Give Your Definition of Spam

-SpectraL-SpectraL Will Faggert
edited January 2011 in Spurious Generalities
removed due to administrative censure of valid content elsewhere


  • edited January 2011
    Spam - Generally unwanted BS material which no one wants to see. This includes bots posting shit about "free wow gold", haters posting repeated threads containing goatse, or even general members posting crap which derails threads and just doesn't look nice.

    Also, I don't think spam has a place on Totse.
  • -SpectraL-SpectraL Will Faggert
    edited January 2011
    It would be great to hear the admins weigh in on this thread as well.
  • LuxJigabooLuxJigaboo Regular
    edited January 2011
    a person replies "potatoes +1 lololololololool :o:o:o:O:O:O:O" That shouldn't be allowed.

    I think that any user should be allowed to do that once, only when posted multiple times would I consider it to be spam, for which the users should be infracted or banned.

    Taken from the original FAQ:
    Posting the same rant, advertisement, or announcement in multiple forums is moral equivalent of sending SPAM e-mail to people. We hate SPAM.

    I agree with this in the sense that spam is not to be judged by content, but by the fact that it is repetitive.
  • dr rockerdr rocker Regular
    edited January 2011
    Its a hard thing to define. It is like asking 'does God prefer corn flakes or coco pops?'.

    In reality, you can never had a definition on what all spam is. You cannot have an objective rule, rather treat things subjectivly. What may be spam in one thread is valid content in another. For instance, if I posted a picture of a can of spam in this thread, that would be spam. However, if it was in a thread on classic commercial design, it may not be.

    :mad:ijuana has it somewhat right in that it is a post in an existing thread that does not relate back to posts above it. If we take this as a hard and fast rule however, this thread could be derailed by some one arguing with trx100 on what people do and do not want to see.

    If, for instance, I made a thread about hunting knives and someone started posting about grades of steel, that would be relevent. If someone posted about how hunting was wrong and people who hunt have something wrong with them in the mind, that would be irrelevent and spam.

    Threads started with the intention of trolling by using facts to support an emotive argument or drawing users into an argument that they cannot actually win can be entertaining and educational, or they can be shit depending on how they are done.

    If one were to make a thread on 'The coming of the raptor and judgement day' and simply posted 'you are all fucked' - that would be spam. However, if they posted why the end was coming and backed it up with opinion drawn from scripture, its valid.

    The posting of advertising for its own sake is spam, as lololololololol+1 as is the posting of non relevent pictures or text alluding to a picture, for example posts containing nothing other than spongebob.jpg.

    As it stands, there is a hell of a lot less spam here than other places. With the userbase we have at the moment, we are moving in the direction of a self regulating community.

    If a warning from a mod does not do the job of stopping a user from spamming shit, I would be of the opinion that the user cannot be reasoned with and is a bot and should have priverledges revoked until some such time they can prove they are not.

    If the prove this and come back and repeat the actions, they are dliberatly setting out to derail the community and then further action should be taken.

    However, keep in mind that it is subjective and so needs decent mods.

    Decent moderation = decent boards.
  • -SpectraL-SpectraL Will Faggert
    edited January 2011
    dr rocker wrote: »
    ...If they prove this and come back and repeat the actions, they are dliberatly setting out to derail the community and then further action should be taken....
    What action should that be?
  • SlartibartfastSlartibartfast Global Moderator -__-
    edited January 2011
    SPAM: Unsolicited or unapproved Advertising.
    TROLL: Noisy person with nothing to say.
  • dr rockerdr rocker Regular
    edited January 2011
    -SpectraL wrote: »
    What action should that be?

    In my opinion, for what it is worth - a cricket bat to the account. If people want to play their own silly games, fine, just somewhere else.

    We do not know about peoples problems however - mental or dependancy problems and how these effect them. Let them make a new account in six months. If they fuck around again, I say perma ban, but I feel there must be some channel of communication available to them.

    However, an account is a priverledge, not a right. As you have said, when you started using the BBS, people thought very carefully about what they submitted (having said that, a lot of the text files were fucking shocking in their stupidity).

    When I first found Totse in 2000 or 2001 I lurked - for the simple reason I saw so many people have their arses handed to them on the plate by regular users who would not stand for littering. I did not want to litter, but I did not want some trash to accidently fall from my pockets if you know what I mean. I did join and used an account between 01 and 03 - not this name as I used it elsewhere at the time - sub 100 posts, probably less than 60.

    When I joined as Dr rocker in 2005 I was more active but never posted any shit because when lurking, I did not want to read shit.

    If we get the right kind of people, we wont get shit. You cannot interview potential members (for the most part) but you can see how they behave in their first couple of hundred posts and go off that.

    Bans should be used as a last resort when its obviouse that all a user is doing is damaging the community.
  • -SpectraL-SpectraL Will Faggert
    edited January 2011
    It was really only in the few years before Totse went to WWW that some shitty/silly text files got into the directories. From its opening in 1989 until about 1995 all you could find was AWESOME stuff from one end of the board to the other... like how to make free phone calls anonymously and build the equipment to do it out of Radio Shack parts... walkthroughs on how to build homemade weapons... the juicy details on the latest scandal involving the Secret Service... how to hack even the most powerful and most well-secured systems... folders of documents all sorted and ready to go. Today you just have some fucking cheap blogger where some clown or other acts like a 12 year old and slobbers all over the place. Makes ya sick, really. But ya, back to the mission statement... if any still actually exists...
  • JestAJestA Regular
    edited January 2011
    Spam Spam that wonderful pink shit in a can.
  • skunkskunk Regular
    edited January 2011
    My definition of spam, for what its worth:

    Posts or threads created by non-human bots for advertising purposes, and repeat posts/threads.

    I think that's about it. I don't consider trolling to be spam, just annoying.
  • dr rockerdr rocker Regular
    edited January 2011
    Was their ever a mission statement other than 'congress shall make no law...' or what we kind of have in ?

    The 'single subject' websites I am a member of do contain general forums where things can go (to an extent) in any direction. When you have a group of people that have a lot of things in common, you will find that they talk about things that cannot be pidgeon holed.

    Do we want this to stop? I dont and I do not think you do. Sometimes in a seriouse forum, an odd topic passes by that is a wankathon from the outset - however it does fit in its place as it relates to the subject at hand.

    As long as these topics are <5% of the forums content, I can live with it.
    In the days of perfect nature, man lived together with birds and beasts, and their was no distinction of their kind... they were in a state of natural integrity... When sages appeared, crawling for charity and limping with duty, doubt and confusion entered mens minds... Destruction of Tao and virtue in order to introduce charity and duty - this was the error of the sages

    If we pursue what we believe to be right, we will in fact get it wrong. The only course available to us is to do what we think is good and others be damned. They may do good, they may not, but the blinkers of our endevours will shield us from the light of failure.
  • dr rockerdr rocker Regular
    edited January 2011
    I think that's about it. I don't consider trolling to be spam, just annoying.

    I would not even go as far as that. Some trolling can be very entertaining. Sarcasm may be the lowest form of wit, but it is one of the highest forms of humour. When some one can present it as an artform, who am I to question what art it?
  • -SpectraL-SpectraL Will Faggert
    edited January 2011
    dr rocker wrote: »
    ...As long as these topics are <5% of the forums content, I can live with it. ...
    What about "members" like Fatty McFuckfacer, who just mainly goes into threads to drop a shitball in it and run? Not to single him out or anything, just using him as an example.
  • edited January 2011
    Seems kind of silly to ban me just to "escape" discussion you don't like, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited January 2011
    -=SpectraL wrote: »
    Seems kind of silly to ban me just to "escape" discussion you don't like, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

    I unbanned you. Bunghole is just being retarded. I'm not even sure why he's still mod.
  • dr rockerdr rocker Regular
    edited January 2011
    -SpectraL wrote: »
    What about "members" like Fatty McFuckfacer, who just mainly goes into threads to drop a shitball in it and run? Not to single him out or anything, just using him as an example.

    I must admit, that 'the jews did it picture' while relevent and some what funny the first time I saw it is old hat. However, it is your topic, what are your views on this or are you trying to get a general consensus before forming an opinion?

    I also think this is a good idea for a topic to troll people into a corner so they will say 'ban him and him and him'.

    It works both ways.
  • skunkskunk Regular
    edited January 2011
    I see the op asked two additional questions that I have yet to answer.

    Valid content vs non-valid content

    I think valid content is pretty much everything that is not spam, but everyone obviously has a different concept as to what is worthwhile and not.

    Should spam be allowed? I don't think any posts or threads should be deleted, so even if a spam bot makes a post, they should be kept. They should be moved to a "spam" section, but not deleted IMO.
  • -SpectraL-SpectraL Will Faggert
    edited January 2011
    dr rocker wrote: »
    ...what are your views...
    My views are already well-known to all. No sense rehashing all that, however I will be sure to comment on the views of others here.
  • MayberryMayberry Regular
    edited January 2011
  • edited January 2011
    -SpectraL wrote: »
    ...however I will be sure to comment on the views of others here.

    Your views are already well-known to all. No sense rehashing all that.
  • NumberjumboNumberjumbo Regular
    edited January 2011
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