Do they still sell a lot of flip phones in Pakistan? I know you're not living there anymore, but I am going there hopefully next year in January (insha'Allah).
The reason I'm asking is because I love flip phones, they're really dope. I recently bought one but it's not really the one that I want. I want a Motorola razr or something that resembles it, or whatever.
Do you know if they sell those there? And if they do, are they new? As in.. are they packaged? Or is it all just used phones that are getting resold?
Thanks for your time.
I kinda like flip phones as well because they're fuck'n more robust than any smart phone. (Never fucked a flip phone by accident but smart phones are accident prone) What I really want is an old brick phone, but in digital. Now how retro bad ass would that be?
Flip phone were the shit, although I don't mind my new smartphone though.
I'll be in Rawalpindi, Lahore and Dina. Maybe Karachi and Islamabad too. Where did you live in Pakistan?
bornkiller: Yeah, flip phones are hella expensive! At least the cool ones. And they most likely are second hand phones as well, so you're paying a lot of money for a used product. I recently bought a flip phone but it's pretty fragile, it's made out of plastic.