I have often seen fierce opponents of paedophila argue that children are very easily influenced and haven't yet fully developed their brains and that they can't make educated decisions by themselves. Fair enough, that's your opinion and I've debated it many times... however, if that's your stance, then surely it's a bit silly to not treat the average negro like you would the average child and give a negro the same rights that a child has.
African-Americans have upto 23%+ caucasoid ancestry and have an IQ of 85, which is equivalent to a mental age of nearly 14, with a range of from 11 to 16 years. The true negroes of Sub-Saharan Africa have an average IQ of 70, which would suggest mental retardation. We must think in terms of "mental age," since retardation in Whites is often the result of a single gene or chromosomal anomaly, which also causes physical abnormalities and mechanical deficiencies effecting motor or speech skills- most of which these mechanical deficiencies and abnormalities are not seen in the bulk of the negroids in SSA.
The IQ of 70 seen in adults is equivalent to a mental age of about 11 years. This would make the normal range of mental ages found in negroid African countries to be from less than 9 years to almost 14 years. Eleven-year-olds, of course, are not "retarded." They can drive cars, build houses, and work in factories if supervised properly. Eleven-year-olds can even wage war—and do so today, they also did in the past too. I spoke of this in my thread discussing paedophilia.
Now for the brain claim. Brain weight in the negro varies with the amount of White ancestry from no White ancestry = 1,157 grams to half-White ancestry = 1,347 grams. Nigger brains are typically less folded than those of Whites and have fewer fibers leading to the frontal lobes.
Low-IQ is more likely to also relate to predisposition to criminality, getting caught and being sent to prison. The average IQ of UK criminals is about 85. IQ is definitely related to criminality.
Dr Pat Mottram said: "Overall our findings show that the average IQ of the prison population is 13 below the national average of 100.
Projected figures showed that a quarter of British prisoners have an IQ of less than 80.
Further evidence in another study can be seen here:
"We speculate that, whereas our results suggest that a dysregulated and hyperreactive amygdala response contributes to both anxiety and violence ('fight or fright'), the manifestation of violence in behavior may require impairment in additional layers of control, be they emotional (orbitofrontal cortex) or cognitive (caudal cingulate)"
Structural brain variation and general intelligence- Haier et al. 2004
This study of 47 people correlated IQ to volume of certain brain areas using structural MRI.
"These results expand upon recent research relating IQ to gray matter.. These..authors found gray matter within the anterior cingulate to be most associated with performance on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III... It is of note that our young group displayed numberous correlations ... within medial frontal gray and white matter regions adjacent to the anterior cingulate cortex. Taken together, the relationship between frontal brain regions and IQ across different ages appears to progress from anterior cingulate (pediatric cohort), to medial frontal (young University of New Mexico cohort), to more dorsolateral frontal regions (older UC Irvine cohort). We suspect that the progression observed across these cohorts is likely modulated by accelerated brain volume loss across the life span preferentially affecting frontal gray matter, particularly the anterior cingulate gyrus."
To summarize these two studies, the 3-repeat allele is associated with a physically smaller and impaired anterior cingulate, and lower IQ is associated with a physically smaller anterior cingulate. The anterior cingulate regulates the fight-or-flight response from the amygdala. Therefore, the proven lower avergae IQ of blacks could ALSO be associated with their higher rate of violent delinquency.
Niggers are actually just extra-hyperactive and over-sized children and should be treated as such. Giving children the same rights as negroes is out of the question, we'll be in a bigger mess than we already are as a society, so it's much fairer to give negroes the same restrictions in that children have in society, including but not limited to sexual intercourse restrictions and supervision.
The different races should live far away from eachother. Having one dominant race live amongst another race who lives in subservience is a recipe for long-term societal problems, including resentment, crime, and costly welfare. I think races would be much happier if they did not have to see other races in public everyday or work amongst them.
That would be ideal, long term. I am thinking in terms of the meantime until that is achieved.
I'm sold.
Genetically modified virus that targets certain biological traits.
STFU faggot!
A Lord amongst wits or a wit amongst Lords?
You and me, we think alike