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Proposing to Someone is Serious Business

Think about it how many times have you dreamed of proposing to someone? Well if you’re like me the numbers would be quite low but for a woman who is in love, yeah it’s high. But how do you make things right, how do you impress the girl enough that she totally wants to say yes? Well the answer or I should say answers aren’t that hard or complex. They’re in fact quite simple.

I am not a pro when it comes to girls, I might even say I am just a noob in most cases but I do know one thing, body language and connection. I saw a video of this Indian dude trying to propose to his girlfriend and I was like….


It gets interesting at the end but any decent guy can see that it’s not going to end well. For starters MALL is a bad choice when it comes to proposing to someone, it’s not romantic and it’s also filled with people that stare and judge you. For a woman its way worse, she feels insecure and forced into making a rash decision. If she has doubts about the relationships or you, those doubts will get amplified!
Yes, imagine yourself being forced on to a stage and told to talk nice things about someone you’re not sure about. Chances are you will be negative about him or will totally shutdown. That poor girl was just in so much agony it was hard to watch. Also, that idiot went with her friend’s decision, she picked the place, I am referring to the girl holding the camera.

I guess that guy has a lot to learn but luckily there is a solution or solutions. I have been in close contact with some love gurus in the past and quite recently I just started interacting with them in real life. I have spent days hitting clubs and bars with them and learning their tricks. I must admit their like GODS when it comes to seduction. But what’s more fun is the Facebook element, I mean it’s awesome to hit on girls IRL but it’s way more cheaper and easier to hook up with girls ONLINE and that’s what I learned from them. I got a sneak peak at their “STUFF” and its solid.

Luckily you’re just in luck because you can get access to the same stuff I have, simply  go here and discover how to Seduce and yes BANG girls on Facebook.

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