Help me design my &T tattoo

RemadERemadE Global Moderator
edited January 2011 in Spurious Generalities
So after much thought, consideration and talking with Tordek, I have come to the conclusion that the addictive nature of tattoos has driven me o get at least an outlining of what was, and still is, a website that has had a huge influence on my life.

So what I need are:

Suggestions of body places (haha, no cock ones...yet)
Anyone arty enough to come up with some good designs. I will submit my own when I have drown some.

I was thinking of one that looks like a gun, spelt out by &ToTSE or "The Temple of The Screaming Electron" on my waist.

Another idea was an &T on the wrist.

I was hoping for something a bit bigger though. Base cost for tattoos at my my favourite place is £30, so it has to be worth the cash, really.

Any ideas? I'll get designing...I would love some input, as I want this to be memorable and something to tell the grandkids about (if I am still fertile after the amount of abuse I have put my body through...and if I want kids)

You get the idea...


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