Men who cry about what Donald Trump Said.

I have had my cock grabbed by more women --even some hot married ones--I have had them beg for a fucking. Truthfully I never had to pursue a women ,I had a hard time shaking them. Any man that showing his fake outrage for what Mr. Trump Said is a pencil dick bitch. All you liberal bitches(that's men) get some damn steroids or something --You are a flat out EMBARESMENT to man kind.
Ladies speaking on women's rights --you have the right to slap those looney feminist upside the head yourself . Would you please.


  • I do believe "feminist" men have had their balls cut off. Those women that angrily demand what they call "respect" always demonstrate themselves to be very poorly educated and very aggressively slutty. It is them themselves who keep on seeking the kind of treatment from men that they keep complaining about, then they blame men when they feel embarrassed with themselves.
    Leaving that aside, I still don't think Trump is fit for presidency. He clearly has serious mental issues, and also, the Russians seem oddly interested on him being elected, which is flat out creepy. It's not at random that unknown sources keep trying to expose and dirt Hilarious Clinton but no wikileak or anything has tried to stain Trump, something bigger and more powerful than a bunch of falsely patriotic hillbillies is interested on getting him into power, and it pretty damn sure has something to do with reversing any political agreement between USA and Iran and making the US lose whatever little grip it has on the middle East and Eastern Europe.
    Besides, Trump wants to eliminate taxes for investors for obvious reasons. If rich inversionsists pay no taxes it means he has to pay no taxes for his real estate industry, but he does get to exploit and impoverish the middle and lower classes by abusing his adquisitive power and rising rent and land costs. So by all means, go vote for Trump if you want your country to become another Mexico.
  • Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
    edited October 2016
  • Impending doom --after reading your post Id say your dick was cut off- If you want your country to become MEXICO Vote for Hillary--They have shot 80 priest in the last 8 years--we know hillay would love to kill them herself--Right now Mexico has more growth ect then the USA --Why -Because the Companies have to move to compete-Hillary will sign TPP so fast --she will wipe this country out.
  • Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
    Are you arguing with yourself ITT?
  • Honestly I don't care if Trump or Killary wins, no winners in this election.
  • PacoPaco me administrator
    Dfg wrote: »
    Honestly I don't care if Trump or Killary wins, no winners in this election.

    A nice old jewish man wanted to give us free college, but no, now I have to choose between Hitler and the devil.
  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    Paco wrote: »
    Dfg wrote: »
    Honestly I don't care if Trump or Killary wins, no winners in this election.

    A nice old jewish man wanted to give us free college, but no, now I have to choose between Hitler and the devil.

    Congrassyass my friend, you WIN the Devil.

  • Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
    Paco wrote: »
    Dfg wrote: »
    Honestly I don't care if Trump or Killary wins, no winners in this election.

    A nice old jewish man wanted to give us free college, but no, now I have to choose between Hitler and the devil.

    How was he going to pay for the free college? We're the professors all going to work for nothing?
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