Google Cardboard

I got one yesterday for $5.00 it's pretty good. It's low resolution but surprising fluid.

It's hard to find porn apps on it though. If you see one on say, i definitely recommend buying it.

You could even print out a layout and stick it on a piece of cardboard to make it yourself.


  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    Fuck Me! Is it April the 1st already?? LoL
  • edited November 2015
    We were looking at the old 3D hologram from the 60s (the cards you turn.. waxy like film with ridges).. we wanted to know how to make those with a printer today and looked for a kit to make them, but didn't find anything...

    we did however see how to take a CD case and cut four semi-triangle (crop the top off each one by scoring it with a box cutter)) and make 4, glue them together to make a triangular box, then if you sit it on top of an old phone or tablet with video, it refracts the light into a 3D hologram.. I always find it great when I fail at finding one thing but learning something even cooler. I don't know how this applies to the cardboard sex poster.. but the hologram would make beer pong more interesting trying to bounce the pong ball in. (I left that one open for you)
  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    Fox7 wrote: »
    but the hologram would make beer pong more interesting trying to bounce the pong ball in. (I left that one open for you)
    EA Sports is gonna read this post ^ and make a PS4 game out of. Just wait and see.

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