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Receiving SSTV Images from The International Space Station

Receiving SSTV Images from The International Space Station

It is possible to receive images from the international space station using a radio scanner and a computer. one of the problems with this is that reception is very hit and miss and requires a lot of patience, even if you dont pick up anything the first time dont give up because sooner or later you will hopefully receive something. At times when the Shuttle is visiting (Not for much longer) or when a space walk is occurring you wont receive any thing as they turn the radio off for safety reasons.

Equipment you will need:

  • Scanner and antenna
  • Computer running SSTV software such as this: http://www.dxzone.com/cgi-bin/dir/jump2.cgi?ID=1854
  • Tracking software such as http://www.dxzone.com/cgi-bin/dir/jump2.cgi?ID=2706

First check what times the ISS will be over your location. make sure your scanner and computer are good to go before the ISS begins passing over, connect your scanners audio out to the line in port on your pc then tune the scanner to 145.800 MHz, click auto receive on the SSTV program and wait. hopefully you will receive something but if not try again during a later pass

By Daktologist

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