Personally, I first reach for a sawzaw, but you really have to contemplate your options.
1. Rotary Tool
2. Compound Miter Saw
3. Power Wrench
4. Soldering Gun
5. Power Drill
Call me old fashioned, but I'd go with a chainsaw, preferably one that auto adjusts it's chain. You don't know what bones are left hanging inside her ham-wallet, and you just can't afford breaking a $10 chain on a $2 whore.
But not really, I don't like having fetus stains on my dick.
seal that axe wound shut
(since you're not supposed to zing yourself)
even though wires did with a coat hanger
i literally lol'd when you said that. I had to bring attention to that.
Coloring power tools fuck yeah!
I'm crazy enough though.
Probably do the most damage
White Knight.
Anyway, I wouldn't go near her. She has a bad aura about her. Anything she touches tends to fuck up in the long run. I wonder what she did to get that in the first place?
Hating parents etc.
I should write about this.
i thought you guise were totse veterans?
What's that?
That my Paki friend, is a high powered vacuum.
Holy fuck. :eek::eek::eek:
That would bring a camel to its knees.
yes, such vacuums are used in applications such as cleaning, maintenance and abortions.
if you catch my drift
As far as it'll go up the cunt, then boom.
wise choice my friend
You will rid the world of one bitch and the potential to create more little devil babies
In all seriousness, I think a power tool is going a little far, but the idea of a jackhammer makes me lol. Some woman tried to get it off with a jackhammer in her driveway.
That is just fucked up but funny
"It's hammer time baby"
She's got real fat since that set of pics. Unfortunately.
As for the face, I'm sure we could just put a black bag over it if it's that bad
Fucking this
But I chose all of them because I would rape her until she died with everything.
oh young acolyte, you have much to learn.
Lol, fucking love that movie