It's about time I did this actually, I've been solidly collecting music ever since I discovered file sharing and as you can probably imagine, I've amounted a lot of garbage over the years. My friend was looking through my iPod yesterday and kept mentioning songs and artists which were just plain retarded - even I didn't know I had them on there! My iPod has been full for too long, I haven't been bothered to clear it out due to plain laziness and it's just gotten to a point where I'm fed up with skipping through crappy music just to find a good song to listen to.
Anyone else suffered from this problem or do you tend to keep your music collection fairly small and to the point?
Anyway, feelsgoodman.
I mostly buy CDs now. I like to have something I can physically hold haha. Mind you, I won't be paying $35 for any of this 'new release' bullshit. Thank god for JB Hi-Fi and their $10 CDs.
Seeing as I'm not going to my lecture today, I think I know what I'm gonna be doing. 94.67GB of tunes :facepalm: I'm such a download hoarder.
At one point i had about 15gig of 256kbps mp3s. I completely removed them all and now use grooveshark intensively.
EDIT: lol winamp. How do you manage a large playlist with that thing. check out foobar2000.
I'd use Grooveshark more often but I like being in posession of all my music files so I can share them with friends, put them on my iPod or whatever.
Bro, you need to digitize those before unloading them. That has to be a treasure trove of classic sound.