Not every person's motivation is the same, but the bulk of them are protesting an economic and social system that supports the rich at the detriment to the poor. The bank bailouts and wars have become a main focus, along with economic inequality (such as CEOs receiving multi-million dollar bonuses while their workers are…
lol are you one of those morons who thinks they're protesting capitalism? What we have now is not capitalism, private institutions are not bailed out with public funds in a capitalist system. I 100% support the OWS protesters in their belief the political and economic system is rigged to benefit a select few at the…
May I ask what made you come to this decision? I don't see how strict controls is going to make this website better. In fact, I'd say the opposite move is necessary at this point. This is the internet, there are going to be trolls. Sometimes trolls highlight important issues, while most of the time they're just trying to…
If we are the only intelligent life, in a universe consisting of hundreds of millions of galaxies, then that is truly sad. Highly unlikely to boot. Have they been visiting us? That's a different story entirely.
Alex Jones is a fearmongering psycho, stay far away. I listened to part of your podcast and you actually covered a lot of information in the 20 or so minutes I listened. I'll have to finish it later, well done :thumbsup: I was reminded how much I hate Anslinger and Hearst...
The steak on a stone restaurant sounds pretty awesome tdr, are they only in ohio? Oh and whoever told you steaks are only good in a restaurant is either a cook who wants you to buy shit at their place, or is a moron.
There was never a monopoly on space travel. Actually getting to space has always been expensive as all hell (until now), which is why governments are the ones sending people to the moon and not virgin atlantic.
I assume you heard about it through the story about players solving a problem that scientists had been working on for ten years? Collaboration is alive and well online. Gamers Build AIDS Molecule That Eluded Scientists For 10 Years
You're kidding right? I wouldn't have continued to post sources regarding the taliban ban on poppy production if you didn't scrutinize the new york times and UN. What you seem to be missing is that most of the poppy IS grown in Afghanistan. There was a massive increase in poppy production post US invasion of Afghanistan,…
Here's some more national criminal justice service From Poppy Field to Western Markets: Opium Production in Afghanistan International Journal of Drug Policy (PDF)
The taliban had banned poppy production before the invasion, we have done a pretty good job wiping them out. Our allies, the northern alliance, are the biggest opium producers in the world.
That's a good idea, I think he posted some totsesque banners at some point although they were for marketing purposes not necessarily what you're looking for.
Did you know there was also a plan to build a natural gas pipeline (Trans-Afghanistan pipeline) through afghanistan? Source This is also a great map, its been circulating on the web for a while:
The fact the opium trade has exploded post-invasion tells me we aren't doing jack shit to stop the growing of poppy. Whether or not we are protecting the fields is irrelevant, they're not being destroyed, and yet we're fighting a war on drugs in the US which attempts to eradicate it at home. It doesn't make any sense at…
$60 billion a year isn't a small chunk of change. I think you're right though, we are ultimately in Afghanistan for the resources whether they be drugs or minerals the point is moot.
Pretty interesting that the taliban had banned poppy growing under their rule, yet post-invasion Afghan-grown poppy accounts for 93% of the world supply. Coincidence I'm sure.
1). Since you have such a tough time reading captions I'll post them for you. I think you get the point. 2). I never mentioned anything about the government selling it, you did. The CIA is well known for their illicit drug smuggling activities however....
Don't forget the poppy and cannabis fields US soldiers are protecting... Even more photos of US nato troops patrolling opium fields in Afghanistan We spend over $10 billion a year on the war on drugs, and yet our troops are patrolling poppy and cannabis fields. What the fuck is wrong with this picture?
Why would you need to do that dys? Have you been stalking a girl, decided to hire a PI, and he's started stalking her now too? Share all the juicy details.