Im pouring my life to you faggots and yet i get shit in response from, you. I dont give a shit who you are or wht you have or wht you go through
i love reading your lives. this is what a forum is, tell me your life. i dont give a shit if its fake. give me something to read you pussies.
quit killing the beautiful name of totse. faggot.
FBI wont. getme. yet those fucking FBI assholes could care less of our joint smoking or even bomb making antics. if you want those
niggers all over you then look up the CP, airplane bombs, and government bombs. that'll get those assholes to your area in a
and if i break them i will be punished. Fuck that i grew up totse and never leave its purpose,
you fucking fake.
thats why.
some leader, fucking flaking off from real questions. No one knows why this site goes the way it does,.
Fuck off, or come into Skype so I can tell you to fuck off.
There, my story:thumbsup: