Sticking it to the black man!

RemadERemadE Global Moderator
edited October 2011 in Spurious Generalities
Ok so on the way to my Lecture this morning I came across this.

Now we know I'm not racist at heart but this shit is just playing on white guilt. I raged all the way to my Lecture, texted a few mates and have taken it upon myself to make my own comeback. I was going to go with the "White Students Support groups" spin but I didn't fancy having the race police come and rape me come they find me out.

So when I get shitfaced on MXE and booze with a Yves Saint Lauren model tonight - impersonating Archer, I will be flypasting this right next to it.

Stickin' it to our shitty political NUS.


  • BurnBurn Regular
    edited October 2011
    Hahahahah, that's funny as.

    You do have a point though. Black people generally make the claim they're fighting for equality, yet they seem to have all these things in place in an attempt to give them a better 'chance'?

    Then again, they need all the help they need to be part of a normal society (<---obligatory racist comment)
  • Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
    edited October 2011
    This division is a diversion created via the media and the funding given to people like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton by the ruling elite in order that they my fuck both races equally in the end.
  • ThirdRockFromTheSunThirdRockFromTheSun <b style="color:blue;">Third<em style="color:pink;">Cock</em>FromThe<em style="color:brown;">Bum</em
    edited October 2011
    One of those students is Chinese, not black.

    This is false advertisement.
  • Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
    edited October 2011
    Since I am half Irish and being as for almost 100 years the Irish were treated like dirt in the U.S. does that make me half black according to NUS. Becasue if so I want my affirmative action advantages now.
  • chippychippy <b style="color:pink;">Global Moderator</b>
    edited October 2011
    Sure it does DR but you have to move to take advantage of it to the progressive society of the UK Hahaha
  • jehsiboijehsiboi Kanga Rump Ranga
    edited October 2011
    Since I am half Irish and being as for almost 100 years the Irish were treated like dirt in the U.S. does that make me half black according to NUS. Becasue if so I want my affirmative action advantages now.

    I also have irish ancestors ...Just wondering TDR if you know the story of Ned Kelly... The Irish were treated like dogs in early Australia. As someone with Irish blood I think you would find it interesting and also I think what he fought for is relevant today...
  • chippychippy <b style="color:pink;">Global Moderator</b>
    edited October 2011
    If you go out on a friday night after 11PM in Dublin, you find even the Irish don't like the Irish.
  • dr rockerdr rocker Regular
    edited October 2011
    First of all, 1000 humanity points to you if you do it. I do not know what they add up to but 1000 is a lot.

    The reason why left wing organisation have always seemed to try and hide themselves is an old communist tactic - hide amongst the people, spread disent about a load of bullshit, cause decent, fracture social groups and then eat them up as smaller entities. The EU encouraged this prior to the adoption of the Euro as a currency. By the structure of their constitiency boundary's, they could and did regionalise national politics - meaning a reagion in a country could actually dictate policy for its own country, even if the majority of its country did not agree.

    This policy was further persued in the UK by the labour government elected 1997 by fractionalising politics, setting up new layers of government and five layers of bureaucracy with each. With elected mayors the referendums for regional assemblies in England, the Scottish Parliment, the Welsh house of assembly and the European funded peace at Stormont, not only were the claws in to break the UK up, but England too into small opposing factions. Divide et impera.

    This way the wheels of Europe could have rolled over this once fine land, swallowing history and herritage and replacing it for what has turned out to be monopoly money.The German people are now literally holding up the Euro - it is their economic output and the potential of the German Stock exchange that is holding the currency of damn near a continent up.
  • edited October 2011
    One of those students is Chinese, not black.

    This is false advertisement.

    Anti-racist is code for anti-white.

    All are welcome as long as they arent the whitey opressors.

    Heres some words on the british situation:

    Documents found under freedom of information showed that the labour party deliberately encouraged economically and socially damaging levels of immigration in order to build up their future voting bases.

    If this had happened 50 years ago they would of been shot for treason.

    My advice is dont take the red pill and start looking at how deep this rabbit hole goes. Really dont.
  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited October 2011
    Well I stuck up the comeback :) was a very messy night last night. But yes, MayorofMonkeyTown has it right there. The UK has a failed multicultural system which goes into a very deep, twisted and sometimes shocking inception.

    But a good topic nonetheless. I'll take a photo when I walk to town.

    Edit - here we go.

    There are even more black student posters round now. Argh! But I stuck it to the Black man...with sellotape and a laser printer.
  • dr rockerdr rocker Regular
    edited October 2011
    The trying to be inclusive is what perpetuates hostility. If people were just left to get on with things they would make better decisions for themselves. Positive discrimination has created what I call secondary racism.

    Will the numbers that have been let in change a nation so much its pride dies?

    In the UK we were just begining to get along with each other 1000 years after we were last conquored. If you lived in the West of the UK, you would have some old celtic blood, maybe some from the Romans or their auxiliary units which could have concievably come from anywhere in the Roman empire - intoducing a little bit of foriegn blood. If you lived in the East, you were more than likely of Germanic or Viking stock.

    Will the amount of immigration in the last 10 years and the ghettos the government let happen along with the cultural practices of the immigrants mean the Englishman is a dying breed?


    Does it sadden me?


    Am I surprised?

    No. I was surprised, depressed and saddended by some news I read near 10 years ago.

    Blonde people will die out in 200 years. In or around 2202 the last natural blone will die, having been born in Finland. Lets say they are 105 when she dies. That would follow the projection for extensions in life expectancy at the lower end of current rates of increase. What I would see as sustainable increase. That means they were born in 2097. There or there abouts.

    I am a blonde person. It seems my race is endangered.

    CAn I haz positiv dizgrimanatons pls?
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