Ex sex is a blessing given to us by god. It saves you so many times when you're running through a dry period. And you both know how to sex each other :cool:
We did go back to the tent. Several times. That's when he decided to butcher all of our food inside the tent, get naked and put on a pair of pants of mine that didn't even fit him, then proceeded to go to the river and bathe with said pants. Where we did fuck up was in overreacting to the way his trip was developing. We…
That's also a given. If i were a full time musician, I'd be high most of the time i spent composing, but never high on stage. To forgetting the songs, add getting paranoid about fucking up and such.
That's a given. You don't magically unlock the world's knowledge by getting high. I've always believed that being high increases your associative thinking, therefore you associate ideas more easily and that helps you build songs with another mindset (if that makes any sense).
A fuck is a fuck, irregardless of the other person's looks. That being said, I've had some lows. The last one being this chick from my class, who was practically begging for me to fuck her for a year straight. During a trip we took with a few classmates (her included) we got wasted one night and she threw herself at me. We…
o lol nvm i found this dude n he said that he would give me avatarz for a blowjob then i realized i could already use an avatar and wiped the cum off my face :o (no homo)
Well I'll certainly look into those alt/indie bands. Would name the Silversun Pickups, but those are pretty mainstream in the US right? What about Brand New?
What about LegoRobot? They're hilarious This would be a cool thread to have a "catalogue" of webcomics, with a different webcomic and sample strip per post.
It starts getting annoying when physical contact is abused. Fucker you don't touch your guy friends that much, don't do it with my gf :mad: For the record, I don't have a girlfriend right now, but there's always that one guy who gets on your nerves.
Rough sex is cool, but i agree it gets annoying when it leaves marks. Once i was with this chick (just making out, no sex) and she started scratching my back as well. I stopped her almost immediately but not before she left a beautiful line carved on my back. Not hot at all.
I used to when i was taking a photography class last year. Since I finished I haven't touched it, but i acknowledge its appeal. Film has better contrast in general, and the feeling of manual manipulation instead of digital is great. Right now I'm sticking to digital, tho. I don't have the money at this moment to cover the…
I've been meaning to watch Cannibal Holocaust for a while, any input on it? Is it really as gory as everyone says? Anything good about it apart from the gore?
When i started getting some social anxiety from weed, sometimes even while sober. I've cut back so much since then, doing it like once a month at most now.
Well, in my own experience, being high did somewhat get my creativity flowing. Something about being more open minded to ideas instead of shutting them down because they seem stupid, i think. I would sit with the piano / guitar, set up the recorder and jam. Needless to say, some of the things i created that way were…