Over the last few weeks, people of BLTC have grown increasingly hostile towards eachother, it seems to me.
DoctorUncleCool, among the top of the list, to me - is a filthy rat and should NOT be trusted.
I hate to call him out among alot of people, but he HAS INDEED tried to bribe a mod not to name names, as to his legitimacy, saying he'll send [whatever] if you say I'm not a snitch/fake.
Meta, whom we all seem to know, appears to probably have been bribed by DUC, by saying his legitimacy on a forum, when [as we all know] conversating about doing illegal activies over the mail w/ people is frowned upon Totse.
Why are you saying this, Inspector Hazey?
Meta is not to open a guy, now why would he admit that he converses in ILLEGAL ACTS with other Totse members, if he wasn't bribed or sent something to keep himself quiet?
Another mod, not to name names, has even told me via IM that DUC has tried to send him stuff in return for spreading the word he's a 'legitimate' or whatever.
Remember how respectable Thyrfing was before he tried and FAILED at ripping me off, but still tried - he left me a letter before he left talking about people in the IRC chatroom that sign on everyday at the same time, stay for a certain amount of time, and then leave.
And lately, I've noticed that is infact true, I checked.
Now, I really shouldn't believe him, haven't talked to him in ages, but that one thing he said was true.
Therefor, I say, watch your back, Totse - even the most respectable of posters might not be who you think they are.
It's pretty easy to act like you know your shit but don't really.
Oooooo shit I forgot about all that. That was the biggest e-drama that I ever saw on bltc. I remember hazey sending that to me in AIM to see what I thought about it before he posted it.
And Thyrfing. Damn how could I forget him. Some think he still was a cop. Then he came back as "Fent. IV".
To the poster: Hey man what is your old name? Nobody ever did anything to me so I don't have any problems with anyone. If you want, will you PM me your old name?
To the poster: Hey man what is your old name? Nobody ever did anything to me so I don't have any problems with anyone. If you want, will you PM me your old name?
At least there's no fucking thanks function here. Lordy did that make things retarded.
And at least we have a snitch that takes things to real life when he gets pwned with words here. Can't complain about that. I don't blame you for changing your username, malicious fucking internet addicted scum of the earth burnout.
stix and stones may break my bones
but weed smoke will never harm me.
frost byte, I'll tell you the story some time, IWD basically got pwnd, nobody did any fucking "snitching", major flame wars & e drama and all kinds of fun stuff.
stix and stones may break my bones
but weed smoke will never harm me.
frost byte, I'll tell you the story some time, IWD basically got pwnd, nobody did any fucking "snitching", major flame wars & e drama and all kinds of fun stuff.
Alright this is how it is. I'm not gonna bother you about it anymore, but when I see you try to lie about it it pisses me off, that's why you keep getting angry responses from me. You were a mod of a drug forum, I posted pics of my drugs, and then I pwned SN and tried to get you de-modded on zoklet for playing favorites against my favour. You and SN, both angry, decided to try ruin my REAL life over the shit on the internet, which shouldn't be taken that seriously. Loads of people saw your post of the copy and pasted emails you sent to my university after SN gave you my real name & info, because you posted it like you were proud of it, not realizing that it only made you look like a snitch.
If that doesn't constitute snitching, what does? You were butthurt and so was he, so you sent my drug pics from the forum you moderated to the University I was applying at, since I was talking about it in the school section of the site. I understand you don't want to be labeled as a snitch so you HAVE to lie and make me look like the bad guy, but we can put an end to this right now. If you want to call a truce and stop coming into my threads calling 'bullshit' without any claims to back it up, and trying to discredit everything I have to say I will "forget" that any of that snitching shit ever happened and no one will have to read about it. I'm pretty much over the fact I have to spend an extra year doing specific courses to get into a different University and I had to move to a different area, so yes, you did get me.. but to fuck someone over by being a snitch isn't anything to be proud of. Show me some respect and quit discrediting valid info I have to say, in hopes of educating someone else simply because you don't like me, and I will delete every post indicating that you are a snitch and you'll never have to hear about it or face everyone else reading about it on the site. If you did nothing wrong, why were you de-modded Rizzo?
It's your lying that pisses me off, I can live with your weird posts that you make in hopes of looking unique, but sending people looking to be informed in the wrong direction only so you can gain some E-respect by sounding strange and unique defeats the purpose of this site. I like the posts in which you share your knowledge, when it's legit, but then you go and attack me with nothing to back it up or say complete nonsense.. but fuck it. We can have a fresh start if you want to.. Or.. you could flame me and this E-drama can continue.. I don't care either way, because I don't really care about posting on either here or zoklet anymore. It's nice, but I don't need it.
I'm sure you'll just insult me now as usual anyways.
fr0st_byte it seems that you have quite a bit of respect for Rizzo, and that's cool, but don't let him fool you into thinking I'm some sort of asshole, because I'm not. I'm the one who got fucked over by him because he didn't like what I had to say on a MESSAGE BOARD.
fr0st_byte it seems that you have quite a bit of respect for Rizzo, and that's cool, but don't let him fool you into thinking I'm some sort of asshole, because I'm not. I'm the one who got fucked over by him because he didn't like what I had to say on a MESSAGE BOARD.
I don't whorship the guy or anything. And I never went to zoklet so I knew nothing of this whole situation. When I told him that it was good to see him again I am going by the way he used to be on the old bltc.
fr0st_byte it seems that you have quite a bit of respect for Rizzo, and that's cool, but don't let him fool you into thinking I'm some sort of asshole, because I'm not. I'm the one who got fucked over by him because he didn't like what I had to say on a MESSAGE BOARD.
Didn't he change his name to T&T after he did that? Yeah PoC. I was pretty close to him on AIM.
Yeah, I remembered talking to him on AIM a bit, too. He seemed like a cool dude until I found out he was a fat attention shoring douchebag that went on and on way too much about all his crazy benzo scripts because he was such an anxious whiney fucked up attention deprived emo kid
Everything you say is a meth filled delusional lie, IWD. The whole thing started because you were in a benzo hazed and did some trolling, I infracted you, and you got major butt hurt. You're a gigantic faggot and no one likes you. Go die in a fire.
Well you did insufflate a primary explosive.:facepalm::p
Possibly the most hilarious thing I've heard so far.
And just because I luvz doin' wheelies..
I can't believe you guys didn't say like:
"what's this mysterious bottle of liquid from a hidden drawer in a horse stable"
"How 'bout if we surgically remove the in organs of a yellow wasp and inject them?"
or maybe even
"Freebasing diphenhydramine"
"peter mansbridge climbed out of my TV so I ran around nekked"
" Do you think the opioid in cheese could get me high if a eat my entire freezers worth of cheese.. yes I have an entire freezer worth of cheese"
" Damn I had to get my stomach pumped"
How about that guy trying to make crack who ended up injecting sludge into his arm and probly didn't have full function of it for weeks.
Or something like that, I know it had a 1 in it for an i, I think.
The gay emo kid who always talked about plugging Coke.
Stirred up all kinds of gay drama here :facepalm:
Yeah that was his user name,Tr1p. Super-emo kid. One day he claimed he was going to commit suicide because his no bills, no job, no worries teenage life was just so hard. He changed his user name and came back to ToTSE but someone watched his IP and caught him.
Some people were obsessed with him though. The girls on &T (what few there were) were fucking in love with him for some reason. He had like a fucking fan club.
I remember you too LaceDwithDelight, If i recall correctly you were a pretty smart and cool dude. Glad to see some of the old BLTC crew back, we need more. Let me know if I can help out with anything bltc related brah.
I remember you too LaceDwithDelight, If i recall correctly you were a pretty smart and cool dude. Glad to see some of the old BLTC crew back, we need more. Let me know if I can help out with anything bltc related brah.[/QUOTE]
Right on brother, you know how I do, I try
And back at you too man, I'm always here to help a friend.
MGB disappearing and becoming a currency black hole.
LittlefootonLSD annoying the FUCK out of everyone and spamming the board. :mad:
All of Meta's bullshit.
Distorsion's mass trolling.
Jam's shenanigans.
Hahaha you took all the stuff I was going to mention. LittlefootonLSD was either the worst troll ever or the most burnt out, braindead fuck to walk this earth.
And yeah, I loved reading insaneIke's posts not just for the content but the ridiculous spelling.
The time MLoR went batshit insane and threatened to call in the feds, then deleted a bunch of shit all over the board. That was pretty amusing. All over his own inadvertant admission that he let a dog lick his genitals to see what it would be like. He was a Totse super moderator.
Haha, I remember Bloom fucking his toaster!
Dahler Mindhi
Ice Crunchers thread
I miss those days
Oooooo shit I forgot about all that. That was the biggest e-drama that I ever saw on bltc. I remember hazey sending that to me in AIM to see what I thought about it before he posted it.
And Thyrfing. Damn how could I forget him. Some think he still was a cop. Then he came back as "Fent. IV".
To the poster: Hey man what is your old name? Nobody ever did anything to me so I don't have any problems with anyone. If you want, will you PM me your old name?
I know who he is
Send me a PM man.
Give it a few days, he'll have twice as many as me.
At least there's no fucking thanks function here. Lordy did that make things retarded.
no need, he just revealed it :o:o:o:o
Ahhh rizzy. Good to see you back man.
I made mod here, sweet right?
Pwnt. First thread besides the stickies to make three pages. I win.
And at least we have a snitch that takes things to real life when he gets pwned with words here. Can't complain about that. I don't blame you for changing your username, malicious fucking internet addicted scum of the earth burnout.
but weed smoke will never harm me.
frost byte, I'll tell you the story some time, IWD basically got pwnd, nobody did any fucking "snitching", major flame wars & e drama and all kinds of fun stuff.
Praise the Lord, our Messiah has returned!
I liked it, but you get used to it not being there quickly (or at least I did).
Alright this is how it is. I'm not gonna bother you about it anymore, but when I see you try to lie about it it pisses me off, that's why you keep getting angry responses from me. You were a mod of a drug forum, I posted pics of my drugs, and then I pwned SN and tried to get you de-modded on zoklet for playing favorites against my favour. You and SN, both angry, decided to try ruin my REAL life over the shit on the internet, which shouldn't be taken that seriously. Loads of people saw your post of the copy and pasted emails you sent to my university after SN gave you my real name & info, because you posted it like you were proud of it, not realizing that it only made you look like a snitch.
If that doesn't constitute snitching, what does? You were butthurt and so was he, so you sent my drug pics from the forum you moderated to the University I was applying at, since I was talking about it in the school section of the site. I understand you don't want to be labeled as a snitch so you HAVE to lie and make me look like the bad guy, but we can put an end to this right now. If you want to call a truce and stop coming into my threads calling 'bullshit' without any claims to back it up, and trying to discredit everything I have to say I will "forget" that any of that snitching shit ever happened and no one will have to read about it. I'm pretty much over the fact I have to spend an extra year doing specific courses to get into a different University and I had to move to a different area, so yes, you did get me.. but to fuck someone over by being a snitch isn't anything to be proud of. Show me some respect and quit discrediting valid info I have to say, in hopes of educating someone else simply because you don't like me, and I will delete every post indicating that you are a snitch and you'll never have to hear about it or face everyone else reading about it on the site. If you did nothing wrong, why were you de-modded Rizzo?
It's your lying that pisses me off, I can live with your weird posts that you make in hopes of looking unique, but sending people looking to be informed in the wrong direction only so you can gain some E-respect by sounding strange and unique defeats the purpose of this site. I like the posts in which you share your knowledge, when it's legit, but then you go and attack me with nothing to back it up or say complete nonsense.. but fuck it. We can have a fresh start if you want to.. Or.. you could flame me and this E-drama can continue.. I don't care either way, because I don't really care about posting on either here or zoklet anymore. It's nice, but I don't need it.
I'm sure you'll just insult me now as usual anyways.
fr0st_byte it seems that you have quite a bit of respect for Rizzo, and that's cool, but don't let him fool you into thinking I'm some sort of asshole, because I'm not. I'm the one who got fucked over by him because he didn't like what I had to say on a MESSAGE BOARD.
I don't whorship the guy or anything. And I never went to zoklet so I knew nothing of this whole situation. When I told him that it was good to see him again I am going by the way he used to be on the old bltc.
Yeah, I remembered talking to him on AIM a bit, too. He seemed like a cool dude until I found out he was a fat attention shoring douchebag that went on and on way too much about all his crazy benzo scripts because he was such an anxious whiney fucked up attention deprived emo kid
Bump for new users.
I remember you buddy don't worry. We can start a "no one really knows us club" then we'll always be remembered by each other.
Possibly the most hilarious thing I've heard so far.
And just because I luvz doin' wheelies..
I can't believe you guys didn't say like:
"what's this mysterious bottle of liquid from a hidden drawer in a horse stable"
"How 'bout if we surgically remove the in organs of a yellow wasp and inject them?"
or maybe even
"Freebasing diphenhydramine"
"peter mansbridge climbed out of my TV so I ran around nekked"
" Do you think the opioid in cheese could get me high if a eat my entire freezers worth of cheese.. yes I have an entire freezer worth of cheese"
" Damn I had to get my stomach pumped"
How about that guy trying to make crack who ended up injecting sludge into his arm and probly didn't have full function of it for weeks.
haha "hackers gained remote access"
last time I checked, you smash the lock with a hammer and key in the fun with a... well keypad. Seems pretty un-remote to me.
Ah yes, well, that was zoklet and not &T, unfortunately.
It's the same community for the most part.
Or something like that, I know it had a 1 in it for an i, I think.
The gay emo kid who always talked about plugging Coke.
Stirred up all kinds of gay drama here :facepalm:
Yeah that was his user name,Tr1p. Super-emo kid. One day he claimed he was going to commit suicide because his no bills, no job, no worries teenage life was just so hard. He changed his user name and came back to ToTSE but someone watched his IP and caught him.
Some people were obsessed with him though. The girls on &T (what few there were) were fucking in love with him for some reason. He had like a fucking fan club.
I remember you too LaceDwithDelight, If i recall correctly you were a pretty smart and cool dude. Glad to see some of the old BLTC crew back, we need more. Let me know if I can help out with anything bltc related brah.
Not sure why. I would post it but I'm not that much of a cock. Permission would be sought.
Edit:- More nostalgia hurr -> https://totse.info/bbs/showthread.php?t=9692
Yeah dude post it, with a spoiler tag. That thread and pic were epic. It's part of &T history.
PyroHydrosmok was one ToTSE's most remembered posters, at least he was with the old crew. IDK how many users from this new group remember him.
I just read that link you posted, if that is 1/20th of the shit you have.....post some more man!
Right on brother, you know how I do, I try
And back at you too man, I'm always here to help a friend.
Hahaha you took all the stuff I was going to mention. LittlefootonLSD was either the worst troll ever or the most burnt out, braindead fuck to walk this earth.
And yeah, I loved reading insaneIke's posts not just for the content but the ridiculous spelling.
Rizzo always had something great to say, too.
wintermute's nudes.