It's been about 6 years if I remember right.
From Jeff Hunter:
"When I first started this site, almost 20 years ago now, the idea was to have a place where all types of ideas could be spoken, traded, and exchanged, where no topic was off-limits or forbidden. At the time the site was started there was nothing like it. There wasn't a world wide web, Internet access was hard to come by, publishing new ideas was limited to paper, and publishing on paper and mailing out what you published was ridiculously expensive. After all of the effort, your potential audience was limited to a few hundred people.
Now we have the web, and anyone can start a web site or create a Facebook or MySpace page and publish their thoughts for all to see. If you want to be heard you can be, and if people are interested in listening they'll find you. Access is cheap and plentiful. This is the golden age of information.
I don't think it will come as a shock to most of you that after 20 years I am burned out. For the last several years I've reduced the time I spend on the site to the bare minimum -- paying bills, finding advertisers, maintaining the servers, fixing database problems, debugging e-mail server problems, handling SPAM, and answering the occasional question or mediating a random dispute, but even that takes too many hours each month. It's time to do something different. It's time for something new.
I don't know exactly what that something new will be yet, but I know I won't figure it out unless I make a clean break with the past, so it's time to say goodbye and move on. I am closing down the site as of January 17th. The IRC channel #totse will remain on-line (I don't host it and I have nothing to do with running it) and Zok's BBS is up and running and Zok says he thinks his equipment can keep up with the load, but this web site will cease operations.
So make your plans, set up a new rendezvous, and move on to the next thing. Thanks for the memories, it's been an interesting 20 years to say the least. "
I never was exactly a hardcore or even a decent totsean, but it was unfathomable to think that this "golden age of information" Hunter once spoke of has become what we have today. Everywhere I go I run into constant "social justice" and impotence from limp-wristed pansies that have never had to work for anything. They do annoying shit and act like they know something important, but they know nothing. If there was one thing I could say for the average totsean of the past it would be that they were at least modest about it. Show an inch of weakness and you'd get flamed on totse. For me, that was a lesson that helped me develop my own personality. Perhaps I thought I knew something but at least I was open to new ideas and I adapted. That was mainly because of the people from the site. Hell, totse helped me get through high school without popping six viagra, downing it with a jar of white lightning, and skull-fucking my classmates into puddles of gravy.
I've been told that part of me needs to change, and accept this "web 2.0" culture of taddling and privilege bred from stupidity. Not even spell-check recognizes the word "privilege" unless I add it to the browser dictionary, which tells me something is dead wrong. For a few years after totse closed down I almost believed that there was something wrong with me. I once was exposed to this subculture known as "bronies", which are men that idolize My Little Pony - a cartoon of talking magical horses. In this group exists another subculture known as "cloppers" who whack themselves off to pictures of the characters in the show...whom of which are magical talking horses... I spoke my opinion of how this was was sad and pathetic that grown men would fantasize about fucking horses. I was flamed and told "Fluttershy isn't a horse! She's an equestrian!" to which I replied "It's a fucking cartoon, and you're a fucking flutter-faggot." This didn't result in the simple in-house ban, the book of faces locked my account for 30 days. Even group admins are limp-wristed pansies that whine to big brother.
I can't help it if I find pussy, diesel, gasoline, explosives, firearms, and liquor appealing anymore than that fucking weirdo finds a magical talking cartoon horse appealing, but I've learned to take a flaming - and often dish one out just as bad. You don't see me going to taddle like a schoolboy. You also don't see me pushing my beliefs as gospel. I don't give a fuck if you "clop", fuck another dude in the ass, fuck a dead animal and eat it, or fuck a pizza - just don't shove it down my throat and demand that I accept it as gospel. If it's your thing, fine, but don't nazify that shit. Nazis used to get struck down immediately every time, now it's like society appeases them. This is a problem in society. I don't have a tolerance problem, I have a fucking asshole problem surrounding me from all positions - and its making my dick rather hard. But what's sad is it is spilling into real life.
I remember the stupid bastards, the spamming, and the kids trying to look like commandos but I also remember the epic smackdowns that came from the older members - some of which are no longer with us. Today, these little pricks have the backing of social media admins, "advocate groups", pc principal, and impotent parenting. And don't you dare tell them to their face or they'll tell on you. Pussies. What irritates me the most is that there is no escaping them after school or after work anymore. I once circulated a picture of the cat in a jar on the book of faces to see what would happen only to have my account seized and get talked to by law enforcement regarding potential animal abuse. Fuck this shit. Even the cop was like "wtf?" because I didn't even own a fucking pet at the time, much less a cat stuffed in a jar.
So I'm just wondering what that next big thing is. I don't feel it will be another forum, nor can it be layered into existing social media without fear of a 1984-style black-bagging party. Part of me always felt that &totse took you as you were and offered you knowledge and opinion to do with what you will. When I was younger and stupider this wasn't as appealing as looking at stupid shit in SG, but as I slowly start reaching 30 I weep for the archives and the information of the other forums. Not all of it was trash. It's like a Jedi being cut off from the Force.
They're fucking ponies, dude. Not horses.
The next big thing.. I don't know man, too many SJW's on the Internet. Fighting them is pointless, I am just going to stroll through the information gateway, troll everyone and do what makes me happy.
So, find something that will occupy your loss or
you can build this place into something that take your time and energy and make something close.
Fighting them is indeed pointless. There are just too many of them. I have been trolling feminists online, funnily enough they are always teenagers. My conclusion is that a lot of them consider themselves feminists because they want to belong. It's fucking pathetic. Guys too. I can't tell you how many male feminists I have found. Anyway, so during the time that I was trolling them, I've been blocked, name-called, their little buddies chime in; so my mentions are always clogged, I've gotten lies spread about me, etc. Oh, and they are always passive-aggressive. Oh, by the way, Twitter have updated their policy. "Hate" accounts will get banned. So I have to be careful now. Stupid Twitter.
Eh that hate account BS is just retarded
I just discovered we have an admin on Reddit that is from TOTSE! OMFG