Since the Obama won the election this is what America has become. An Islamo Bolshevik caliphate. You may be confused by what I mean so I'll explain. It's an ideolougy far more dangerous than regular Socialism. To trace the origins of this you need to go back to Kenya and Obamas Grandfather and Father. Both were determined Islamists and radical socialists. To get a good picture of all this I highly reccomend the book "Obama Nation leftist politics and the cult of personality". It was written by the founder of the World Net Daily.
Obama as a young man was shaped by these Islamic fundementalist ideals and by the socialist theories of his family. When he moved to Chicago and met up with the terrorist William Ayers of the weather underground a dangerous alliance was formed.
Obama has damaged this country more than any other president. Is he simply stupid and incompetent? I think not. In fact I think he's brilliant but evil. He wants to see this country fall. He hates everything about America that makes us great. He believes that only by destroying America can he bring about this radical agenda of his.
With his foreign policy he has shown complete support for Islamic radicals in the middle east like the Moslem brotherhood. He has shown nothing but disdain and contempt to our best ally in that region Israel.
You'll notice that he has given American sovereignty away to the UN. An organization which IO believe he intends to run one day establishing a global Sharia and Communist based world. He can only do this by destroying America and so far he's succeeding.