Hey guys. Back again. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you. Totseans has always been in my bookmark bar, just haven't been able to click on it for so long. Don't hate me.
Anyway, watching Reservoir Dogs, what is everyone else doing?
EDIT: I thought this fit in Totseans Life, because... well it's my life I suppose.
Glad to see you back
Funny you decide to show up, I also had the urge to check up on this place today as I've got a few minutes spare. It's good to see the family still exists
It will still exist till the end of time (I hope). Still here and still keeping things together. Got some fun things planned for this place
Well we only got about 24 hours until the end of the world, so we're all right
Jesus, for a guy with the name of "GoingNowhere" you sure are doing well for yourself!
Sweet. I hope the move wasn't too much of a fag for you. How is it down there?
This thread has epic returns.
I hear you man, in Uni as well. Fucking work.
Thankyou my friend, very kind of you to say so
YES! TRX is back
Doing great thanks man! Enjoying my time away from Uni, just chilling and doing anything which doesn't involve doing work
Ahh dude it sucks doing essays over Christmas, got an essay to do myself but like you say it's nice to chill for a while