HippieTrippie · Regular


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  • Well, I have to disagree with Mr. Watts there. I think the best system has no conflicts, but conflicts bring excitement and depth to a conscious level of life.
  • We weren't smoking it yet. We were about to. I was just holding it because I was about to pack it.
  • Aw man, thos fucking Ion Detectors that pick up anything that goes through the sensor that isn't regular air? Those things are terrible, they're in our dorms too. However, they are not in the bathrooms...:D
  • Marijuana Alcohol Tobacco Diphenhydramine Vicodin Darvocet Cocaine Salvia JWH-018 Inhalants :( That list seems a bit small, but this shitty ass little down ain't got no good drugs.
  • You get used to the body feeling, but initially, it sucks, I nearly fell down the stairs.
  • Weed is so much better when you have to wait three days for it...wait, no it isn't. Am finally high again. Feels good man.
  • I never saw spiders or shadow people, I saw gremlins and the first time, when I stood up, it felt like I couldn't move anywhere, there was like an invisible glass wall all around me, and the gremlins were killing my roommate. Do you use em primarily as a sleep aid or allergy medication?
  • I dunno why you would ever do it more than once or twice. It's definitely not worth it, once maybe, just to know what its like, but its like Intoxicated Shaman said, why would you want to simulate severe dementia?
  • 30? Shit, at that point, I would think your heart would start shutting down. You're hallucinating because you're dying, because your circulatory system isn't keeping up anymore.
  • I've used the same thing with my mom, but it worked rather well. While at a boarding high school, I was in this kids room who at the time was a senior and I was a sophomore. Its about midnight and all sophomore are suppose to be in their rooms at 11. I am standing next to the kids desk, holding my bubbler, and there is a…
  • In the dropdown, set it to no email notification. Then it will subscribe, but without sending emails.
  • Ain't that the truth. Has anyone told Greyfox? He was looking for a new forum.
  • Hmm, is there an option for, or a way to implement, that the thread only shows up when you click user cp that has new posts?
  • Now, if you ask me, when trying to look fashionable/stylish/like the look matters, I find shorts about the tackiest thing that isn't pink. Collared shirts are nice, but only casually, they are rather boring and standard, so if you're going anywhere where how you look matters (Clubbing, Certain Concerts, etc.) then I'd go…
  • HippieTrippe - I can write articles for multiple topics, and code HTML if that helps.
  • It does seem like it would be too easy for the payoff doesn't it? I know nothing about it, but if you do start, keep us updated.
  • You lost me after No.2
  • This definitely. I would mod a few forums, BLTC, Headshrinkers, Oh the Humanities, and Set the Style. But I always thought that asking to be a mod was the quickest way not to get it.
  • I like it, the only criticism I have is certain lines are a bit too wordy and when rhyming its good to keep the two words the same number of syllables. Good Job though.
  • As much as I liked the thanks system, I agree its a no. This isn't Zoklet, this isn't about numbers and posters, like said before, its about the posts and their content.
  • Well, first I want to know what sub-prime mortgages have to do with technology. Thats just shitty economics. You have ten dollars, you want *insert item* that costs $20, so you go to the bank and they give you ten dollars that you pay in increments of $1 everyday, so in ten days, the money is back to the bank, and you have…
  • Beforehand, this post is in all seriousness: Have you EVER masturbated to pictures or the thought of her? If so, thats infatuation. Do you eat much less, can't stop thinking about her, think she is the best looking girl you have seen whether or not she is the prettiest? Do you feel sad because you're not with her? And if…
  • I really like the Desert one, is that one effect or a lot of detail?
  • Well shit. I just smoked K3 summit, not mine though, I didn't pay. Now I realize this is about K2 specifically, but (I've personally only bought K2 standard and ultra) I've seen many other brands of synthetics that aren't sold as a K2 product. Specifically, a few friends have bought a damiana container that was called…
  • I agree with mr.blunt up there, but I think it might be needed later if the site grows so BLTC doesn't get inundated with threads like "I'm high" and "So why do you love weed?"