It's more impairing, sure, but a good stoning can give one a serious buzz. My tolerance is too high to get there as of now, but who remembers the first time they got really, really stoned? Seems better than the first time I got really drunk.
in New york it does! i used to live there and thats all i would buy. it was rare as fuck though. it would set me back $45 a gram.
No you didn't because Purple Haze went extinct in the 60's and if you paid 45 a g for anything you got ripped off. Not even the best bud of all time should EVER go for more than 25 a g.
No you didn't because Purple Haze went extinct in the 60's and if you paid 45 a g for anything you got ripped off.
Thats what you think . i knew a private grower, he wass 70 years old and had all the good old strains. and would only sell to a select group of people. and i wasnt getting ripped. you try and find true purple haze. o wait you cant . its suposed to be extinct thats why it was so expensive. duh
Thats what you think . i knew a private grower, he wass 70 years old and had all the good old strains. and would only sell to a select group of people. and i wasnt getting ripped. you try and find true purple haze. o wait you cant . its suposed to be extinct thats why it was so expensive. duh
Even if it was real purple haze which it wasn't it still wouldn't be worth 45 for a g. Thats the price for fucking low grade coke not bud.
I wont find real purple haze because it's an extinct fucking strain. I don't doubt that the bud was good but it wasn't purple haze.
Prove me wrong! it was an old hippie that had atleast 10 plants of it. Do you live in ny? do you know who i speak of? i thought not. dont doubt what you aren't sure of. for all you know there could be a few plants still in existence. in which there are. im not trolling. i was amazed at 1st when he told me he had it. and yes i thought it was extinct to, but its not! im telling you! this old hippie has it! for realz!
Just regained consciousness after finishing off the last of a .8g chunk of some good Mr. Brownstone I got today. :fap: Gonna sleep 'til like 3pm now tomarrow afternoon. :P
Makes me feel like a :fap:
Passing out while stopping breathing. :mad:
It hits very nicely.
Awww yeah wake n bake
Bump w/ a bowl.
Priest saw it; Gave disapproving look.
Alcohol is better than weed:cool:
I agree. I'm under 21 and liquors stores here won't sell to me anymore. The only ones that do are in another town.
Both at the same time, I say.
Epic wrongness.
Nah bro it's the superior buzz.
It's more impairing, sure, but a good stoning can give one a serious buzz. My tolerance is too high to get there as of now, but who remembers the first time they got really, really stoned? Seems better than the first time I got really drunk.
Hmm I dont recall typing that second sentence:o:o:o Although I do agree that the combo of bud and booze is great/
Real purple haze doesn't exist anymore:facepalm:
in New york it does! i used to live there and thats all i would buy. it was rare as fuck though. it would set me back $45 a gram.
No you didn't because Purple Haze went extinct in the 60's and if you paid 45 a g for anything you got ripped off. Not even the best bud of all time should EVER go for more than 25 a g.
Thats what you think
Even if it was real purple haze which it wasn't it still wouldn't be worth 45 for a g. Thats the price for fucking low grade coke not bud.
if you find real purple haze let me know the price then you can doubt me all you want.
I wont find real purple haze because it's an extinct fucking strain. I don't doubt that the bud was good but it wasn't purple haze.
Prove me wrong! it was an old hippie that had atleast 10 plants of it. Do you live in ny? do you know who i speak of? i thought not. dont doubt what you aren't sure of. for all you know there could be a few plants still in existence. in which there are. im not trolling. i was amazed at 1st when he told me he had it. and yes i thought it was extinct to, but its not! im telling you! this old hippie has it! for realz!
Shit my bad man, I hit edit on your post instead of quoting it. I'll fix it right now.
Lol it's not a problem bro.
Damn that sucks, bro.
I'm smokin' a joint of some good weed my buddy let me try for free
Drug are bad kids...mmmkay. Stay in school.
You seem more retarded than I could have ever thought.:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: Seriously weed as the birth of language???