I keep dreaming that the world is ending

edited September 2010 in Spurious Generalities
For the past week I've been dreaming random versions of the world ending. Last night I dreamed that I was walking along in a field, looked up into the sky to see millions of aircraft all flying the same way in the sky, really low. The sky was a bright orange, mixed with blackening clouds, thick with aircraft. I remember how real it all seemed. I rushed over to see my girlfriend, and told her that the world was going to end.

I expected there to be an explosion, but I was wrong. Instead, millions of meteors started flying down to earth with immense speed and power, destroying buildings around us. We ran inside some kind of underground building to get out of the way of the meteors.

I think the rest of the dream involved me chasing after my girlfriend, running through an abandoned theater, jumping gaps and running down flights of stairs.

It was creepy as fuck, and it felt so real.


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