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Building the Prison Planet

by Nick Sandberg

Building the Prison Planet

by Nick Sandberg

In this section I will look more closely at how the prison planet is being constructed, firstly in terms of principles and symbolism, and then via actual examples.

Knowledge is power. Exploiting people is very simple when you have a little more knowledge than they do. And while our knowledge of many things these days is impressive, there are areas where we are deeply lacking. It is because we do not understand how important emotions are and how subconscious needs will always try and get themselves met that we become so controlled by repressed emotions. And it is because the majority do not know what the minority know that so many end up being controlled by so few.

Anyone studying the most knowledgeable and influential characters in the early history of the West, from Pythagorus to Isaac Newton, will discover that they all had a fascination with one particular subject - the occult. The word "occult" simply means "hidden," and much esoteric knowledge is hidden in the text and symbolism of many of the world's great religious works, including the Bible, accessible only to those in the know. Many of the principles are already familiar to us, albeit in a different form. But it is the ones that we are not aware of that are being used so effectively to control us.

Most occult principles take their origin from symbolism, and three symbols very important to anyone who would like to control the world are the pyramid, the spiral, and the planet Saturn.

Pyramids, Spirals and the Planet Saturn

The pyramid represents a form of political or social structure that allows a small group of individuals to control a much larger group. If you imagine a pyramid split up into ascending levels, you have the basic model. At each level up, there are fewer people but greater power. The pyramid power structure is found all over Western culture. Corporations and government bodies classically use this structure to manage their activities. At each level on the promotional ladder, there is greater power. And when one gets to the top, the entire structure can be controlled on one's own. When setting up these power structures, the elite will invariably assign the organization to initially have a benign social function. Once it has power, its role can then be progressively changed such that it begins to forward a hidden agenda when the time is right.

The spiral represents evolution occurring through natural cyclical activity. The circular aspects of the spiral refer to the cyclical or periodic nature of living systems, and the way that a spiral moves away from its centre with each turn represents the force of evolution moving through this periodicity.

The elite commenced their activities with very little power but a lot of knowledge. And bit by bit they converted knowledge to power, always using their gains to acquire more. From humble beginnings, they achieved power initially as goldsmiths. They then reinvested that wealth back into acquiring more power in Middle Ages Europe and thus slowly developed greater wealth still. This too was reinvested allowing them to gain still greater levels of control, until finally the whole planet came within their grasp. This is spiral power at work.

The process of restricting an individual's freedom, such that one may exploit the consequences, is well recognized in occult circles. It is known as harnessing the power of Saturn. Saturn has represented restriction from time immemorial because of the planet's famous rings, which to the occultist symbolize restraining bonds. The construction of America was largely achieved through the slave trade, a good example of Saturn power at work. The conditioning of children is another. When children are conditioned, a subconscious dynamic is set up within. The need to avoid confrontation with repressed emotions allows the conditioned mind to be exploited by anyone who offers a route by which it can go on avoiding pain.

The harsh childhood British children suffer, in particular, has been utilized for centuries to further the aims of the elite. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the elite harnessed the power of Saturn to create a race of people who could be driven to both colonize much of the world and further maintain the infrastructure needed to retain the elite's conquest. The conditioning of children is central to all elite activities in Europe and the US, and is always done on the pretext of rendering them "civilized." Once one generation of children has grown up conditioned, you have the raw material that can be directed to go out and enslave other cultures on your behalf. The elite used the power of Saturn to make Europe and the US their centres of operation, and from these centres set out to conquer the rest of the globe.

Imbalance and Disconnection In addition to utilizing the forces represented by the pyramid, the spiral and the planet Saturn, the elite also work extensively with the power of "imbalance." This is done by vastly overemphasizing one side of a structure that is naturally resolved into two complementary parts - the male over the female, conservatism over liberalism, reductionism over holism, and so on. This has the effect of generating deep imbalances within the human psyche, and our innate desire to return to a state of wholeness can be put to use to further negative ends. In order that this principle is effective, we need to be led into believing that the state of imbalance is natural. This is done via yet another well-known occult principle - the principle of disconnection.

From the middle ages onwards, Westerners have sold us the lie that their culture derives almost entirely from Ancient Greece, when in truth it is intimately connected with the ancient cultures of the Middle East, India and the Orient. By creating this disconnection from our true past, the elite can impose their vision of culture upon us, including our belief that overtly one-sided structures are our cultural norm. And, because we consciously believe that the culture that surrounds us is natural when it is in fact only half the story, the subconscious mind is driven to seek out a state of wholeness that it feels must exist somewhere. People experience a constant feeling that "something is missing," and this feeling can be put to use in the ongoing enslavement of the planet, as we shall see at the end of this chapter.

In addition, by creating the illusion that Western culture springs from just one source, the elite are also free to utilise other people's knowledge to forward their own aims without the masses realizing its true significance. The esoteric principles we have been looking at derive from ancient Eastern and Middle Eastern cultures, and are being used to control us while we actually ridicule their very existence and our scientists expend much energy trying to prove they are not so! Which brings us to science.

Science Science is a field in which the elite have been particularly active. In order to keep occult knowledge to themselves, and thus be free to exploit it to the maximum, the elite had to find a means to keep others away from its study. This was done by establishing a school of thought that would draw the emergent learned classes of Renaissance Europe away from ancient esoteric principles and instead lead them into developing the technologies the elite could use to exploit natural forces for their own ends. This school of thought would become known simply as "science."

Science is essentially a philosophy of measurement based around the principles of empiricism, or experimentation, and objectivity, the reproducibility of this experimentation. Science, as we know it today, became established with the elite's creation of the Royal Society in 1640s London. In helping to make popular this new and objective "science," the elite achieved two vital aims. Firstly, the significance of esoteric knowledge became progressively hidden from view and thus slowly disregarded by the masses. Secondly, the forces of the material world could progressively be harnessed by the elite as more and more learned men and women were drawn into pursuing this study.

To reinforce this new science's ability to merely manipulate natural forces, the principle of reductionism was also vastly emphasized over its counterpart, contextualism, or holism. Reductionism is a scientific philosophy which espouses that something can be understood by examination of its constituent parts as opposed to its function.

What the founders of the Royal Society knew, that our scientists today do not, was that the process of formulating scientific laws based upon objective experimentation, the basis of science, would not easily reveal true insights into the nature of our existence. Implicit to the esoteric model is the need for systematic and sustained subjective analysis in addition to objective evaluation. Science's emphasis on the objective over the subjective therefore actually renders it essentially impotent as a tool by which we can truly learn about our world.

The media unrelentingly promote science as some form of search for "the truth," and frequently debase ideas on the grounds that they are "unproven." Yet, as philosophers of science from Plato to A.N. Whitehead have pointed out, science is in no way a search for the truth, but is merely the establishment of a means of interpreting our world from one perspective. "Proof" is actually a quite meaningless concept in many ways for, conceptually, only certain types of ideas can be empirically proven, and then only within one, very limited mental framework. Sadly, very few scientists are aware of this, and so the majority go on believing that the attributes of empiricism and objectivity confer some special status to their studies. The reality is that science is merely one branch of philosophy, and whether people believe it or not depends not on some innate validity it might possess but simply on what the majority have been told is "the truth."

Einstein and others eventually demonstrated that the principles on which empiric science was founded were actually invalid. But, long before this, esotericists were completely aware that what actually mattered was whether people believed science or not. They knew that the pursuit of a science based on empiricism, objectivity, and reductionism could not easily lead anyone to freedom, but that a person brought up to believe in the absolute validity of science would develop a mindset that blocked recognition of this.

Yet, even taking into account the conceptual problems, science could still lead to much technology that would free many sectors of society. Effective medications that actually address the cause of illnesses, as opposed to merely temporarily relieving symptoms, and free energy applications are two good examples. And so the elite continue to exert immense power over how modern science develops via a variety of "establishment" bodies in government, education and the private sector. By ensuring that funding for research goes only goes where they want it, the elite thus ensure that science uncovers only that which is beneficial to their deeper purpose. Now let's look at how esoteric scientific beliefs are put to work by the elite.

Thinking and Control The power of thought is well respected in occult circles. Indeed, our thoughts, especially those about ourselves in relation to others, are recognized as being a vital source of energy that can be put to work. Encouraging selfishness has always made sense to the elite. In the US, a specific social structure has been created wherein the needs of the individual are seen as outweighing the needs of the group to a degree that is unparalleled in modern history. The corrupted driving instinct that naturally results from exposure to this system benefits the elite in two ways.

Firstly, the desire to "get ahead" that an American upbringing is specifically intended to induce can be put to work at a corporate level, ensuring that the plan for world takeover proceeds at maximum pace. And secondly, the elite believe that selfish thinking feeds back to them at a psychic level and reinforces their hold on the planet. This latter belief arises because occultists believe that fear, hatred, envy and anger are all emotions that can be used to maintain a state of control over people. And this is reflected in many of the social and political structures that have developed in the West. Race relations, religion, local government and service industry are all seen as fields where tension and fear can be generated and put to work to help maintain control.

However, it is also well recognized that there are limits that must be adhered to when negative emotions are being used to maintain control. For esoteric thought holds that all emotions ultimately derive from love, and so if anyone is driven too deeply into negativity they will discover salvation. They recognize that the ideal state in which to keep us is that of believing everything is our neighbour's fault or otherwise that of semi-severe depression.

With specific regard to social responsibility and self-empowerment, it is important to realize that what has happened to our world is not really much our fault. Here in the West we have been repeatedly told of the importance of taking responsibility for our actions - by the elite. People operating from a subconscious need are simply unaware of what it is that is truly driving them. They have little choice in their actions, for subconscious needs will always try and get met, and behaviour can thus easily be directed and channelled into negative pursuits. By getting Westerners to believe they are responsible for their actions, they can be made to blame themselves for the collapsing world structure they see around them, and thus become increasingly despondent and further disempowered to do anything about it. Now let's look at little closer at some of the other structures and institutions we find in the Western world.

Western Culture Here we shall look at how some of the occult principles mentioned above have actually been put into action.

Patriarchy - the level to which men dominate our culture accounts for many of the problems our world now faces. Women, being more intuitive than men, are natural healers, and, given the chance, could quite likely resolve many of the world's problems. Yet the overwhelming majority do not get the opportunity to direct their natural healing ability to where it is needed. Instead they find themselves constantly drawn to try and heal individuals resistant to their efforts. Many women who have been subjected to the Western childhood, with its distant and frequently unloving father figures, will find themselves constantly being subconsciously drawn into relationships with certain types of men; men who represent the father who didn't love them in the way their instincts told them he should. By creating a self-perpetuating patriarchy, the elite have successfully ensured that the immense gifts all women carry are largely diverted away from where they could do the most good and into fruitless and largely unrewarding sidelines.

Cell structure - cell structure is what we have when we isolate elements of a process, lots of little cells of activity side by side, each disconnected from the next. Cell structure is found all over Western society - in our jobs, our habits, even in our minds. If Western consumers could see what goes on in the Southern Hemisphere simply to bring cheap goods to their tables they would be horrified. But because the process is split up into cells, it is easy to disconnect from the tragedy that is occurring behind the scenes. All across the Southern Hemisphere, relocated populations are compelled to spend long hours churning out clothing in subhuman conditions. The people who ship the clothing to the West don't see this because they just work in shipping; the people who sell the clothing don't see this because they just work in sales; the people who market the clothing don't see this because they just work in marketing; and the people who buy the clothing don't see this because they just see the result of all the marketing. Because the system is split up into cells, we never realize the level of sheer human misery that goes into producing the inexpensive, abundant goods that we take for granted.

Compartmentalization - essentially, cell structure for the mind. Many people will be aware of the degree to which the media presentation of issues has been standardized over the last decade or so. Slowly the media are being drawn to present information, be it an ad for soap powder or a news broadcast, in pretty much the same format all across the world. This standardization of presentation, combined with the ever-increasing amount of information that we are all now required to process, has the effect of causing our minds to compartmentalize - to split into cells. In order to keep up with all the things that are happening around us, we have to quickly assess incoming information and stick it away in its own little compartment in our minds. Read any newspaper article these days, or watch any news broadcast, and you will find in the opening of the piece information which helps us prepare emotionally and intellectually for what's coming, and tells the mind which compartment to store it in. Pretty soon there will be so much information around that we will cease looking at content at all and merely respond to these little intro "bytes."

All of the concepts found above - pyramid power structures, cell structures, spirals, Saturn power, and the emphasis on one half of a two-sided arrangement - are well-known to those schooled in ancient esoteric thought as means by which natural forces can be harnessed and used for one's own ends. And by making sure that the masses remain blissfully convinced that esoteric knowledge is all just superstitious nonsense, the elite ensure that power remains theirs.

Having detailed some of the ways that ancient esoteric principals have been put to work at a symbolic and actual level in our world, I will now return to modern psychology and look at how the world of commerce is driving our planet along the pathway to slavery, with us at the wheel!

Commerce, workers and consumption Throughout this piece I have demonstrated how all the pain and fear repressed within drives us away from our natural thinking and behaviour and allows us to be easily controlled. Now I would like to expand upon this concept and demonstrate how all the avoidance strategies we are driven to undertake in our daily lives are actually starting to bring about the prison planet scenario.

As we have seen, many of the daily decisions we take are taken to attempt to fulfil a need that we are not aware exists. We are constantly trying to either protect ourselves from the thought that we are unlovable, to distract ourselves from the thought that we are unlovable, or to recreate repressed situations to "prove to ourselves" we are not unlovable; and with millions upon millions of us all doing this, so the Western world is actually starting to become just a mass of avoidance strategies. We are each of us interpreting our world in a way that allows us to avoid confrontation with repressed conflicts from our past; and with a society based on supply and demand, so our planet is slowly being compelled to facilitate all these avoidance strategies in order that our minds can continue to hold down all the pain within.

This is why our world has become split between the North and the South. People in the Northern Hemisphere end up enslaving people in the Southern Hemisphere just so they can get things to help them get through the day. The driving instincts and seeking behaviour we adopt to keep pain and fear repressed become translated into corporate ambition and consumer desires. And so we are driven to undertake the enslavement of the "Third World" in a desperate attempt to satisfy our misdirected cravings.

It is by being brought up in the culture that the elite have manipulated into being that we are driven to enslave other races. And it is in the vehicles the elite have created that we actually carry out this enslavement.

By creating simply the vessels for control, the companies and later the corporations, and the human positions within those vessels, the jobs and the promotional ladder, the elite have evolved the means by which the whole planet can be slowly be brought within their grasp.

The corporation is the driving force behind the dynamic "to control everything." It is the machine that forcibly draws ever more of the planet's resources under its control. This driving entity sits embedded within a culture of control - a self-sustaining, ever-expanding vortex of repression that generates the people who will work for the corporation and leaves the rest emotionally shipwrecked within a structure that either imprisons them as worker-consumers or sidelines them without the means to effectively rebel. (The latter as inmates of the prison system or mental institutions, drug addicts, or the homeless.) Emerging as new-born innately beautiful beings from our mothers, our minds are so confused by the bewildering treatment we receive that we allow ourselves to become our own jailers, and slowly, the jailers of the planet.

And so we might look at three beautiful humans being born within our culture and see what becomes of them.

As a child, Susannah is an amazing person, a golden-haired girl who wants nothing more than to simply enjoy the world around her. But the harsh and imposing conditions of her parents' strict regime soon mean that she is compelled to give up her carefree outlook. As her belief in love and the innate goodness of people is torn from her, so she utilizes her considerable intelligence to put distance between herself and her past. Susannah learns that, by distancing herself from others and maintaining borders, she can protect herself from experiencing more pain. But because the experiences that caused her to adopt this defensive strategy remain repressed, she has no means to understand what it is that is truly motivating her behaviour. Susannah becomes a cynical but powerfully motivated individual. Her driving ambition takes her to the top of the corporate ladder, where the social and economic power she wields enacts a terrible retribution upon the planet. She does not recognize the damage she is doing by forwarding the causes of corporatization for her motivations are entirely subconscious, and her conscious mind always creates excuses. Because she cannot recognize the pain and fear lurking within, she cannot stop acting out her role. And should one day she finally begin to understand her part in the tragedy unfolding on Earth and leave the corporate environment, she shall simply be replaced by one of the many under her only too eager to forward their own subconscious agenda.

Barry too is a quite beautiful and amazing child. Then one day when he is crawling about the floor, his mother shouts at him for getting under her feet. His mother has been getting uptight recently for she has discovered his father has been having an affair. Instead of discussing this with her husband, she finds it easier to just take it out on Barry. Pretty soon, Barry begins to accept that there is no point in "someone like him" reaching out for love, for his experience is that it is usually withheld and only results in him getting more pain. And so, as he grows up, he becomes increasingly motivated to do things that can give him some sense of the self-worth he subconsciously craves, none of which of course work. Barry gets a job as a clerk in a post office, intending to use it merely as a stepping stone to a more rewarding life. But his constant subconscious need to experience self worth causes him to slowly be drawn into becoming little more than a slave to consumer society. He works his life away simply to constantly purchase goods, always wanting a new car or new toys for his children, and spends much of his time dreaming of material wealth, believing that, if he had it, the sense of dissatisfaction that lurks within him would go away.

Damien is another quite beautiful child. He loves nothing more than to look around him at the world going by and stare in wonder at the great beauty of it all. At the age of three, however, Damien's father decides it's time he started to grow up, for it was at that age that his own father began to enact his conditioning regime on him. Damien starts to find his every waking thought being directed by his father, with any transgression being met with a firm slap. Now grown up, Daniel still loves the natural world. He has no time for consumer culture, soon leaves the small town he grew up in, and heads for the city. There he takes up with a local group of political activists and begins attending demonstrations protesting the activities of the World Trade Organization and similar bodies. But soon Damien's natural desire to reverse the damage being done to our world becomes confused with his emotional need to confront the repressive regimes of his childhood. He finds himself constantly drawn into violent confrontations with the police. And so his efforts to change the world ultimately serve only to further marginalize rebellion because his constant subconscious need to indulge in violent confrontations with authority figures ensures that Barry and the millions like him will never join Damien on the front-line. Slowly finding himself more and more driven to hang out only with hard-core elements, Damien's life begins to implode with self-hatred as he starts to grapple with his inability to control his need for violent confrontation. He soon finds himself addicted to the illicit painkillers which can at least help him maintain emotional stability and, aged 29, is tragically found dead one morning of a heroin overdose in an abandoned building. At his funeral his father believes that, if only he had been tougher on his son, it would all have been different.

Not one of these three characters, or the millions they represent, have done anything wrong. All that has happened is that they have subconsciously utilized completely natural avoidance strategies to deal with unnatural treatment. Unconditioned, and living in a different time and place, they would all have led quite different lives. But here and now, in this time and place, they have become merely the means by which the planet is becoming enslaved.

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