Taste Your Blood

DfgDfg Admin
edited January 2011 in Spurious Generalities
If you have some disease which stops your blood from clotting I would suggest you avoid this thread. Anyone tasted blood before. I have numerous times and I must say I enjoyed it. In different societies people have different myths about blood, like if you eat more sweets your blood will be sweet and hence bugs will attack you more or if you eat salty foods your blood will be salty and if you avoid salt your blood can kill.

These are just different myths but some could be valid. In any case, eat salt and never try to avoid it. If you don't get you required salt you can die.

Moving on, most people ingest blood when they have some tooth issues like some broken tooth or damaged cavities. The taste for me is mostly salty. I tried sucking my fingers one time and the taste was a bit different. A pinch of salt with a base flavor which is hard to describe. But according to science your blood should pretty much taste like Iron or copper. You see different parts might taste differently since the blood is constantly moving and in some parts the blood stays longer or gets hydrated fast. So, it changes the taste or maybe it doesn't.

In this thread we try to guess or examine what our blood tastes like. If possible we might fix our diet and see if the flavour changes. If you get grossed out because of this and then consider this as your end of the days training. This is the first step you take before living on human flesh.

You can prick your finger or other body parts for this or you can just wait for something to happen. Also, try sucking someone else blood and see if you can find any difference. Make sure the person you're sucking from doesn't have AIDS etc.

Btw, we're not training to become Vampires. It's just a simple experiment. If you get horny because of this then more power to you or in this case blood :).


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