Miniature RP-I reduction how he did it the proper way Enso’s Miniature story.
The up coming post is a 100% hypothetical scenario that I’ve generated based on the information that I’ve picked up over time… I have never actually done any of the things listed in this thread, as they are illegal, and I do not want anyone else to do anything in this thread either as it is illegal. It is simply a fictitious story that I imagined.
Some important information.
The ratios are based on you using red phosphorus from matchbooks and iodine from tincture. WHAT EVER YOU DO, DO NOT ADJUST RATIO.
The reason is never once while small scale producing has one had a failure or half reacted product, and never yielded under 65%. So follow instructions and don't make any adjustments.
From start to finish takes the average bee about 2 hours. Give yourself 2.5 hours… or if your slow 3…. You will end up with at least 0.7gm of super strong meth.
This guys bee has seen his share of failures during his adventures of cooking, but for some fucked up reason those were only seen in much larger scale cooks.
This guys bee has taught his friends this small scale procedure because some people have a really hard time understanding the mathematics of producing meth.
Learning this way will teach you the basics hands on.
Producing HIGH QUALITY meth fail safe and consistently is a skill that takes 100% visual/observational skills and actually knowing what is happening WHILE it is happening and knowing that fine line of needed adjustments if things don't go as planned. That makes this synth a good tool to exercise your observational skills and get you understanding what is going on.
● test tubes (a glass cigar tube works fine)
● a packet of standard size water balloons
● black electrical tape
● 2 food cans (one filled with damp sand)
● candle (buy the kind that sit in glass bowl)
● 1.5 grams clean pseudoephedrine
● 3 grams iodine
● 2 grams red phosphorus
● small amount of peroxide (common household)
● distilled water
Using 2 of the food cans, one on top of the other, makes a perfect source of heat to the moist sand. Construction is quite simple: the lower can has holes drilled throughout it for air supply for flame. Now with candle lit in 1st can place 2nd can with sand right on top. The sand will warm instantly and your ready to go.
The ratio you will be using is:
● 1.5 grams clean PSE
● 3 grams Iodine tincture
● 2 grams RedP
● Place your test tube in freezer 5 minutes before adding chemicals. In the following order add: Iodine, PSE, RedP.
● Have your tape and balloon ready to go.
● With a dropper add 4 drops of peroxide and place balloon over test tube approx. 1cm. Tape balloon in place.
● Using your finger to prevent anything from entering the balloon, shake the 3 reactants to mix well. The reaction will start, now place tube into sand 2.5-3 inches and set timer for one hour.
● now is the time to use your observational skills; take notes on what you see. After a handful of runs at this soon you won't need to set a timer because you will have taught yourself and have your own signs that completion of the reaction is there. But for now go with 1 hour, no more no less.
● Blow your candle out and let tube cool in sand for 15 min. Take your now room temp. test tube and cut balloon off.
●Add 20ml dh2o. With thumb over the hole, shake up and filter out the red (its good to have a few test tubes clean and handy) by pouring liquid into another test tube using small funnel and 1 coffee filter (saturate filter with dh2o prior to using.) Now your left with a clear, yellowish liquid.
Water titration (Crystallization)
● NaOH (lye)
● Naphtha (charcoal lighter fluid)
● Muriatic acid
● dh2o
● Add 8gm of lye to a clean test tube. Now add 20mL of dh2o and mix well (use gloves if you shake tube using your finger as a stopper!) then place in sand to cool.
● Add 50mL lighter fluid to the tube with your yellow liquid. When cool add the lye solution SLOWLY to the tube with the yellow liquid and lighter fluid. Don't pour it in all at once, add splashes until gone.
● Cover the hole and give it one good shake, release the pressure and place in sand for approx. 15 minutes. Your lye will be locked on the bottom which is fine.
● Pour off lighter fluid into a clean test tube. Add 20mL dh2o, 4 drops of acid and shake hard. Use an eye dropper to get the bottom layer, attaching aquarium vacuum tubing to extend the length if needed. Pour this onto your glass dish and evaporate. What remains after dh2o evaporates is pure meth.
If you want crystals (shards) you have to do a recrystallization.
That's all folks!
Up next: How to remove fexofenadine from decongestant. Enso's little story
Y would u do this when SnB is easier and yields more product!!??
Because it's not easier requires a lot more observations are needed and if done properly a one pot method yields close to 95% return this method does not...
ALSO a mistake is a lot less forgiving in this method meaning for a new writer with no experience is likely to lose all of said product...
Mind you this reaction has its place.
Have you written a few one pot story's and confidant that you understand what's happening completely?
Ok cool do you want to learn a more lab specific rp/i but don't want to risk a pound of suzi and a lot of time?
Then I suggest moving along to this story.
Read this multiple times before changing anything learn visual cues ECT before changing anything.
Also what ml size glass tube should be used? Go with like a few 100ml ones maybe?
Can the tubes be cleaned and reused?
The food cans, can they/are they just 2 aluminum the
type soup can? Tomato soup can etc?
as for iodine tincture sadly i cannot give you my source of iodine as it is hard to come by... its used as a disinfectant but you can also try photo camera stores it is sold as stuff that helps develop film or something.
you want the highest percentage possible .
any type of metal food tin should work... thicker the better
How bad is this in terms of stench? Can it be done in a condo without attracting too much attention?
1. Yes, The sand keeps temperature levels relatively stable
2. The balloon is used as a simple reflux apparatus
3. The OP states to use 1.5 grams clean PSE that means NO you cannot use sudafed.
I don't know the other ingredients in the pills... do some more research
4. Does it say the balloon is going to explode? then no if you mean inflate then yes it may.
5. .... Does... I am not wasting my breath.
6. Ronsonol lighter fluid is commonly used among bees. Zippo generally have alot of impurities.
Do a evaporation test:
Put a small amount of lighter fluid product on a plate of glass, put it away somewhere and let it dry out.. if it it leaves a big amount of residue after it dries, don't use it.
no point in having "anybody please" as a single comment...
People aren't answering because you obviously aren't reading op properly and just wanna be spoon fed...
Not gonna happen here. If you must add it... Edit the comment you just added then add it to that.
Try and keep it around 150 and do not go above 180.
You could also use a heat plate and a flat bottom flask. :bee:
C° or F° ?
plus this reduction was posted on2003 by curbshot and all the old bees said that is a shit
but u in 2003 u aren't on the hive
In this story, 1800mg of PSE were first water extracted, then A/B extracted and kept in water solution. Iodine was obtained by reacting 1 part potassium iodide in water solution with 1 part muriatic acid 25% and 5 parts hydrogen peroxide 3%, the filtrate was then sublimed onto a wessel containig cold water. Red P was obtained in pure form from a chemicals supplier. Instructions were followed as described, but the vial was given a good shake every 20 minutes during heating. after about 1.5 hours the baloon went flat and further instructions were followed (water titration). result was GOOD! keep at it bees!
I don't know about what temp, I just used the candle in a can method as described in the instructions. The vial was definitely HOT, I'd say over a 100 C°. I had it reacting for about 1.5 hours, but I think that was too much. Some other compound appeared after recrystallization, amongst the meth shards there were little square-shaped crystals. No idea what those were, but I filtered them out as they were less soluble in water than the meth. In the aftermath, I can say this method works but it's troublesome and the reward is small. It's definitely worth perfecting if you're looking to go large scale, but you'll need better equipment.
On a different note, figuring this one out was not obvious at all. It took about 10 attempts to get it right. There's a lot of room for error, so you have to be really anal about the instructions. Use only very clean PSE, clean red P and very pure iodine. The resulting product (before recrystallization) should be flaky, if it's powder you messed up. Also if it's yellowish, you should mix it with activated charcoal and filter.
u r a fool. rp/ or acid cooks yeilds ALWAYS BETTER DOPE that bottle dope
plus many gup chucked pillz in bottle dope, than in serious rxn u have to clean your feedstock and this days with eudrashit (eudragit) polymers and such the turps cure wont work, also japan dryer not
strb3 and tetra trap and washing sodia can work
so stop sharing infos on old write ups
plus @enso i see you are from OZ.
im happy 4 ya if u make good dope, but plagiarize worlock(tweaker god), ware, tramp, shorty!, geez, placebo etc.. is no good
i remember a discussion on the hive stimulants that an OZbee claimed to clean in 2007 pills with water, ala 90's
and micro rxn are only loss of time
u r a fool. rp/ or acid cooks yeilds ALWAYS BETTER DOPE that bottle dope
plus many gup chucked pillz in bottle dope, than in serious rxn u have to clean your feedstock and this days with eudrashit (eudragit) polymers and such the turps cure wont work, also japan dryer not
strb3 and tetra trap and washing sodia can work
so stop sharing infos on old write ups
plus @enso i see you are from OZ.
im happy 4 ya if u make good dope, but plagiarize worlock(tweaker god), ware, tramp, shorty!, geez, placebo etc.. is no good
i remember a discussion on the hive stimulants that an OZbee claimed to clean in 2007 pills with water, ala 90's
Neuromaten, that eudragit really was a son bitch eh? And the manufacturers had rolled the ingredient into a patent so they didn't have to list it in the ingredient list. Dirty rotten trickery. As I recall it was Uncle Fester that slayed that dragon with his back to basics KOH reflux. It killed the Eudragit and it neutralized the polymers. It was a real gem of a system. I suppose that potassium hydrox could probably plug into a sssssnnnnnnbbbbbbbbb. Ever heard of that working successfully?
wareami did in 2011 iirc or 2012,the mek boil.
personally atm i have loads of white 60, so im happy to not having anymore to lose time behind that crap
it doesnt taste like ant poison, i had rex like 3 times and yay!