I know getting molested isn't something that not many people are comfortable about talking but it's something that happens to almost everyone during there life time. Some people get molested when they're kids, others get molested when they're adults. It seems there is no age limit to this and it's something that we joke around on totse from time to time.
So, guys, I know it's hard for you and yes I know you enjoyed the feeling but in this thread we share our secrets.
I was molested when I came into this world by the doctor who handled my delivery, I have no proof of this but I did see her doing something with my developing penis like playing with it and it's still a dream but it felt real.
Then I got molested at the tender age of 7 when my butts where soft and cocks around me where hard for it. Well, it honestly it was just a dry hump and the same thing happened when I was 10, 11, 13. Molesting stop around 14 and I miss it. That touch, that lust for my body and the hunger which you could see there eyes, it's just fucking amazing.
Come on totsean, we're all family here. Hell, I molest most of you all the time.
Yes, I hope to move to the land you call America one day.
I'd grace you with my story but this is a troll thread :facepalm:
I woke up on a couch with porn playing and my flacid cock being sucked...
On the bright side, at least you weren't fucked in the ass! :thumbsup:
If I don't remember then it never happened.
Nope, 100% fact.
Ok then: 6-8 years old and a friend of mines uncle got him and me.
I bet you and your tight little body were asking for it.
Did Professor Oak want to take a look at your Wurmple?
My Wurple used string shot.
I bet that didn't reduce his Speed now did it?
He just used pound, so I used harden.
Was there any Encore?
More details.
Why so you can get off? :facepalm:
Is it you? Are you the kid I was talking about?
:facepalm: Man you must have went far in life. Only thing that event did to me is make me not date people.
He has a right to protest your cat molesting ways! Any normal non-zoophile would!
Afraid of getting hurt? What a loser.
For me, yes. I always feel used & abused after. It feels dirty & wrong & I'm left feeling guilty. Plus, I'm in physical pain after since I'm a 12 year old being raped by an older man.
:facepalm: It's a natural instinct to not want to get hurt. It's hard to get close to people when you're in emotional pain from having been abused.
I didn't say I was a virgin, I said I had never been molested. :facepalm:
So you actively enjoy getting hurt? What a freak.
I don't date and I find "easy" women easier to find because for some reason (At least in my mind and those I know and talked this over with) Molested victims can kind of know from a 5-10 minute conversation with one another that someone else is molested or has something messed up in their head. Gives you that sort of "trust" instantly and allows you to know that getting together wont end up a stalker or long term type thing.
Also allows for some crazy sex though.
Good luck on finding good looking ones. I bet if you went down to the buffets you could find people that would molest you though.
I know, he is such a freak, it's disgusting.
Like damaged goods, eh?
Lol buffets?
I'd molest the hell out of you if you were really 12.
Fucking pedophile, child molester. You make me sick.
Considering I'm damaged goods as well its a lot easier to deal with certain damaged goods then others.
Fat chicks.
Quoted you sick fuck
If you somehow became a little kid again I'd fuck up you up the ass just for the lulz and because I'd know what kind of person you'd become.
I'm damaged goods, too. :sad:
QUOTED. Sick fuck homosexual, pedophile, cat molester, child molester.
Feed trolls much?
I see no trolls.
IC, so when you were molested did you get your eyes fucked out?
Wow, what kind of person spends their time flaming a 12 year old on the internet? So sad.
So are you saying you are 12 years old?
Yes, it's in my profile & anything that's in an internet forum profile is automatically fact.
I'd kill you
Is he Malice?
Sorry I was sleeping and living my life. TDR is -SpectraL/DaGuru not me.
Took you this long to figure this out?
I read a statistic that says like 90% of people around the world get molested in some form or another in their lifetime.
I have some suggested reading for you Dorkhunter.
Dude whats your obsession with me and my ass? You a homo?
So now that you know what obsession means perhaps you would be inclined to point out where I have even mentioned your ass yet alone obsessed on it. Now your butt hurt I am mildly amused by but when I am not looking at one of your posts you don't even exist.
First it was funny to make fun of your mental illness and now its just sad.