love researching. I will also admit that even though I have read allot I still do not fully understand the difference in what was produced from your original story (the one I copied in my first book) to what is contained in these capsules. From the research I have conducted, the 30 mg XR capsules contain the following: 7.5 mg of Dextroamphetamine saccharate, 7.5 mg of Amphetamine Aspartate monohydrate monohydrate, 7.5 mg of Dextroamphetamine Sulfate USP, and 7.5 mg of Amphetamine Sulfate USP, as well as a some filler and coloring.
I was thinking of opening a bunch of the capsules and placing their contents in a blender to break down all of the microbeads in them into a powder. I was then going to preform an acetone wash with the dried acetone used in your story (from what I understand, the acetone will dissolve everything that isn't amphetamine, but again, I am not a trained chemist) and filter the solution. I'm not exactly sure what I should do next and don't mind experimenting. I can always get more capsules so I'm not terribly worried about wasting these capsules. Also, since this is more for my own curiosity than anything else, I'm not concerned with the time or effort it takes to produce a similar product from these base ingredients as the product produced in your story. The pills containing pseudoephedrine used in your story have become so closely monitored, one can only buy a box (1400 mg) a month. If I can use these capsules in it's place, then it will be much easier to achieve a similar result. Also, just FYI, in my new story, I plan on only snorting. Any help or insight that you can provide to aid in my education will be greatly appreciated.
Once again, thank you for what you have done and continue to do!
Success!! Thanks enso!
Every cunt needs to read the story properly its fkn eazy! N fuck the heat it fucks with the Li coppering! Just put 3-6ml water in the soda stream btl before u ad the Li! Read it 30 times if u have to! There's no excuse for non ss bottles and wrong ingredient mesurments!! Everyone stop being gronks n follow instructions!
Thanks enso u rock my rocks!
Success!! Thanks enso!
Every cunt needs to read the story properly its fkn eazy! N fuck the heat it fucks with the Li coppering! Just put 3-6ml water in the soda stream btl before u ad the Li! Read it 30 times if u have to! There's no excuse for non ss bottles and wrong ingredient mesurments!! Everyone stop being gronks n follow instructions!
Thanks enso u rock my rocks!
Ok so I may have come across wrong from some of the things I have said.
if you are adding a few drops of water use an ice bath to turn your lith as it works so much better/faster.
then when you are confident your li is where you want it to be,
then add your Suzy then hit that thing up with the hairdryer as cold helps li "melting" quicker and heat helps with the reduction of your Suzy.
If i can safe this id like to talk its hard following all these pages of stuff on here thats all. I am really interested in it all it blows my mind. Right now i am still trying to salvage
Did you give it a few swirls to try and kick it off? Did you peel your lie it the solvent to avoid depletion?
Is your sodium hydroxide crystals?
I would add a half a cap of water and if that doesn't do the trick i really don't know what's up. Is shellite a type of np solvent? We don't have that here.
Hey man i got my dream kicked back on the right track after heating. Its hard to type on my phone cause the screen is fucked up but i will get on my laptop here soon
I have wrote two story's and both times my ss bottle busted , thankful it was at end of story time , first time it was on seam of bottle where lid screws on , second time was 1/4 way up bottle a split or hole formed right as the story ended
thats scary, i used an SS one time and didnt like it for this one reason, its too hard to push in for pressure check and it builds too fast. thats my personal reasoning. not saying my way is right but i use pepsi and its easier FOR ME to tell when i need to burp because i was taught first hand with that kind of rv. DO NOT do what i do. SS is obviously safer. just saying PLEASE BE CAREFUL
SORRY to double post but im about to dream as its my full time dream job but if NOTHING ELSE available how can you get the lye out of drano brand from walmart, i screened it a few times last time i couldnt get the good stuff from lowes.
SORRY to double post but im about to dream as its my full time dream job but if NOTHING ELSE available how can you get the lye out of drano brand from walmart, i screened it a few times last time i couldnt get the good stuff from lowes.
Wow......if u cant wait and find the right stuff to do something such as making meth then I guess whatever bad shit that happens to you u have bought it on yourself. And I for one won't feel the least bit sorry for you. Just stick to buying Dope some people where never ment to be a dope cook.
SORRY to double post but im about to dream as its my full time dream job but if NOTHING ELSE available how can you get the lye out of drano brand from walmart, i screened it a few times last time i couldnt get the good stuff from lowes.
Wow......if u cant wait and find the right stuff to do something such as making meth then I guess whatever bad shit that happens to you u have bought it on yourself. And I for one won't feel the least bit sorry for you. Just stick to buying Dope some people where never ment to be a dope cook.
Please try to refrain from making multiple posts in a row in my thread it just makes things look messy as shit.
If you think of something after posting use the edit function.
Thanks that's pretty much what I thought... Hopefully not using draino... Might aswell huff raid.
But I only recommend adding water as a last hope.
Shellite is naptha which is also sold as lighter fluid.
(Quoted From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Shellite may refer to :
° An Australian form of Naphtha.
°Shellite (explosive), British explosive filling for armour-piercing naval shells of the 1920s to 1930s.)
Now his obviously talking about the first meaning
Well let's hope so.
I also don't recommend using it...
How long after washing D.E and bagging the Hex do you have to start writing the story before they become useless ? Reason I am asking is my window of opportunity is small for the location in which my story will be written and if I could do the prep work prior then I can complete the story in the time frame I have. Thanks
How long after washing D.E and bagging the Hex do you have to start writing the story before they become useless ? Reason I am asking is my window of opportunity is small for the location in which my story will be written and if I could do the prep work prior then I can complete the story in the time frame I have. Thanks
After you have washed it funnel it in to a clean dry bottle and cap it ready for action bro!!
BUT as long as you wash it a few times well till the water layer is clear.
The impurities are washed out there is no way there going back unless you put them there.
But I do suggest storing with some dry Epsom in the airtight container this will make sure your solvent stays nice and dry till you need to use it.
This should now be good for long-term storage.
But may I suggest another location.
What if someone comes early?
You can't just turn off the reaction without supercooling which you wouldn't have access to.
Leave it for to long unsupervised and you won't like what happens.
I also seriously doubt you would have rigged up a pressure release valve either
Something might not go exactly to plan and it might take a little bit longer keep in mind locations with tight timeframes are always a bad idea in stories.
Damn after reading all this i think this may b impossible. All im missing is the ss bottle and ill find it soon prob online. Ss company may have had financial probs after doing brief search on internet . store i went to said they used to stock but no more. I just have a few questions. Is cleaning my name brand .240 mgs necessary. 2nd the crc electronic cleaner only appears to have a small amount of hexane and could b mostly naptha which has to b heated moreso than other nps is that going to pose a prob. Y not just use all ether
Damn after reading all this i think this may b impossible. All im missing is the ss bottle and ill find it soon prob online. Ss company may have had financial probs after doing brief search on internet . store i went to said they used to stock but no more. I just have a few questions. Is cleaning my name brand .240 mgs necessary. 2nd the crc electronic cleaner only appears to have a small amount of hexane and could b mostly naptha which has to b heated moreso than other nps is that going to pose a prob. Y not just use all ether
If you are talking about this
Then he is talking about a glass version which I have never used and would be useless for this type reaction.
If you are talking about the boycotting it's a load of shit I guess your from Europe?
Wow I actually found a three pack simply by checking out there webpage
Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you posting your METHod. I have hypothetically written 2 stories, both with Great success! This is with No prior knowledge other than using dope. You explained everything well enough that I was able to accomplish this by following Only your METHod, no other resources. For anybody wondering, trust me enso knows his shit!
Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you posting your METHod. I have hypothetically written 2 stories, both with Great success! This is with No prior knowledge other than using dope. You explained everything well enough that I was able to accomplish this by following Only your METHod, no other resources. For anybody wondering, trust me enso knows his shit!
I don't sleep I don't eat all I do I tweek n geek n shake my bottle, I shake a bottle! N what I'm tryina tell u homie it ain't no joke man I got some fire dope cookin in my bottle I shake a bottle! Well I shake it n I burp it n I pass it to my hommie there wide eyed n geeked out n all the tweekers know me!
*Kid suda*
Mad song look it up guys y'all will fkn love it!!!!!
pretty harsh for someone who claims to want to help people. I understand what you are saying i never claimed to be an expert here i was just asking questions because i thought this would be the right place. I have had 30 plus successful cooks done and I am trying to improve more with every batch, of course if i get hurt its on me and i deserve it for cutting corners with the rv. i dont recommend it but i do now have a SS bottle and had since grabbed some lye. If anyone has good experience with gassing (salt and sulfuric) i would like to ask a few question.
pretty harsh for someone who claims to want to help people. I understand what you are saying i never claimed to be an expert here i was just asking questions because i thought this would be the right place. I have had 30 plus successful cooks done and I am trying to improve more with every batch, of course if i get hurt its on me and i deserve it for cutting corners with the rv. i dont recommend it but i do now have a SS bottle and had since grabbed some lye. If anyone has good experience with gassing (salt and sulfuric) i would like to ask a few question.
Alright so it took me dean and maybe a few others being harsh for you to stop cutting corners and to be more safe...
To be honest I'm glad I was so harsh because it got you to see my point more clearly because before that I said it multiple times nicely and you just weren't listening.
I am here to help people..
But most of all here to make sure people if they are doing it...
they are doing it safely.
You may think that you were doing the right thing but the fact is you were promoting the use of unsafe practices.
Yes you didn't do it directly but people see all the success you are getting with a "pepsi" bottle then why spend the extra money on a SS.
well truth is its alot safer and i really doubt while using that pepsi bottle you would have even came close to the pressure needed...
now that you have an SS come back and tell people how much better the gear is when done properly...
not trying to pick on you personally but the point needs to be made.
yes before finding SS a few bees used to use Gatorade bottles but we gorilla taped the fuck out of them and they still split at times.
I can answer questions about gassing I just rather water pulls...
you have made a good choice with the salt and sulfuric.
As this makes less h2o as an byproduct then foil Some bees have been using damprid instead of salt. Word is it produces gas which is a lot dryer... Mind you I have not tried it. I stick to water pulling.
That's my thing.
zero chance of loss of yield due to dreadful h2o...
which is a killer and has been spoken about a few times over the last couple of pages.
more control of ph which you have little to no control with gassing
your just lowering the ph until it Apparate's from said solvent and "snows"
this is what we are doing with a water pull except crashes out and immediately dissolves in the water.
then we evaporate water so we are only left with the substance.
but if you really are adamant on gasing. I do know how to gas so ask away.
you are still able to and i recommend multiple water washes. ( unless one is after bangers dope... water washing washes the impurities away that give IVers that rush)
Is your sodium hydroxide crystals?
I would add a half a cap of water and if that doesn't do the trick i really don't know what's up. Is shellite a type of np solvent? We don't have that here.
Please try to refrain from making multiple posts in a row in my thread it just makes things look messy as shit.
If you think of something after posting use the edit function.
You can use any NP solvent you want at any percentage I just recommend these as these have what I have found best at after A LOT of research.
However I do suggest keeping to the same amount of solvent
Diethyl ether is easy to source.
Sold as starter fluid ((you can get this at most hardware or shops like Kmart super cheap ECT (I know you might not have these stores but do some looking around for starter fluid...))
Make sure you wash this as they are known to have lube in it (wait for it...:)
It generally produce a better RXN
Fire extinguishers have been left an entire RXN without venting"burping".
And they can be used multiple times.
Mind you there are negatives to the extinguisher.
The worst things I've noticed is that you cannot see the reaction making it harder to tell when the reaction is finished,
Only leaving the judgment on only time which isn't always as accurate.
They are also a pain in the ass to clean.
This was what I was thinking of cheers Dean.
Cooling the RXN also speeds breaking down if the battery as well.
Heating helps with reducing.
If you have access or found another way to decrease air pressure the speed of reaction will also increase.
Here is a few pros and cons.
#Fire extinguishers have been left an entire RXN without venting"burping".
#And they can be used multiple times.
#You cannot see the reaction making it harder to judge when the reaction is finished, This only leaves the judgment only on time, which isn't always as accurate.
#They are also a pain in the ass to clean.
Try a water wash...
I used to use camp fuel but then I started using Diethyl ether
I noticed the reaction was running a lot better and I started using in my stories since.
And to be completely honest one day I was telling a story in my uni lab after hours and I didn't have enough Diethyl ether but had some Hexane (C6H14) on shelf.
Let's give it a go...
And I tell you now I never went back.
My raps have been more fluent ever since.
Don't think you got his question, He asked for a good alternative or a way to clean it lol.
Adding a 2:1 ratio of AN<NaOH meaning more AN creates a stronger reaction as it creates more h2o as a byproduct.
Well if you don't have proper equipment don't do it... It can end up fatal if that thin arsed PEPSI BOTTLE splits.
Would you jump out of a plane at high altitude without a parachute?
I didn't think so.
Same applies I suggest using a SS bottle because it has 99.99 percent chance it won't split compared to your shitty arsed PEPSI bottle.
Just like with the parachute it drastically reduced risk.
Please use common sense.
How much water are you adding?
And you saying
"i added wayyyy to much water i think when i was having it rolling," actually makes me think you shouldn't be doing this you are risking your life and others...
Read carefully and don't do reckless shit like ads copious amounts of water... This is why things like this have a bad reputation.
You do realize what happens if h20 > lithium? (Reacts with)?
Here's a hint... FIRE
You are actually not that far from me...
A few hours...
I have been to bendigo a few times.
You should send me a draft of your finished story for me to proof read
Back on track...
Did you grind you SA and naoh first?
It should be reacting have you shaken it?
And who the Fuck told you to use shellite?
Yes it is "usable" because it's a NP solvent...
BUT you need to keep that shit warm the WHOLE rxn.
Simple just hit that soda stream up with a hairdryer and your writing hand should be good to go.
EDIT: missed this
Thanks that's pretty much what I thought...
Hopefully not using draino... Might aswell huff raid.
But I only recommend adding water as a last hope.
Shellite is naptha which is also sold as lighter fluid.
(Quoted From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Shellite may refer to :
° An Australian form of Naphtha.
°Shellite (explosive), British explosive filling for armour-piercing naval shells of the 1920s to 1930s.)
Now his obviously talking about the first meaning
Well let's hope so.
I also don't recommend using it...
What are you using for a solvent?
AN or SA.?
Are you leaving the pressure... "to long"
Are you re using you SS bottles as I only suggest using them a max of 2 times... Preferably one.
You can also gorilla tape that bitch to make it A bit stronger...
Just heat the bottom of the SS till you take if the plastic stand... Now gorilla tape the Fuck out of those seams.
I may also suggest you give my fire extinguisher story.
You can leave that bitch the WHOLE rxn without releasing pressure.
What this doesn't make much sense.
What solvent are you using?
You say you added "a half A HALF A CAP I SAID CAP FULL OF WATER"
I only ever suggest using a few drops of water ONLY as a last resort
Try grinding your AN and NaOH
ALSO try heating with a hairdryer before adding water
ok guys thanks!!!!
Well fucking use a fire extinguisher then ......what part of u cant blow up a fire extinguisher dont you all get?
Thats what I am saying. Question Dean and btw I very much appreciate you and Enzo's no bullshit replies because it expresses the seriousness of not following the storyline. What are the chances of making a functional numeric pressure guage for the FE to monitor a proper pressure reading ? What components should be used to withstand the pressure and corrosive exposure ? Also if there is a way and the components can withstand exposure how often should they be replaced ?
Whats Wrong or mistake?
This My Setup ::
2.5 g Eph, disolve in Zippo premium lighter fluid in 6 hours first before going to cock
2 cup AN cup top botle
2 cup Lye cup top botle
2 Lithium,,
1 cup top botle water
-Always Add small lye and water every 20mnt till cooked 2hours ,
and let them sit for 5 hours.
-gasing 2 sulfuric acid + drip some Hcl,then bubble inside freebase for 6 hours.
Thx Before, ihope you can help me
Yes *shellite* is like camping fuel (nampther)
Hay could u tell me how to gas please brother!!??
Thanks for your help snoz!
I can help you over pm if you like but do you mind me asking how you performed said water wash did you follow the tek exactly?
Yeah something must have gone pretty wrong if you got nothing from a water pull if you got nothing from a water pull there is no chance of getting anything via gassing.
Good luck with the honey run best wishes with not running into the wolf
Sadly true I try the best i can and still don't understand some people...
To be honest I don't think people read the whole op let alone the helpful comments that have come up.
Please read the whole op and comments thereafter before posting any questions as your question may have already been answered.
Shit if you guys would have asked half of the good questions .....hell not even half on wetdreams.ws or the thecollective.com u would have been kicked off the site. It's ok to ask questions if and only if u have really looked. This shot of asking same thing that has been answered 30 time on same thread is bullshit makes me not even want to help some of you
Please help if u can it will be a blessing!
Add more lye
Only reason I didn't say google is because u r in middle of cook when ur done Look it up and then on me with why that worked. U should want to know why it works I mean the whole thing .....if you know what is going on in that bottle u can do it safer that's the main reason..... and u can do it better.
What did you 1st start off with
And are you putting a heat source to
I was thinking of opening a bunch of the capsules and placing their contents in a blender to break down all of the microbeads in them into a powder. I was then going to preform an acetone wash with the dried acetone used in your story (from what I understand, the acetone will dissolve everything that isn't amphetamine, but again, I am not a trained chemist) and filter the solution. I'm not exactly sure what I should do next and don't mind experimenting. I can always get more capsules so I'm not terribly worried about wasting these capsules. Also, since this is more for my own curiosity than anything else, I'm not concerned with the time or effort it takes to produce a similar product from these base ingredients as the product produced in your story. The pills containing pseudoephedrine used in your story have become so closely monitored, one can only buy a box (1400 mg) a month. If I can use these capsules in it's place, then it will be much easier to achieve a similar result. Also, just FYI, in my new story, I plan on only snorting. Any help or insight that you can provide to aid in my education will be greatly appreciated.
Once again, thank you for what you have done and continue to do!
Every cunt needs to read the story properly its fkn eazy! N fuck the heat it fucks with the Li coppering! Just put 3-6ml water in the soda stream btl before u ad the Li! Read it 30 times if u have to! There's no excuse for non ss bottles and wrong ingredient mesurments!! Everyone stop being gronks n follow instructions!
Thanks enso u rock my rocks!
Ok so I may have come across wrong from some of the things I have said.
if you are adding a few drops of water use an ice bath to turn your lith as it works so much better/faster.
then when you are confident your li is where you want it to be,
then add your Suzy then hit that thing up with the hairdryer as cold helps li "melting" quicker and heat helps with the reduction of your Suzy.
Hey man i got my dream kicked back on the right track after heating. Its hard to type on my phone cause the screen is fucked up but i will get on my laptop here soon
thats scary, i used an SS one time and didnt like it for this one reason, its too hard to push in for pressure check and it builds too fast. thats my personal reasoning. not saying my way is right but i use pepsi and its easier FOR ME to tell when i need to burp because i was taught first hand with that kind of rv. DO NOT do what i do. SS is obviously safer. just saying PLEASE BE CAREFUL
Wow......if u cant wait and find the right stuff to do something such as making meth then I guess whatever bad shit that happens to you u have bought it on yourself. And I for one won't feel the least bit sorry for you. Just stick to buying Dope some people where never ment to be a dope cook.
^^^^ what dean said
BUT as long as you wash it a few times well till the water layer is clear.
The impurities are washed out there is no way there going back unless you put them there.
But I do suggest storing with some dry Epsom in the airtight container this will make sure your solvent stays nice and dry till you need to use it.
This should now be good for long-term storage.
But may I suggest another location.
What if someone comes early?
You can't just turn off the reaction without supercooling which you wouldn't have access to.
Leave it for to long unsupervised and you won't like what happens.
I also seriously doubt you would have rigged up a pressure release valve either
Something might not go exactly to plan and it might take a little bit longer keep in mind locations with tight timeframes are always a bad idea in stories.
If you are talking about this
Then he is talking about a glass version which I have never used and would be useless for this type reaction.
If you are talking about the boycotting it's a load of shit I guess your from Europe?
Wow I actually found a three pack simply by checking out there webpage
Found one here
Check [url="Https://www.sodastream.com.au/bottles-1/fuse-1-litre-bottles-triple-pack-white"]this[/url] out?
Or if your not from Australia
You could try here or this
Also a quick Google will help you greatly.
Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you posting your METHod. I have hypothetically written 2 stories, both with Great success! This is with No prior knowledge other than using dope. You explained everything well enough that I was able to accomplish this by following Only your METHod, no other resources. For anybody wondering, trust me enso knows his shit!
***I'll Sleep When I'm Dead***
Word!! ;-)
;-) :bee:
*Kid suda*
Mad song look it up guys y'all will fkn love it!!!!!
Alright so it took me dean and maybe a few others being harsh for you to stop cutting corners and to be more safe...
To be honest I'm glad I was so harsh because it got you to see my point more clearly because before that I said it multiple times nicely and you just weren't listening.
I am here to help people..
But most of all here to make sure people if they are doing it...
they are doing it safely.
You may think that you were doing the right thing but the fact is you were promoting the use of unsafe practices.
Yes you didn't do it directly but people see all the success you are getting with a "pepsi" bottle then why spend the extra money on a SS.
well truth is its alot safer and i really doubt while using that pepsi bottle you would have even came close to the pressure needed...
now that you have an SS come back and tell people how much better the gear is when done properly...
not trying to pick on you personally but the point needs to be made.
yes before finding SS a few bees used to use Gatorade bottles but we gorilla taped the fuck out of them and they still split at times.
I can answer questions about gassing I just rather water pulls...
you have made a good choice with the salt and sulfuric.
As this makes less h2o as an byproduct then foil Some bees have been using damprid instead of salt. Word is it produces gas which is a lot dryer... Mind you I have not tried it. I stick to water pulling.
That's my thing.
zero chance of loss of yield due to dreadful h2o...
which is a killer and has been spoken about a few times over the last couple of pages.
more control of ph which you have little to no control with gassing
your just lowering the ph until it Apparate's from said solvent and "snows"
this is what we are doing with a water pull except crashes out and immediately dissolves in the water.
then we evaporate water so we are only left with the substance.
but if you really are adamant on gasing. I do know how to gas so ask away.
you are still able to and i recommend multiple water washes. ( unless one is after bangers dope... water washing washes the impurities away that give IVers that rush)