I love Dropbox, it's one tool that I can't live without. From syncing to file hosting this tool is amazing. I can go on and on about Dropbox but it's better if you try it for yourself. It's free and it works.
More: https://www.dropbox.com/screencastLink: https://www.dropbox.com/
Since I use Dropbox for Totse, I will run out of space pretty soon. So, if you want to sign up,
please use this link: https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTQ3ODY5NDc5
Once you sign up finish the tutorial and earn more storage. After that post the referral link by clicking invite more friends and then new users will use your link. In this way everyone gets more storage and a kickass tool for free.
Simple, Effective and awesome.
That's awesome. I though the free version was only 2GB? I should have probably checked the website instead of Wikipedia. Old habit. I'm just going to make a shit load of fake accounts and refer your and my accounts
Just refer me and you will get 250MB by doing it.
Thanks though, should be useful.
Yeah I did . Up to 2.5GB now. Creating fake accounts didn't give me an extra 250MB per though. I think I have to reinstall it, I'm going to test that .
It should add 250MB ... Anyway, happy uploading.