Dissecting "popular" tunes.

RemadERemadE Global Moderator
edited March 2011 in Spurious Generalities
Good morrow, &T.
I come here to discuss the god-awful state our mainstream music scene is in. I won't lie to you and pretend mainstream has ever been good but as I sit here sipping Sprite, listening to Oasis whilst hoping I am not alone, the clock strikes 03:20 and I bring some thought to the table.

Warning, you will hear some disturbing 'music' if you continue to read.

Whilst hearing the song "Friday" by Rebecca Black, it hit me just how similar shit music really is. There are certainly some common themes. Listen to "Friday" and a few other similar tunes:-

The first thing that hits anyone is the use and exploitation of young kids. This is no different to porn in my eyes as you are just taking advantage of something they either have or you dolled them up to have. Of course, this appeals to young'uns across the globe (who listen and can access this shit) and hope to start off a worldwide trend. It has been going on for generations and is gaining momentum.

Secondly, the use of autotune. It differs from song to song, but it's used to cover up the shitty quality of their voice. Thankfully, it still shows their faults and no amount can cover up their pre-pubescent no talent, cracker asshole vocal box spewing out lyrics some 30-something wrote one night on a napkin at a bar after losing his family because of the shame.

An ordinary kid. Much like our Politicians who aren't much better, these fucks mock us with their trips to Bowling alleys, school, parties or whatever else normal kids do. By doing this, these artists achieve the ability to lower themselves and highten the audience to the same level whereby they live the same life. It then seems plausible that the kids who listen to this shit can achieve the life of the Artists.

The beat. "Fri-day, fri-day", "Ba-by, ba-by"...get it? Simple, catchy and you can sing it forever. Same can go for "Ta-ble", "Dick-head" and "Fag-got". It's not hard.

Material items. You need to give these kids the false hope that one day when they grow up to be just like these media dicksuckers, they too can have cars where they are unable to decide on which seat to sit in, a cheering crowd, exposure on TV or the girl/boy they think they love at the age of 13.

The use of minorities. We can't have an all-White cast, and the use/exploitation/humiliation of Blacks or other minorities is disgusting. Ghettoisation has backfired and now Blacks seem to be cool. For some reason the Sammy Davis Jr-come-Urkel look is back in -


By using [read: exploiting] the Black inferiority complex, the Artist can appear to be appealing to all people, and be "hip" at the same time. Of course, this is an easily-defeated facade if you have a higher IQ than your left knee.

Good weather. You never see a rainy day in these Utopias, do you?

*more to come*

In short, I wondered if we could either:

A) Make our own video which would gain popularity, play it serious, and then troll everyone. These cunts have the chance to say something profound to a worldwide audience, but the best they can muster are the days of the week, "Baby" or some shit about how tough life is at 14. FUCK. THAT. SHIT.

B) Put an end to it once and for all and go down in history as the generation that put a stop to this shit. Targetting the Artists is useless. Go for the Managers, Lyricists, Producers and Record Labels. Hit them where it hurts.

Who's with me?

And to regain your sanity:


  • MayberryMayberry Regular
    edited March 2011
    Old :o

    I turned off the radio ever since N'Sync disbanded. Every talentless kid can become a famous singer nowadays provided they fall into one of these categories:

    1) Have famous relatives.
    2) Have very rich parents.
    3) Get discovered on Fagtube by Usher.

    However, not to say all the music they play on the radio nowadays is shit, although 99% is. There's still some gems like Lights and Ke$ha :hai: (No, Taylor Swift not included)

    But there's not much we can do. The Jews control the industry, and they have the money. Whoever holds the money holds the power.
  • buddhabuddha Regular
    edited March 2011
    I pray for a gas leak at the ark music factory building, and a careless smoker.
  • xyzxyz New Arrival
    edited March 2011
    I thought "Friday" was pretty funny the first time I heard it. To the extent of entertaining me, it managed very well. Not that all music needs to be entertaining. Just like how bad TV can eventually become good TV, "Friday" did that, only with a couple thousand more cycles through the loop.
  • PsychoDelicPsychoDelic Regular
    edited March 2011
    The Jews and Illuminati are against any media that might stop 'us' (well, the masses especially the unintelligent "cool" kids) from producing 'our' own opinions and attitudes.
    They promote dumb music to keep the population dumb, they don't want people to use there heads and think.
    It's the same reason psychedelics are illegal, not because they can cause harm if used irresponsibly, but due to the government puppets being coerced in to it. LSD, weed, shrooms and DMT etc. all enhance your perspective on life and help you reject the idealistic brainwashing of society- so they were made illegal. The other more physically harmful drugs were added to help brand these mind and thought expanding drugs as dangerous, as ignorant people just assume all drugs are dangerous drugs.
    To sum it up, don't trust anything/ anyone but yourself and don't let the media influence you.

    Fuck, that was a bit off-topic, maybe I'm just a paranoid conspiracy theorist, or maybe I'm right. :mad:

    Jedi Mind Tricks feat. K. Kush- Trail Of Lies-

    It's about TV and media and taking advantage of children, brilliant song.:thumbsup:

    And black people are only cool if they've done something worthy of respect, and don't look like that. Black people these days receive admiration just for being black, these aren't the niggas that had to suffer slave trading, it's disgusting. If they've achieved something, then yeh, by all rights respect them, but just because their great-great-grandmother was a slave just :facepalm: White people were used as slaves as well, why is this always forgotten. Most of today's slaves are white.
  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited March 2011

    Not entirely sure about Jews controlling the Media. My Uncle is pretty Fascist to put it lightly.
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