DFG has been trolling you all along.

EchidnaEchidna Regular
edited July 2010 in Spurious Generalities
Ever wondered how DFG was always there to edit your post, infract you, move it, play modball, respond to your PMs, and have a conversation on IRC all at the same time?

Simple answer.

D F G . It's like Thing 1 and Thing 2, except there's three of these guys. Imagine three sweaty pakis, in a room each hunched over a p3 with a fan and a bottle of goats blood.

It's easy to believe too. In that side of the world, people are used to working towards a common goal rather than having any personal ones. Three men get together and say, let's build a market. BAM, they enslave their women and mush the camels until it's done. In America we'd higher a bunch of assholes to do it, but there in lies the problem. We have been looking at it in the wrong light.

Now where we go from here is we try to discern different traits from each of D, F, and G.

I believe that D is the technology centered fellow. I'm sure he has a mild to severe case of scoliosis. His hobbies include spyware prevention, server migration, and movies. While he's running a defragger he'll sit in front of his computer, but since it takes 9 hours he'll burn through a few movies. Look at all the movies he has reviewed in Moving Pictures!

In the case of F, this is the woman crazed loli raping, testosterone filled cat. When you receive an infraction it's this motherfucker. Ever find that you posted in one of his forums and he doesn't like it? He'll follow you around until he gathers enough info to submit it to M&A and fuck you over. This guy is all rage, emotion, and wants.

The last guy G, he's the pretty normal level headed guy. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who put it all together. This is the one that will sit with you on IRC and tell you how to change your nickname, he takes pictures of flowers and city life, and also posts about the latest trends. Whenever you send him a PM, he'll get back to you and he also uses his powers for good.

So that's as much as I have figured out so far, continue to realize the truth behind the three crazy guys we know as DFG.


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