Radio Totse

DaktologistDaktologist Global Moderator
I finally have the transmitter at my new place but no antenna yet :(. Hopefully early next year I'll be back on the air and ready to have some fun. Just found out that Radio Totse made a mention in the Pirate Radio Annual 2014 magazine which is fucking awesome. Below is the entry from the magazine which sadly is only available in print form.
Radio Totse
We’re now closing in on 20 years since KIWI Radio operated regularly from New Zealand and was heard across nearly all of North America (and with a good signal in the western half of North America. But new station Radio Totse reminded everyone just how well signals can propagate from the South Pacific.
Temple of the Screaming Electron (TOTSE) was a San Francisco-area BBS that was in operation from 1989 to 1998 and as a website on the Internet until 2009. The TOTSE site specialized in controversial subjects that many sites would shy away from. The idea was that absolutely nothing was off limits. For example, TOTSE was notorious among the mainstream media for such things as users who posted bomb-building plans.
Radio Totse not only follows the concepts of TOTSE, but the station’s operator, Daktologist, is a regular contributor to the site, which continues the traditions of the original site. Dak first posted on the site that he would be building a radio station as early as January 2012. From that point, Dak regularly updated readers as to his progress with assembling the station, building the antenna, setting up the generator, etc. Despite all of the interest on the board and the how-to information, none of the other board members have taken the plunge into pirate radio.
Radio Totse uses an Icom IC-718 transceiver into a helically wound vertical with a capacitance hat at about 30 feet. The antenna tower is a guyed PVC mast made entirely from junked components. He also uses an MFJ Versa Tuner II and a Power Max generator.
The first broadcast from Radio Totse that was first reported in North America on August 4 on 6925 kHz USB, but the station had made a few in-band SWBC transmissions on frequencies like 6050 and 17730 kHz as far back as February 2013. In August the station was reported 10 times in North America, then twice in September, five times in October, another five times in November, and once in December. Nearly all of the broadcasts were heard for a few hours between 0700 and 1100 UTC. Radio Totse was reported many more times through the end of the year, however, thanks to a North American relay station that was airing the programs on their own, with no relay IDs. After a few dozen relay broadcasts with no IDs, the station started to identify itself as WRR, Whiskey Redneck Radio by early January. These relays were reported on a number of frequencies--including 6966.66, 6930, and 6940 kHz USB at times between 1400 and 0400 UTC.


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