So last week on Tuesday I come home from work and my house is trashed,my safe is broken into and the cat is missing.
Note this thread is not in bitch and moan because I'm not really bitchen,I just want to share a story and maybe let others learn from my mistakes.
So lesson #1 do not let yourself get comfortable keeping lots of cash on hand in a FIRESAFE these things are not meant to keep out bad people.
Lesson #2 if you have a dead end street at the back of your property get some sort of security camera.
Lesson#3 don't ever think your town is safe ever.
The person that hit my place got two other houses on the same day in the same area.He took only jewelery and cash.In my case he also took my passport and my wife's passport,along with that he took my bank book and all my other banking info.I spent lots of time online changing shit,canceled the passports and bought lifelock.
What more can I do to protect myself?"any input would be welcome".
The cat came back and it was a good thing to because my wife was loosing her shit over it,she didn't care we just lost over $4500 bucks and paperwork.
She was so upset because the night before we had to put down our other cat that we had for 19 years and she could not stand the thought of loosing our other cat.
Now I have camera's front and back that hopefully will be accessible on the internet if I can remember my routers password.
Another thing I might add is that the guy who ripped me off could have stole much more he left a laptop,a brand new Nikon digital slr,and fuck ton of other shit.It could have been much worse.
I learned a few things and I will never get cought with my pants down again.
Right now I work close to 11 hours a day 6 days a week.
Dogs need a person around and right now the way things are I cant do it.It would not be right for the fury fuckers.
I have six cats and two dogs. Can make finding a rental a challenge as most landlords don't want tenants with pets. I was lucky with the place i'm in as they wern't too worried.