Body Language [Published]

homeslice4700homeslice4700 Regular
edited April 2011 in Spurious Generalities
What is Body Lanuage

Body language is a form of non-verbal communication, consisting of body pose, gestures, attitudes and eye movements.

When Do We Use Body Language

We use body language on a daily basis whether you scratch your head out of confusion or how close you stand to one particular person. Most body language is unintentional and used subconsciously.

Have you ever walked into a room and seen someone you've known for years and you just knew something was wrong whether or not they we're upset or just not feeling well? How did you do it? After years and years of knowing this person somewhere in your subconscious it was written that when this person sits in a certain way or doesn't turn his/her head in a specific direction that your used to, it indicates something is different. Both parties we're completely unaware what just happened, but you just had a non verbal conversation in a matter of seconds. Its not that your psychic or have some kind of mind reading powers but you've completely interpreted their body language while being unaware of what you just did. Now imagine if you became self-aware of these mysterious powers. What if you knew, why and how you knew all of that information?

Now I got two pills here for you. Take the blue pill and the story ends you will wake up in another forum and believe whatever you want to believe. Take the red pill and you stay in totseland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

How Can I Use Body Language To My Advantage

There are many different instances where body language can enormously have an effect on the outcome of a situation.

The two most important or most interesting times that I find most people actually care about body language is with the opposite sex or to catch someone lying. Do you really care what your friends body language is when your watching the game on tv or the stranger you just passed walking down the street? No? Neither do I

I'm going to skip all the obvious one like if someone has a frown they're not happy or if someone is walking towards you with a clenched fist and tightened facial muscles its obvious they want to fight


Women typically have the easiest yet most deceiving body language known. So lets start with a typical situation of you just meeting a woman for the first time.

Is she interested?

Don't invade personal space! Don't ever get to close to someone you just met. 5 or 6 feet is an ideal distance for a first encounter. This shows you are interested but way to forward and may scare a lot of people off or just create a bad impression. If you sit next to someone and they move over. Yeah thats another way of saying get the fuck away from me.

Look at head positioning once they acknowledge your presence. If they continue to look into your direction or somewhere within your vicinity then this person probably likes you or has some interest into what your about.

If their head position moves rapidly away from you or even turns completely the opposite direction. This person does not like you or for some reason feels threatened by your presence.

Ok so we got past which way their head turned upon the initial encounter. Now what?

You strike up a conversation with this person.. What does her head do while talking? During the conversation if she glances at you from time to time its a good sign of interest if the head constantly turns your direction then its a great sign of interest. If her head remains stationary and fixed upon a position away from you then she is annoyed and most likely wants you to leave.

If she keeps looking at someone else close by during the middle of your conversation she wants you to leave now! She is looking for someone else safe to talk to or go where your not! Don't follow if you get this vibe for it might make matters worse.

Eyes! Ever heard the saying the eyes never lie? Because its true! Once you learn what eye movements mean you can almost tell what anyone is thinking.

What are her eyes doing? If she never looks at you at all then that is a very terrible sign. No eye contact? No interest! Now she makes some eye contact but say once every 30 seconds? Another negative sign but maybe not.. Say she looks at you every couple seconds during a conversation then that is awesome! This alone has told me so many times whether I should make a move or not.. Steady eye contact and add a smile.. YOU'RE IN!

What are her hands and arms doing? Crossed arms usually indicate annoyance or an uncomfortable sensation. Calm arms spread out and the hands still indicate this person is ok with you being around. If she touches you during a conversation on your arm or leg this is a great sign! This shows she is interested in you and comfortable to make body contact.

What are her legs and feet doing? I don't like to judge by legs and feet but sometimes they can send a good vibe your way.. If her legs are crossed she is ok with you being around or rubbing your leg with hers? Thats obvious you are good to go but if shes tapping her feet or legs wont stay still... Either she has ADHD or impatient with you and wanting to get away.

The Conclusion

If you combine all of these together you can get a pretty damn good idea whether or not this girl is interested in you or not. Most of the time its really obvious or not if she likes you but if your not sure or can't tell just look for the signs her body is telling you. Keep in mind that all women are different and the downfall of women's body language is, you can think this broad is completely interested because of all the positive body signals she is sending you then find out she doesn't care for you at all or not interested in you the way you think she is.

Also this works so much better on a female you already have known for some time or especially an old flame. My short story is about this girl who I've had relations with in the past. We would hang out after not talking for a few months and the tell tell sign I knew she wanted some action was with her eye contact. Like stated above she kept looking at me every couple of seconds during conversation and with a smile opposed to the norm when she has her head fixated in one position and focused on the tv.. I knew right then and there if I made a move it was going to be successful.

Remember! Maybe shes just nervous because she doesn't know you. This could send some negative body signals your way. The best time to interpret body language after knowing each other for a little bit.

You Fucking Lying Sack Of Shit!

I consider myself a human lie detector because I can ALWAYS tell when someone is lying. Its a skill that took my many years to master but with the right techniques you can master it to. This section won't be as long the one above but it will provide to be very useful to you.

Once again.. EYE CONTACT.. The biggest indicator of a lie! Say this person is making eye contact with you then looks away while making a statement. 9 out of 10 times they are lying

What are the hands are arms doing? Moving around rapidly, itching, or running hands through hair? All many signs of uncertainly or a flat out lie!

Head movements. Just like the eyes the person will turn their head away from your direction if stating something false

Most lies can be detected through how the person answers your questions rather then what their body is telling you

Some common body language techniques of a liar are but not limited to
  • Body and Face Becomes Stiffer
  • Deeper Breathing
  • Nostrils May Open Wider
  • Lips Become Thinner and Tighter
  • Palms of Hands Are Faced Down
  • Hand-to-Face Touching Greatly Increases

Making A Good Impression

Let's say you got a job interview or some kind of important encounter where you want to represent yourself in a positive manner with productive body language.

A nice firm handshake is a must! You don't want to squeeze the bejesus out of their hand but you want to make your presence know as if your the new sheriff in town

A smile.. Simple yet effective!

Eye Contact.. Here we go again with the eyes. THE EYES NEVER LIE Have good steady eye contact but break it every once in a while so they don't think your a faggot.

Use hand gestures when speaking and be sure to show the opposing party your palms. It shows your defenses are down and your a friend and not a threat.

Don't put your hand over your mouth. It can be disrespectful and may lead others to think your bored or just don't care.

Keep your head high but not to high. Show them your a force to be reckoned with and not just another push over pussy with his head in the sand. People love a confident person.

Don't ever bite your nails! I bite my nails all the time but not during a session of importance.

Be well groomed.

That sums up my guide of body language. On an end note very important things to remember.
  • Distance Between You and Someone else
  • Head Movements
  • Eye Movements/Contact
  • Hand and Arm Movement
  • Leg and Feet Movement

Pay attention to all of these. You should be able to tell what they mean just by being human. Also use these to change your own body language to tell a straight up lie without someone calling you out on it. If you can master the skill of body language it will benefit you tremendously for the rest of your life. Its amazing how you can just walk into a room and see someone sitting there and be able to tell exactly whats on their mind just by simply reading their body language.

Practice on your friends and family everything stated above doesn't necessarily have to be used to pick up a chick or catching a liar. All of these method's can be used in almost any situation to tell you what you really want to know.. Good luck!


  • edited January 2011
    Really interesting guide, especially liked the bullet points. I need to work on this kind of thing. I feel as though my body language could be improved in general, but I also need to work on dealing with tricky situations or confrontations with other people.

    Great guide though, really cool :D
  • MayberryMayberry Regular
    edited January 2011
    One of the most important expressions is the smile. A genuine-looking smile can go a long way in helping you get out of a sticky situation. It pleases the other person, it puts the situation in a more positive light, and it shows that you mean the best. However you feel on the inside, put a smile on the outside :)
  • homeslice4700homeslice4700 Regular
    edited January 2011
    It's amazing you can have an entire conversation with someone without saying a word.. Then the person will look at you like your a mind reader... Such a valuable skill to have!
  • Gary OakGary Oak Regular
    edited January 2011
    Good Jerb
  • thewandererthewanderer Regular
    edited January 2011
    When a person is looking up and to the left, they are thinking about what to say. If someone is looking up and to the right, they are remembering something. You can use that to help determine if someone is lying by seeing if they're trying to think their way out of a situation.
  • homeslice4700homeslice4700 Regular
    edited January 2011
    When a person is looking up and to the left, they are thinking about what to say. If someone is looking up and to the right, they are remembering something. You can use that to help determine if someone is lying by seeing if they're trying to think their way out of a situation.

    That doesn't always work though I tried to use that on my mom when I was probably about 10 years old when I was interrogating her about Christmas presents. She looked up and to the left and it ended up being the complete truth. :facepalm:
  • homeslice4700homeslice4700 Regular
    edited February 2011
    Is she right or left handed because if she's left handed then it's reversed in the brain.

    Right handed
  • JHGJHG Acolyte
    edited March 2011
    good info
  • OutbackOutback Acolyte
    edited April 2011
    Right handed

    Your left or her left?
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