Getting "gunk" out of my grinder to use

RemadERemadE Global Moderator
edited September 2010 in Man Cave
So here it is...


I was wondering what the best way to get this sticky, sweet smelling trichome leftover out of it? Isopropanol? Boil in water and reduce to hash?
I used up the last of my Iso today making chemicals that go boom, but if it is a good technique I'll do it and document it here for the archives.

Kinda wished I uploaded the image to here now. Ah well.


  • edited September 2010
    I use something sharp to scrape at it. This doesn't usually happen to me unless I grind a very large amount of weed in one sitting.
  • Jolt890Jolt890 Acolyte
    edited September 2010
    Fill both sides of the grinder to surface tension with high proof alcohol, let sit, reduce alcohol, sprinkle on new bowl.
  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited September 2010
    I use something sharp to scrape at it. This doesn't usually happen to me unless I grind a very large amount of weed in one sitting.


    I'll be getting some Isopropanol asap then.
    Also just made some fucking lovely cannabutter. I would write a guide but it's everywhere on the net. Gonna put it in a sandwich before i fly to mainland Europe next week. Could be either great soaring at 30,000ft or fucked up when i get to customs and start shitting it like a little dog.

    We shall see!
  • HelladamnleetHelladamnleet Banned
    edited September 2010
    I'm not terribly experienced with things staying in my grinder (there is nothing but skank weed around here, and my seeds haven't gotten here yet), but chemical 420 should work. It's made for getting resin and such out, and most reputable head shops carry it.
  • ObbeObbe Regular
    edited September 2010
    I advice you get a metal grinder, after you try cleaning this one. Get the kind that unscrews and has a screen in it.

  • MasturbatronMasturbatron Regular
    edited September 2010
    If that grinder of yours is acrylic, using Iso alcohol to clean it will shatter your grinder.
  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited September 2010
    Ah it is acrylic. Gash.

    I do have a metal one with a screen but it's so small. Time to invest in a bigger one methinks.
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