Three suns circle the sky
Till a violet sundown appears
Spiraling around a site to be seen
Enchanting skylines
Full of radiant colors
Starry trinity live long
Giant moon in daytime sight
Beam to Earth your rays of light
Fill the sky
Beyond the mountains
As birds fly by
The river fountain
Today the moon blazes red hot
While lying on the grass I watch
A crowd gathers near
And they're feeling the fear
Coming to me for an answer
All vision has been obscured
The clouds appear
A storm is here
This day must be endured
One sun led me lost
Stranded in the brambles
My blood shed on spikes
To think that I loved you
Now laid on the thorns
The darkness creeps in
When I die here tonight
The moon can have my body
Sorry about that guitar
I opened the door as the band play
1.The water flooded in
Sucked me in
It was all I had to hold onto
Rode the waves upon it
The strings soak up the water
I know it's not the sound you knew
It will never be the same
2. Scratch and sniff
At the gymnasium
Volleyball groups
Background band
Placebo effects abound
Flood waters rising
3. How could you dad
Expect I'd be in jail
And make this music for me to hear
As I drive through my hometown
It's all unclear
I walk up the grand steps
And listen intensely
It's like you stole the Beach Boy's melody
I'm not locked up so how do you feel
And while I stand questioning
You're not even there
Can I dine with you, Sue?
You can't teach physics
Real enough for me still
Kind soul you are generally
Didn't fuss over Dan's guitar
You stayed with me there
To pass the ball back and forth
O're the net we sent it cross
Joined in by the son Ross
I saw Judy Garland at the music show
And asked her how the business goes
She said no Janis Joplin knows though
So I asked her next and she said why
I wanted a better explained reply
I tracked down June Carter to question next
She said fine I've got the time
Everything I do, I do for Cash
Third law of creation
Don't interact directly
Only exist perceptually
We are everything
Everything is we
We be every possibility
Simultaneous alterations
Based on thought patterns
and co-creation
Beam to Earth your rays of light
Fill the sky
Beyond the mountains
As birds fly by
The river fountain
Today the moon blazes red hot
While lying on the grass I watch
A crowd gathers near
And they're feeling the fear
Coming to me for an answer
All vision has been obscured
The clouds appear
A storm is here
This day must be endured
you fucking prick
Stranded in the brambles
My blood shed on spikes
To think that I loved you
Now laid on the thorns
The darkness creeps in
When I die here tonight
The moon can have my body
I opened the door as the band play
1.The water flooded in
Sucked me in
It was all I had to hold onto
Rode the waves upon it
The strings soak up the water
I know it's not the sound you knew
It will never be the same
2. Scratch and sniff
At the gymnasium
Volleyball groups
Background band
Placebo effects abound
Flood waters rising
3. How could you dad
Expect I'd be in jail
And make this music for me to hear
As I drive through my hometown
It's all unclear
I walk up the grand steps
And listen intensely
It's like you stole the Beach Boy's melody
I'm not locked up so how do you feel
And while I stand questioning
You're not even there
You can't teach physics
Real enough for me still
Kind soul you are generally
Didn't fuss over Dan's guitar
You stayed with me there
To pass the ball back and forth
O're the net we sent it cross
Joined in by the son Ross
like a tasty sea bass
And asked her how the business goes
She said no Janis Joplin knows though
So I asked her next and she said why
I wanted a better explained reply
I tracked down June Carter to question next
She said fine I've got the time
Everything I do, I do for Cash
one single,
underneath the light shingle,
we still single
I suck at this.
fuck her like her Noam Chom fucked up apes
Don't interact directly
Only exist perceptually
We are everything
Everything is we
We be every possibility
Simultaneous alterations
Based on thought patterns
and co-creation
your mom's tits:
a necronomicon
of dumb shit