I got an email from a friend who sent me a txt file and link to a pastebin page of hacked security cameras. So far it looks promising for any voyeurs or people who are bored. Essentially it's the same as the old Google "hack" of finding unsecured CCTV setups, but these are mostly internal cameras - some of which are in peoples homes.
Use it as you will. If anything I posted it to share the curiosity and awareness of the vulnerabilities these CCTV setups come with.
Pastebin page.txt file backup
Wow, ahahha
So this shit is live right now? Hot damn.
Makes me feel so unsafe. These people have no idea that some random people on the internet are looking at their baby sleeping...
Found one of some guys watching TV
Link? :fap: :facepalm:
I didn't buy a hidden camera for nothing.
Uni is great!
This only scratches the surface.
EDIT: Check out this budgie: http://scorpius.jp:8484/CgiStart?page=Single&Mode=Motion&Language=0
Stop teasing us!
Oh wait.. no way, did you now.. you can't be serious. YOU PUT CAM IN HER SHOWER holy shit,