Anyone read or collect? As far as current stuff goes I follow Thor God of Thunder, Uncanny XMen and Morbius the Living Vampire. I collect anything as far the Punisher goes, mostly 90's stuff, I also have the entire original run of Alpha Flight.
Hmm, most expensive pieces are likely my original 4 issue run of Frank Millers Batman Year One. The lot may would go from 100 to 120. I don't really go after big money books, just ones that interest me. I also have every issue of the original Age of Apocalypse event.
I own like 10 spawn comics and 2 random amazing Spider-Man comics. They were all gifts and are packed away so idk any specifics. I also used to own the directors cut version of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, but that burned up in the fire with most of my other shit...