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DoS or DDoS ADSL Modem/Router

DoS or DDoS ADSL Modem/Router

This is pretty simple and you just need a command prompt and the handy ping tool. This is the standard procedure to just DoS some website. But when it comes to routers and modems they can easily be overpowered by a single user. Now, obviously you don’t want to DoS yourself that would be idiotic but it’s handy method to ruin someone else Internet experience.

If you’re using ADSL and you get a WAN IP address like abc.dfg.lol.mnf [ etc ] then you can just change the mnf numbers and target the users on the ISP.

Basically we’re going to DoS some modems and routers which are using the same ISP. Since it’s hard to DoS a system it’s fairly easy to DoS a simple modem. My ISP sucks when it comes to planning and the Internet I get is shitty. During this guide I got disconnected 10 times and I got bored so I DoS’ed my modem just for the fuck of it.

To test this:

type ping routerip -t -l 65500

ping -t -l 65500 <-- that You will get a TTL response < 38ms or more. If you just ping the router/modem you will get <1ms if you're directly connected. Just open as many command prompts as you like or can and just start entering that simple line and hit enter. Pretty soon you will see the TTL response increase from 38ms to 160+ and 180ms. My router crashed when it reached 190ms and I only opened like 25 windows. So, in short if you want to fuck someone randomly. A) login to your router. B) Get the IP of default gateway and your IP. C) Move the numbers up and down or use a scanner to check for port 80. Once you find some good targets then check those routers by opening the Admin page. If it's modem/router then. D) Use the ping and have fun. Granted this may or may not work on many systems but it overpower small modems and routers easily. The user will lose Internet connection and if the router recovers it will still get stalled in the end. That scenario can easily be turned in DDoS. You can target modems and routers of offices by flooding them with bytes. Somone test this on some different systems. Discuss http://www.totse.info/bbs/showthread.php?t=8697

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