-SpectraL · Will Faggert


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  • I'm shaking in my boots as we speak. In fact, all you're doing is making me more eager to have some fun with you all. I have a nice helping of berry here and lots of time on my hands. ;)
  • Hahahahaha... you weren't even on the original Temple of the Screaming Electron, you fucking poser. You're no Templar... you're just some jackass who dropped off the back of a turnip truck back on Fifth and Main. Get out of my face, you fucking disgrace.
  • No, it very relevant. What a person contributes has nothing at all to do with the operation of right and wrong. If the person is fucking up, it doesn't matter how much they've contributed; they need to be told the way way it is, and the way it's going to be.
  • I have nothing against you personally, General. In fact, I admire a lot of the things you bring out while posting. But you sorely need to pull up, man. You're just not thinking straight these days. I don't know if it's these mindless wastes of bandwidth who is turning you into some kind of vegetable, but you really need to…
  • A mass murderer can contribute to several charities as well, but that doesn't make him a good person. Any of this getting through that dense fog over there you like to call intelligence?
  • I would like nothing better as well, but I'm not going to stand idly by while senior member accounts are abused and their content harassed (ie: DaGuru). Just the fact that they think they can make poll threads to ban people should show you what we're actually dealing with here.
  • It's your ilk who threaten community. Take your own advice to heart, shithead.
  • Well, that's simply because you're a butt-hurt, insecure little tit. No big mystery there or anything. Continue hiding behind your control panel and I'll show you some real fun.
  • There's a few of you who I'd respect, but most of you, including yourself, are nothing but children who cry at every turn and run to Mommy every single when you get called out for your immaturity. Grow up: that's the best advice I can give you. Stop crying and whining like 12 year olds.
  • But... uhhhh... I don't really gives two shits what you think, because your opinion of the situation is basically worthless. Ever considered that angle, son?
  • Cry moar. Then maybe you'll want a teether and rattle as well. Fucking kids.
  • Dis inint da real Totse, so we can act like traitors to free speech all we like based on that. ^ Yet another sickening cop out by Totse wannabes and posers. Who woulda guessed? Oh, wait... :facepalm:
  • As I said, and maybe you're just deaf, I won't follow ANY rules which don't agree with the original Totse mission statement. You don't like it? Ban away. It will mean absolutely nothing to me. I'll be back just the same as ever.
  • I agree to abide by every single rule the original Totse provided us. Any other rules are simply man-made devices setup for personal gain. You like to setup your own rules? Neat! Well, you can do that, but don't expect any cooperation from me.
  • I don't recognize rules which do not agree with the original Totse manifesto. Don't like it? Too fucking bad. Wheeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh... that's what you dumb fucks sound like.
  • There comes a point where all the discussion, debating, education, pleading, and reasoning in the world runs up against a brick wall which doesn't have any intelligence to bargain with. I think we've reached that point long ago. The rest is simply the natural progression of the results of that brick wall stupidity. Don't…
  • If you jump off a cliff, you die. If you jump off it again, you die again. You can keep jumping off the cliff again and again and each time you die. Don't question why you die, you just do. It's like this situation. There's certain idiots who think that if they just jump the cliff again they're somehow going to live. No!…
  • I was posting on the Screaming Electron before you were even born, son. You can stamp your little feet all you want, but I can tell you, as a Totse specialist, that the actions of your associates here are despicable, and run against everything the original Totse stood for. If you somehow think I'm going to idly stand by…
  • Spurious Generalities doesn't need On Topic Police, and off topic is fine there. It's the HB spam that doesn't belong there, not what you'd call off topic posting. It's Spurious Generalities because it's spurious conversation. Now get with the fucking program, stop acting like a 12 year old twit and more like an…
  • He was derailing the the thread IN YOUR OPINION, which basically counts for shit. If your only purpose here is to harass, annoy and abuse member accounts, then I'm going to make you my next project. It's that simple.
  • Shouldn't have warned DaGuru saying he was posting off topic in SG. Now you've really got my blood boiling. Keep it up and you won't like me very much.
  • Yes. For example, he's helped me see the light on a various number of topics. I can vouch for DaGuru and say I've found all his posts interesting, informative, educational and insightful. You don't speak for me. Also, I'm frankly getting mighty sick and tired of this uncalled-for disrespect toward one of our long-time…
  • He didn't help YOU in the past, and it's YOU who needs to complain about suffering unwanted confusion. Please don't speak for everybody. Thanks, man.
  • Quoted for posterity.
  • ^ See, a disgrace like this I would never in a million years recognize, respect or want anything to do with as far as a mod on this site goes. I'm sure there's going to be a whole lot more people thinking the same way. "Mods" like this are just plain children - not fit to even be on the mod team. If you're really genuine…
  • I want to believe, I really do, but something about all this is strange. My spidey senses are tingling as well. Like DaGuru said earlier... seems kind of an extreme turnabout all of a sudden, especially going from black to white like that. You'd think there'd be more of an outcry from the general Fun Bunch as well - it's…
  • Everybody needs to do their part to resist these blatant criminals and their rewritten version of the Constitution. Don't give them anything, even if it comes down to contempt of court and jail time. Don't cooperate at all, even if it means arrest. Block their every move as best as you can, and make sure to get an attorney…
  • There's nothing at all wrong with the way things have always been as far as IPs go. The only real problem we faced was the spineless admins on Zoklet happily handing over member information without first demanding legal paperwork requiring them to do so.
  • Even though the IPs don't show up in any server applications in no way means the IP is not still visible on the server master log. Dfg can tell what the IP of every single member here is, it's just that mods and the like cannot see them anywhere. On top of that, it was a very senseless idea to hold back IPs from the mods.…
  • Whatever you say, doofus.
  • Seems to me they like to fail, and they like to come up looking like inept clowns again and again. Nobody could be that stupid and clueless again and again and again and still come up smiling like this again and again. They must actually love to fail. There's just no other explanation for it. Guess it takes all kinds to…
  • What astounds me is that three supposed discussion forums can fail and there's still morons like you scratching their pointed heads and wondering where it all went wrong. Shut up, idiot.
  • This is getting to be like right out of an Abbott and Costello skit.
  • I'm feeling the same way, man. I know exactly what you're saying. The most simple things in the world are like rocket science to some people - they're just that stupid. Very tiring and wearisome.
  • With some people, their single-minded determination will always be to destroy the forums and the content simply to satisfy their own little sense of self-worth. If you don't ban them, they will take you out. It's either you or them... you can't have both.
  • Actually, it's you who doesn't know what spam is.
  • But there's no way you can come through on things without handing out perma-bans to the spammers, Dfg. Just no way. You should know that by now.
  • Better to err on the side of the spirit of hope than err on the side of undo criticism. I mean, what if he really does mean what he says this time? It's possible. If that ends up to be true, I don't want to be the one stomping down on his head to push him back down under water.
  • These lying cockroaches just have no shame.
  • Fair enough. You won't see me ever holding back a man who is trying his best to do the right thing.
  • ^ This post seems honest enough to me, and I have a gut feeling he means it this time. As I've always said, it's never too late to change as long as the change is from the heart. Time will tell how much this truth will actually amount to. [quoted for posterity]
  • He should obviously never have been made a mod in the first place, much less reinstated. Right now he should be removed... fuck the "feelings" and the "pity" approach. He made his bed, now let him lie in it. Maybe he'll learn something... a good lesson... for the next time. Who knows?
  • With your reasoning, we should just have one big-ass thread for the entire forum and get rid of every single forum here. Plus, too, your personal crusade against Dfg's heritage is nothing more than attention-whoring antics. It detracts from the actual mission, which is to right wrongs and introduce common sense where…
  • No, it does not have to be a shithole. That is nothing but a fairy tale... a good bedtime story for those with weak wills and shoddy ideals. The future begins with today, and I still firmly believe in that philosophy.
  • Exactly. One-word posts and standalone graphics are supposed to go to HB, strictly. SG is for inane conversation, not outright garbage. HB used to be the Trash Can, not SG.
  • That's a significant revelation. Thanks for sharing that with those who have more than half a brain in their practically empty head. I'm sure some don't appreciate it (we won't name names or anything), but I certainly do.
  • OIC. So you would have actually liked to have seen valid content right from the start, and then you would have contributed more than just spam, amirite?
  • May as well merge SG with HB. It's dumb to have two forums with identical content.
  • Let me ask you a simple question, FMFF. Why do you post useless shit all over the forums? Just curious is all. Care to share?
  • TheDarkRodent reminds me a lot of zos and his empty theatrics and "catchy phrases", wandering about the halls with his shiny badge proudly displayed on his right breast, always appearing to stand for truth, justice, and the right, when in reality he's nothing but a blowhard loser trying to be a big somebody.