I'm in the middle of a Skype conversation with a new guy right now, who contacted me over Tumblr as he's interested in writing things for our site. Apparently he finds this place very interesting, and as a result he's told me that he will be writing some new articles based on... Well, here's what he said exactly
My plan is to write about tech, hacking, open source news, tutorials (mostly hacking and general computer stuff), n00b friendly tutorials (i list it as its own category, as they will be so simple that anyone can follow) and articles on free and open source alternatives for commercial software. I am also a skilled web developer.
Sounds great to me. Give him a warm welcome, hopefully he'll enjoy his stay here.
This is something new to Totse as we've never had a dedicated author before so we'll have to see how this turns out, but I have a feeling it will be pretty good
Welcome newfag, don't drop the soap.
Don't worry about bacon, if he's a fed then he's picked the wrong guy to mess with - I'm bulletproof bitchezzz
That open source news, would it involve linux related as well?
Fuck off faggot.
Seriously, though. If you are not using Debian, you are just dumb and deserve to die. No, Ubuntu doesn't count as Debian.
UBUNTU is debian based!!!
Which BT5 do you use? I haven't tried the gnome version....If that's the one you use, whats it like?
Although your articles will be welcome and appreciated there is no pressure to produce a constant stream of content. you can hang out and 'chew the fat' as well.
I was a massive fedora fan back in the day. I started off with it when it was known as "fedora core". I think my first version was 3. I'm now a pretty dedicated Arch user. I don't think i'll distro hop again.
TRUE, but when i installed it i only needed something fast and simple for websurfing.