Trimming the fat from my music library.

edited October 2011 in Spurious Generalities
It's about time I did this actually, I've been solidly collecting music ever since I discovered file sharing and as you can probably imagine, I've amounted a lot of garbage over the years. My friend was looking through my iPod yesterday and kept mentioning songs and artists which were just plain retarded - even I didn't know I had them on there! My iPod has been full for too long, I haven't been bothered to clear it out due to plain laziness and it's just gotten to a point where I'm fed up with skipping through crappy music just to find a good song to listen to.

Anyone else suffered from this problem or do you tend to keep your music collection fairly small and to the point?

Anyway, feelsgoodman.


  • jehsiboijehsiboi Kanga Rump Ranga
    edited October 2011
    Fuck it would take me days to do this I just go into the options with syncing in iTunes and just tick the artist I like ... It give me a head ache even thinking of trying to clean up my music folder.. Mean iTunes says I have 32 DAYS of music
  • Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
    edited October 2011
    I know what I like, I only download what I know I am going to listen to, and I don't keep more than about 3000 songs.
  • scotchscotch Semo-Regulars
    edited October 2011
    I get all my music from Youtify and I bookmark playlists and songs I like in Opera. If they're really good, I download them. I don't really use an iPod so I guess that makes things easier. I have a huge torrent library, but I keep that in an external because I've had shitty luck with laptop hard drives.
  • BurnBurn Regular
    edited October 2011
    I had a computer with about 60-odd gig of music, but it bit the dust. I was pretty pissed off when I realised I couldn't get all my music back.

    I mostly buy CDs now. I like to have something I can physically hold haha. Mind you, I won't be paying $35 for any of this 'new release' bullshit. Thank god for JB Hi-Fi and their $10 CDs.
  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited October 2011
    I keep my music on my C:\ and have a backup run each night - so I need to trim the shit or partially completed DnB sets I've downloaded over the years (uTorrent crashed and cleared all my torrents, so that's not I have to manually locate them).

    Seeing as I'm not going to my lecture today, I think I know what I'm gonna be doing. 94.67GB of tunes :facepalm: I'm such a download hoarder.
  • edited October 2011
    I've gotten my collection down to about 40 days of music now, after rapidly deleting a fucking LOAD of stuff. I've been just strolling through my Winamp and removing anything which I wouldn't want anyone else to hear if I had my iPod on at a party or something. If it's good enough to show my friends, it's good enough to keep :D
  • SlartibartfastSlartibartfast Global Moderator -__-
    edited October 2011
    consider a Music streaming service. I like grooveshark (georestricitions means i have little choice anyway)

    At one point i had about 15gig of 256kbps mp3s. I completely removed them all and now use grooveshark intensively.

    EDIT: lol winamp. How do you manage a large playlist with that thing. check out foobar2000.
  • edited October 2011
    ^ I don't manage large playlists, that's how :) I'll take a look at foobar, although I'm liking Winamp - it's lightweight, does what I need it to do and it's not Apple software, so I'm happy :thumbsup:

    I'd use Grooveshark more often but I like being in posession of all my music files so I can share them with friends, put them on my iPod or whatever.
  • chippychippy <b style="color:pink;">Global Moderator</b>
    edited October 2011
    Many moons ago I used to be an audio engineer for a company called Kenmar Leisure. I used to collect the 7" vinyl's from the juke boxes when they were changed. I have over 50,000, some dating back to the inception of 7" vinyl, right up to it's demise. I really ought to make some effort to convert them into cash seeing as how vinyl seems to have made a bit of a come back.
  • Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
    edited October 2011
    chippy wrote: »
    Many moons ago I used to be an audio engineer for a company called Kenmar Leisure. I used to collect the 7" vinyl's from the juke boxes when they were changed. I have over 50,000, some dating back to the inception of 7" vinyl, right up to it's demise. I really ought to make some effort to convert them into cash seeing as how vinyl seems to have made a bit of a come back.

    Bro, you need to digitize those before unloading them. That has to be a treasure trove of classic sound.
  • chippychippy <b style="color:pink;">Global Moderator</b>
    edited October 2011
    You'll be lucky, I'm a dumbass and know nothing about audio files, despite being an audio engineer for 11 years.
  • Darth BeaverDarth Beaver Meine Ehre heißt Treue
    edited October 2011
    Slap one of these in your tower and hook up your record player to it. The software bundled with it will do the rest.
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