about some girl that they hate. And she was like "oh I'll kick her ass. blah blah blah." We didn't say her name though. I just referred to her as the girl with big tits. Then later the girl's mom commented on the wall post and said she printed out the convo and is taking it to the police department and our school and we will be charged with cyber bullying. :facepalm:
Also, tell your parents. It'll be worse if they have to learn about it from the cyberpolice, cause the consequences will never be the same.
haha, oh plus one for you my friend, but yeah listen to this guy, you dun goofed!
Acolyte, I know your not very familiar with the site, but there is a lot of information here. I don't care to locate the specific thread, but somewhere there is a recipe for chloroform. Use this to your advantage.
This made my day
Think like a lawyer when it comes to you possibly getting fucked by the long dick of the law.
Umm this?
If none of you had said ANYTHING it wouldn't be an issue. I bet it still won't be an issue but now you're having to worry over nothing
Good times! :hai:
My school started suspending people who joined or commented on a group a friend made called "Ms. Bauer is a cuntasaurus rex". I said I liked the picture of her (Yearbook photo with devil horns and a goatee drawn on) and they suspended me for something like 4 days and told me not to post on there anymore. Even said the only reason they ended up suspending me was because I asked them how they knew it was my account (I don't use my real name), and what right/authority they had to regulate what I did outside of school.
Know what happened? We got two news stations to roll up to the school and try to ask them some questions, looked pretty embarrassing for them on the PR-side of things. Even got a short segment on faux news, they love internet shit like this.
lol, cyber bullying. There's a reason you can block instant messenger contacts and delete people from social networking sites.
I was expecting Bel-Air. Where is it? :mad:
You're fucked bro. Your only chance is to plead insanity.
Yea im not worried about the law, just getting suspended from school. But school doesn't officially start till friday. If I do get suspended ill call the media.:)
Hi *** & EVERYONE else getting a kick out of commenting & THREATENING to kick the "STUPID GIRLS" ass!!! Well, this is HER MOTHER (not as stupid as you all think huh?) & I have printed this entire conversation. This is considered cyber bullying & charges WILL BE made against ALL OF YOU HERE! My advice is that it should all STOP IMMEDIATELY. I will contact the school & the Police Department & provide a copy of this so that this does not escalate & turn into worse situation. In turn you & your parents will be contacted. My job & my life is to ensure the safety of my child & you may have a point....she is NOT a fighter or VIOLENT person, so I am here to ENSURE HER SAFETY. It is really very disappointing that you need to subject yourselves to threats & violence.
she's cute. I'd stick it in her skull.
Whatever happened to that facebook page
there was tons of lulz on it
Hopefully, it will go like this:
nothing. You dun goof'd and now consequences will never be the same.
There's a shitton of girls with big tits, unless you live in some mid-southern state with a 200 hick school.
rofl. :facepalm:
She used her cousin's facebook to write it.
The cops will laugh at her when she gives them a printed piece of paper, they have better things to do. Also, delete your comments from the facebook page - claim the printout is photoshopped.
That won't work. Unless you disactivated comment notifications to your email, every comment on her page will be emailed to her. Even if it's deleted.
"i will remain silent until i speak with a lawyer. goodbye officer"
you'd like to think so. I'm currently on the run from the po po for giving someone the finger
Whaaa, seriously? Fuck the police, man. I'd better not say that actually, they might come after me.