Dumpster Slut wrote: » you say it has a weird feel - i bet its plastic :mad:
Dysgraphia wrote: » I haven't seen it yet. There's supposed to be some 4 new penny designs circulating from last year but they never arrived here at NY. Anyone seen them?
Anonymous wrote: » They all look like shit.
This. America has gotten so cheap, they cant afford the copper in our pennies.:mad:
buying power of the US dollar.
don't believe it? use this website to verify http://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl
There's supposed to be some 4 new penny designs circulating from last year but they never arrived here at NY.
Anyone seen them?
They all look like shit.
You're fucking crazy.
They look awesome. Better than the recent shield-bullshit one.