Due to immense load this website puts on my server and the output we're generating, I have decided to reduce the resources and once again optimize this website. It seems it has been running on auto pilot without any major innovation. It's stagnant and bulky and it's just a ship without any major direction. It wants to be all the times at once but that's NOT how it's supposed to me. So, I am going to innovate something new and most properly focus on just one subject. A subject which we can contribute in and something that makes more sense.
I am not sure what that subject will be but for now, I am going to down size his place to three sections.
SG [Randomness]
Life/Skills [DIY/EDUCATION/etc]
Gaming/Tech/Hacking [Geekdom]
Oh and Adult
I think these are the most common and targeted subjects.
What are your thoughts guys?
Yay, I mean I am just trying to tie in everything with my current work. I am working on launching 6+ websites and I want to tie totseans with them in some way. Because there is a potential of some real big fucking influx of users if I target it correctly
Massive bots that just register and don't do shit. I have cleaned most of the forums, I am optimizing the forums more and deleting users and flushing useless data.
Shake is good and required, the traffic stats are quite impressive considering we aren't really producing new content. So, I have decided to actually convert the traffic into something more meaningful.