I have 10 thousand dollars in my bank account. I have no financial obligations of any kind. I want to make this money into more money, legally preferably. What would you do?
Silver just dropped quite a bit, due to foolish faith in the Dollar, due to the impending fall of the Euro. I personally think it's time to buy back in, but you can certainly move any time before the next US Presidential election. You should be able to pick up a little over 300 ounces of silver for $10k. I see two outcomes:
(a) Silver skyrockets after the US economy is further downgraded, QE3 occurs, Obama is re-elected, elections are suspended, the Euro falls, etc, etc, etc.
(b) The dollar collapses and you now own a legitimate form of currency, which will be worth a lot more than green paper. If you believe this a possibility, put your money in "junk" silver - pre-1965 US dimes, quarters, halfs, and dollars. They are a small enough denomination to barter with post-collapse, and they are also very recognizable, which will increase the liklihood of acceptance by others.
a health nutrition business..in fact i only invested less than 2000 dollars...but of course, it takes a lot of work...not only that..building a system from the ground up is extremely difficult :mad:
Aye, pyramid selling. It's quite common where I live, I just didnt see the point in getting involved when the only way to making money (enough to make it worth trudging around doors) was just to get other people to do it under your name. Avon is quite a popular one.
I still don't get why Women use that to make cash. I actually feel sorry for their consumers as they buy from a middle-woman/man. But hey, with the right spin, people will buy anything.
Plus if they turn up to my house once more, I'll grab the bread knife. I don't want Avon lipstick or make-up!
Aye, pyramid selling. It's quite common where I live, I just didnt see the point in getting involved when the only way to making money (enough to make it worth trudging around doors) was just to get other people to do it under your name. Avon is quite a popular one.
This is the EXACT reason why I hate telling people what I do. It's not goingnowhere that makes it a bad name, but the people working the industry..and because of it, people are often uneducated about this. I am going to dissect your whole post and I hope that you can see this in another light..
Aye, pyramid selling. It's quite common where I live,
Pyramid selling, from what I remember, is money flowing strictly in the "pyramid scheme", which is illegal. The proper term, that you are most likely talking about, is called direct selling and word-of-mouth advertising...which is getting more popular than ADS on tv, or radios. Direct selling is a very cost effective business model for companies since it cuts out a lot (if not all) middle men..so it can be affordable to consumers
coc@-cola for example costs less than a dime to make but goes through regional to wholesale distribution companies and eventually to a place like dennys for a price of 2.19$
Direct selling models cut out middle men and give it to the people to sell, so the product is much cheaper and higher in quality..(well for the most part -_- there are terrible network marketing companies that are in a poor industry, or have poor products/services who are lead by a greedy CEO)
I just didnt see the point in getting involved when the only way to making money (enough to make it worth trudging around doors) was just to get other people to do it under your name.
Don't see the point? Then why bother getting a job then? because the CEO's way of making money in ANY company or corporation is leveraging off people's "work"(you) so he can vacation somewhere in the bahamas. Funny thing is, it's not your own work that's being known, but rather the companies efforts..that are being recognized/ ..but that's okay right? because no matter how much your job pays you..you will never make as much as the ceo of any company, or rather the person above you in a corporate pyramid....but we don't call your job a scam
Also the marketing strategy of "door-to-door" is so traditional and obsolete that I wouldn't be surprised if they were not profiting. I personally hate those kind of network marketers just because those are the people who "try" it out, go door-to-door and soon see failure, then quit and call it a "pyramid scam" online or some stupid shit and then others believe it's true. excuse me for my poor grammar
This is the EXACT reason why I hate telling people what I do. It's not goingnowhere that makes it a bad name, but the people working the industry..and because of it, people are often uneducated about this
Good sir, I wasnt putting that kind of thing down and certainly would never call it a scam as I know most of them that operate along that business model aren't. I was just saying that for me at least it wasnt worth the effort because like I said in my previous post it seemed the only way to get any reward from it was to get other people involved, and their efforts would give you income because the stuff they sell you would get a percentage of. I should know, when I was young I did it with Avon with my mum. Not only that but two months ago I almost ended up doing it again because I replied to an ad that advertised a job. A woman came round and it became apparent that I wasn't going to work in a normal job that would have given me set pay and all that, but I would be posting magazines around doors and delivering stuff to them if they ordered it. I would have to buy my own magazines (which someone could just throw away anyway), and I wouldn't be sure whether I was going to make money at the end of the week. I watched the DVD which explained what it was about, and it strongly emphasized recruiting other people to do it and I realized that I wouldn't really be making much money in comparison to if I just had a standard job. The hours which they said I would have to do a week were not believable really, as they did not account for the time spend doing admin and the like (sorting orders out).
Now, I was not saying that it could not work or the system was wrong, I was saying that it wouldn't really work for me as I am in college and I would be doing it as a part time basis. I dont want to create a business in selling stuff, as that is not something that I want to as a career so therefore it would be time wasted.
I only called it pyramid selling of the structure of the business and I do understand it is legal. i.e 10 people sell products, which a percentage of the profits goes to the 5 people who introduced those 10 people, and the 5 persons profits goes to the 1 person who introduced those 5 people. Multi-level marketing.
Neither am I saying that it is a bad business model for a company.
Don't see the point? Then why bother getting a job then? because the CEO's way of making money in ANY company or corporation is leveraging off people's "work"(you) so he can vacation somewhere in the bahamas. Funny thing is, it's not your own work that's being known, but rather the companies efforts..that are being recognized/ ..but that's okay right? because no matter how much your job pays you..you will never make as much as the ceo of any company, or rather the person above you in a corporate pyramid....but we don't call your job a scam
I would like to think that I earn money because of my efforts, the CEO is still a working man and he is earning money because of the relative importance of the decision that he makes not because he is leveraging anything. If he made a wrong decision, no matter how hard the people below him worked the company as a whole suffer or/and fall into ruin. If I did not like the fact that while I was working, someone would be earning off me and they did absolutely nothing except introducing me to the product and getting me started. It's not your own work, even though you technically have 'your own business' you are still selling someone else's products only you don't choose what you sell unlike the CEO of the company or the manager who can choose. You are still connected to a parent company that takes its profits from what you sell, like a manager of so you arent really the ultimate CEO as if the company that you sell products collapses then you would have to sell products from a different company and be part of that one instead.
Progression through a corporate business is just like pyramid business, the more you do the higher you get to the top. Only unlike the pyramid business in the corporate business you go through the education system so you get the necessary qualifications to entitle you to a position at the top, unlike the pyramid business where its the number of people you recruit.
Like I said, nothing disrespect intended to anyone and I have the utmost respect for anyone who can go down that route and make a good living out of it as it is as good a job as any other. I was not giving it a bad name, just providing an opinion as to why I didn't take it on as a job It was called Cleaneasy I do believe!!
(a) Silver skyrockets after the US economy is further downgraded, QE3 occurs, Obama is re-elected, elections are suspended, the Euro falls, etc, etc, etc.
(b) The dollar collapses and you now own a legitimate form of currency, which will be worth a lot more than green paper. If you believe this a possibility, put your money in "junk" silver - pre-1965 US dimes, quarters, halfs, and dollars. They are a small enough denomination to barter with post-collapse, and they are also very recognizable, which will increase the liklihood of acceptance by others.
btw i understand i am going against a rule by posting off topic in this thread..if you really wish to continue this i'll make a new thread
I still don't get why Women use that to make cash. I actually feel sorry for their consumers as they buy from a middle-woman/man. But hey, with the right spin, people will buy anything.
Plus if they turn up to my house once more, I'll grab the bread knife. I don't want Avon lipstick or make-up!
This is the EXACT reason why I hate telling people what I do. It's not goingnowhere that makes it a bad name, but the people working the industry..and because of it, people are often uneducated about this. I am going to dissect your whole post and I hope that you can see this in another light..
Pyramid selling, from what I remember, is money flowing strictly in the "pyramid scheme", which is illegal. The proper term, that you are most likely talking about, is called direct selling and word-of-mouth advertising...which is getting more popular than ADS on tv, or radios. Direct selling is a very cost effective business model for companies since it cuts out a lot (if not all) middle men..so it can be affordable to consumers
coc@-cola for example costs less than a dime to make but goes through regional to wholesale distribution companies and eventually to a place like dennys for a price of 2.19$
Direct selling models cut out middle men and give it to the people to sell, so the product is much cheaper and higher in quality..(well for the most part -_- there are terrible network marketing companies that are in a poor industry, or have poor products/services who are lead by a greedy CEO)
Don't see the point? Then why bother getting a job then? because the CEO's way of making money in ANY company or corporation is leveraging off people's "work"(you) so he can vacation somewhere in the bahamas. Funny thing is, it's not your own work that's being known, but rather the companies efforts..that are being recognized/ ..but that's okay right? because no matter how much your job pays you..you will never make as much as the ceo of any company, or rather the person above you in a corporate pyramid....but we don't call your job a scam
Also the marketing strategy of "door-to-door" is so traditional and obsolete that I wouldn't be surprised if they were not profiting. I personally hate those kind of network marketers just because those are the people who "try" it out, go door-to-door and soon see failure, then quit and call it a "pyramid scam" online or some stupid shit and then others believe it's true. excuse me for my poor grammar
Good sir, I wasnt putting that kind of thing down and certainly would never call it a scam as I know most of them that operate along that business model aren't. I was just saying that for me at least it wasnt worth the effort because like I said in my previous post it seemed the only way to get any reward from it was to get other people involved, and their efforts would give you income because the stuff they sell you would get a percentage of. I should know, when I was young I did it with Avon with my mum. Not only that but two months ago I almost ended up doing it again because I replied to an ad that advertised a job. A woman came round and it became apparent that I wasn't going to work in a normal job that would have given me set pay and all that, but I would be posting magazines around doors and delivering stuff to them if they ordered it. I would have to buy my own magazines (which someone could just throw away anyway), and I wouldn't be sure whether I was going to make money at the end of the week. I watched the DVD which explained what it was about, and it strongly emphasized recruiting other people to do it and I realized that I wouldn't really be making much money in comparison to if I just had a standard job. The hours which they said I would have to do a week were not believable really, as they did not account for the time spend doing admin and the like (sorting orders out).
Now, I was not saying that it could not work or the system was wrong, I was saying that it wouldn't really work for me as I am in college and I would be doing it as a part time basis. I dont want to create a business in selling stuff, as that is not something that I want to as a career so therefore it would be time wasted.
I only called it pyramid selling of the structure of the business and I do understand it is legal. i.e 10 people sell products, which a percentage of the profits goes to the 5 people who introduced those 10 people, and the 5 persons profits goes to the 1 person who introduced those 5 people. Multi-level marketing.
Neither am I saying that it is a bad business model for a company.
I would like to think that I earn money because of my efforts, the CEO is still a working man and he is earning money because of the relative importance of the decision that he makes not because he is leveraging anything. If he made a wrong decision, no matter how hard the people below him worked the company as a whole suffer or/and fall into ruin. If I did not like the fact that while I was working, someone would be earning off me and they did absolutely nothing except introducing me to the product and getting me started. It's not your own work, even though you technically have 'your own business' you are still selling someone else's products only you don't choose what you sell unlike the CEO of the company or the manager who can choose. You are still connected to a parent company that takes its profits from what you sell, like a manager of so you arent really the ultimate CEO as if the company that you sell products collapses then you would have to sell products from a different company and be part of that one instead.
Progression through a corporate business is just like pyramid business, the more you do the higher you get to the top. Only unlike the pyramid business in the corporate business you go through the education system so you get the necessary qualifications to entitle you to a position at the top, unlike the pyramid business where its the number of people you recruit.
Like I said, nothing disrespect intended to anyone and I have the utmost respect for anyone who can go down that route and make a good living out of it as it is as good a job as any other. I was not giving it a bad name, just providing an opinion as to why I didn't take it on as a job It was called Cleaneasy I do believe!!