^global warming is a single of many environmental issues if you truly believe that CFCs didn't contributes to ozone depletion, then you are retarded case and point i'm not surprised that someone who sounds so arrogant and ignorant has the confederate battle flag as his avatar and links the KKK in his signature scum
theyre ~20 bux on ebay if you intend to keep using RCs and such, you will eventually need to get one. you may be fine for a while, but it will become necessary eventually.
^that is an unsafe way of dosing these things especially considering there is a chance that what you have may or may not actually be 2c-e. Not to mention vendors often overpack bags. sometimes they may give you over 100mg extra in a big bag. does anybody remember that time a vendor accidentally shipped out bromo-dragonfly…
^if you have the internet and google you have access. finances can be a hassle, but for a little more than the price of the 96 N2O chargers he showed in the picture you can pick up a quarter gram of a 2c-x compound
^ if your not trolling you need to kill yourself now! either way this recipe reeks of bullshit. it would be much cheaper to simply buy your chlorate online. if not at least use pool salt, salt substitutes have many other ingredients that will affect your yield. it would be much more effective to nitrate some hexamine (like…
american pyro supply and north star pyro are the same company, but sometimes prices and availability differ. but they both offer a wide range of good stuff, no questions asked they do restrict shipping certain combinations though (chlorates and aluminum), but if you place two separate orders your fine.
lol man, you identified everything I could that one right above the separatory funnel doesnt quite look like one, because it has no bore for a stopcock, but a threaded and ground glass bore on the top. I have no idea what it is
that would by i cant recall if that is the right gas constant (check your units), but yea its that easy. and as a heads up, since 0.1 has 1 sig fig, your answer should have 1 sig fig (3000 ml) but keep in mind that this is only the ideal gas law so it is a very basic estimate, and you will most likely be accounting for…
http://www.americanpyrosupply.com/PYROTECHNIC_OXIDIZERS-POTASSIUM_PERCHLORATE_DOMESTIC_NO_ANTI_CAKE.html save yourself the hassle, at 8 bux a pound its hard to beat