What a pile of motherfucking shit.
Incase you don't know the crackers "SKiDROW", they're a bunch of faggot hackers who will hack games so you can torrent them, but they won't tell you how to use their cracks, and most of the time they don't even fucking work. I was just playing Dead Rising 2 and the only thing I needed was a serial key so I could save properly. I thought I'd try the SKiDROW cracks but nope. The game doesn't even open now.
Fuck you SKiDROW.
I guess we are from different eras. When I was running Warez boards and posting releases to usenet I never heard of SKIDROW. I remember SKIDROW WHQ back in the early to mid 90's. Is this the same group?
Yes, almost ALL Game/0-Day app groups are 10+ years old. Very few new ones start up because there is little need for it with how systematic cracking apps/games has become. Over the years they've literally wrote scripts and software specialized to make it so they can "crack" games/apps like it's no thing. They were around but they were never that "big" per se. They were like a few other gaming groups for the PC that were around but only got their hands on small no-one-gives-a-shit Barbie games and what not. Since Raz0r1911, Fairlight, and Deviance all called it quits they were one of the last ones left. Then Reloaded came out of nowhere, most likely old members of the 3 original groups. Then some kiddie ass clowns decided it would be cool to takeover the Raz0r1911 name and carry on the groups name in name only because nobody is from the original crew that quit right after the 2001 take down.
Fairlight also is not the original Fairlight in any sense and Deviance is gone for good and never got revived despite all 3 being tied in quality when they were around if you ask me. The quality was stellar compared to what you see now. So if anything, regardless of the crap Reloaded pulls sometimes, they are the ONLY original crew besides Skidrow that just flourished from others mishaps. But yeah if you ever see a FLT, 1911, Deviance release ever and remember any of those three groups, it is NOT them, just some fucking kiddiots trying to use their name and this is well known in the Scene.
Just in case anybody gives a fuck lol
Yeah, now that you say the names I remember Fairlight and Deviance.
Somewhere downstairs on the 1500 plus optical discs I have burned I have an NFO collection dating back to 1984. I used to collect NFO and organize them by the year and month of the release. I have been out of it since around 2004. And only grab stuff from usenet when there is a movie I really don't want to pay for. As for games I stopped playing most games about 2 years ago other than some MMO action here and there that me and a buddy of mine in FL use to kill time while we shoot the shit in Vnetrilo.
Do you remember a warez/hacking board called Elitehackers.com? Back in '99 the feds launched Operation Buccaneer and EH shutdown the warez section of the board. Many of us left around Oct 99 and started warezwaldo.com.
I never trusted cracks and in reality most of them are backdoored anyway. SKIDROW cracks are shit because I always lose LAN play and the other groups are not good anyway. In short, I just download games from IPT and hope for the best. Also, like TDR I don't play games anymore. I just do this and that but I stopped caring about them long ago.
After some Googling I discovered that the crack had rootkited both of our systems and spread, via the LAN to the rest of my hosts. I all the years I had been raping usenet I had never come across any sort of virus before. I mean it used to be that usenet was just a frogs hair removed from the topsites. When that happened it was the beginning of the end of my days in the warez scene.
Over the next year or so after that I began to see more and more infected crap be posted on usenet and scuttled my pirate ships.