I have a couple of old lappy HDs that are hard locked. (Require passwords to access them)
My aim here isn't to fix the laptops, (They're old pieces of shit that were given to me for parts and thrown out due to age & the HDs are fuckall GB & not worth shit.) I merely wanna see what's on them. Ya know?
They're bios loaded and encrypted therefore I can't access them with a live linux cd/usb (They don't show up in my file manager)
Is there a way I can access these without downloading some bullshit software off teh interwebz? (& there are lots.)
Remember! I need my computer to recognize them before I can attempt to access them. Is there a way I can access them with backtrack. Once I bypass the encryption, I'm sweet. But I can't seem to find a BT tutorial on hardlocked drives.

Any Ideas?
there was something here about it: http://hackaday.com
What brand of laptop? Model? Is it third-party or a feature of the laptop? Take a picture of the screen where it asks for a password.. that might help. Try using the drive in another computer if you haven't already (could be a BIOS thing specific to the laptop).
I thought perhaps I could use scalpel to access it. But I can't see it, I can't scalpel it.
I would however like to format one for spare parts. Any ideas?